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Cake Monster

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Everything posted by Cake Monster

  1. Havn.t we heard this before from somebody else
  2. The answer to that is A long time ago It is my belief that there is an EU wide ban on any EU Countries supplying to China any kind of Materials, Machinery Etc Etc for the purpose of manufacturing Military Equipment of any kind As this Submarine is being built in China, it will fall within that remit, whether its for Chinas use or anybody elses use
  3. Well ! If this Governor says he is not involved then he must be believed because of his position within Society
  4. Thailand welcomed all the Russians fleeing from Putins War Well ! Now they have got them Be careful in the quest for Money
  5. Thai Interest Rates are not going up any time soon The overriding factor for this is the Eye watering amount of Household Debt ( 90 .6 % of GDP ) Even a very small increase from the present level will trigger a massive amount of NPL on unsecured and Toxic Loans that are equivalent to 80 % of the Countries GDP Already at the present Interest Rate, there are a huge number of NPL, with Car Loan NPL increasing some 30 % from the start of the Year and Thousands of other Loans being placed into Special Mention measures ( NPL with a high probability of default )
  6. And " statute of limitations " runs out after 15 Years for him on Sunday Convenient
  7. Where to start Frequently unable to log in Every Item showing " out of Stock ". After several refresh and exits sometimes the price shows Place order and unable to process any payment method Its got so bad that I rarely use Lazada now, and am using Shopee Shopee seems fine for me
  8. I guess the Tsunami Warning Bouys ae all working, they just dont work for Tidal Waves
  9. There is no Education on Water usage in Thailand, which results in so much wastage through ignorance.
  10. Its probably more of an issue with affordability Not just from a buyers point of view, but also the amount of Money the Lenders are prepared to gamble on unsecured Loans
  11. Xi " Hey ! Best mate Best Pal, Best Buddy Srettha, could you find a quick way to send over some Money, as we seem to be in the Doo-Doo at the moment old Chap, and need a hand " Srettha " Ok, we will try to up our imports of your products in return you must send to us at least 15 Million Tourists before the Year end "
  12. In most, if nor all, the Household Debt in Wealthy Countries is secured on property In Thailand, only roughly 20 % of the Household Debt is secured The other 80 % is potentially Toxic Debt on unsecured Loans for such things as Credit Cards, personal :Loans Vehicle Loans, White Goods Etc Auto Loan NPL has risen just over 30+ % in the first half of the Year One of the major concerns for Toxic Debt
  13. The whole issue about raising wages, has to be based on only one Criteria Higher wages must equal higher productivity The only way to achieve this is with major Investment in Modern Technology, Automation and hands off work environments. Sounds great, but how do you A) Upskill mostly poorly Educated population into these rolls B) What about the people that cannot be upskilled. They cannot just be thrown away. There has to be work and purpose for them also This whole issue is a massive problem for the Government not least because a huge proportion of the Money earned by Migrant Workers does not reach the Thai Economy Its remitted back to their Home Countries
  14. In Thailand they refer to Household Debt as a percentage to GDP ratio, which currently stands at 90.6 % of GDP
  15. A very fitting sentence for these Animals Specially if all the other Prisoners are made fully aware of their Heinous Act towards small defenseless Children May they suffer, and rot in Hell
  16. Thanks As I said I am no economist I still cannot equate how falling Exports and diminished Tourism, which account for roughly 48 % of GDP can have possible expanded a GDP
  17. I wonder at the commentary from the Tour Guide " Well her we are in the famous City of Pattaya Firstly on your right, you will see a huge unmarked hole in the Road which over the recent past has been the site of many accidents, This hole is the much prized site of the City Council, and remains open for 24 Hours every Day Next on the Left side you can see piles of stinking Trash - at this point in the Tour you are advised to hold your Noses Next will be the sight and sound of many Beer Bars blaring out obnoxious Music Apologies - Your Tour will have to be cut short as we appear to be stuck in Traffic" Y
  18. But the Days of ruling by Proxy are just starting
  19. I am no economist, but this does not Compute for me If the Household Debt showed a minor increase of 3.5 % of GDP,, then why , when GDP is falling has the % of debt to GDP also fallen Surely the % of Debt to GDP would increase Also I am going to say that 3.6 % rise of Debt to GDP is not a minor increase at all - its huge To put that 15.9 Trillion number into some kind of context, all the Revenue Departments in Thailand collected a total of 1.9 Trillion Baht for the first 9 Months of the Year This Household Debt is eye watering, specially as 80 % of it is unsecured
  20. All of the things you mention require a high degree of purpose to implement and sustain. TIT
  21. The Chinese are not the only people on the Planet Any shortfall in Tourism is not entirely down to the lack of these people. Pattaya also has to look at itself , and ask why the Tourists from the rest of the World are not coming For so many Years when times were good, all the Authorities seem to do was cream off the Revenue generated by Tourism A chronic lack of any Investment in the City, such as the now proposed Monorail, clean and safe areas for people to relax, the lack of public Toilets Etc, has left the entire City a tired and extremely jaded destination for Tourists now The Streets are full of Holes that are dug to put in place some Infrastructure, hat should ( lets be honest ) have been put in place some 20 Years ago The sidewalks are an obstacle course every where Its not safe to cross a road - even at a crosswalk There is also high potential for some crime or another The reasons Tourists dont come to Pattaya just goes on and on, so why spend hard earned Money in Pattaya when there are far superior destinations for the same or less money, and cheaper Air Fares to get to them for many
  22. Why it that it appears all Chinese in the Country drive around in expensive cars Hmmm
  23. Good thinking Keep his toxicity within Thai Borders, Hes less likely to do any damage to International relations
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