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Cake Monster

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Everything posted by Cake Monster

  1. There are many factors involved in making a decision such as this. Vaccination rates is one that I know of, as are Daily Infection Rate is another. Severe cases and Hospital capacity maybe also come into the equation, as will " transparency " Thailand has been very lucky to get away with not being on the UK Red List thus far, and I think to get back to Amber status, they will need to improve on many facets of their Covid management.
  2. What really makes me just a tad miffed about this Sandbox, is all the lies, deceit and the betrayal of the Thai people. if so many have been Vaxxed, why so many Infections ?
  3. And do you really think that Somchai Enterprise Inc Co Ltd (2021 ) , is not already getting the print presses warmed up, and their App developer working 24/7..
  4. To open up the Country was always the plan, and always will be. If that possibly means that the Safety of the Sanboxers, and the Thai people is compromised, then that will be so. The Infections are now at a level over twice that of the level of 90 per Week,... on a Daily basis, of those stated for the Sandbox closure. The health of the Tourists, and the Local Thai population, is being put at risk every Day that this Lunatic scheme is open. And for just a few Tourist Dollars, and to pave the way for a Country wide opening, which if not conducted better than the Phuket Scheme will be a total disaster of epic proportions.
  5. I thought that the ceiling had already been reached on borrowing after I read about a Month or so ago that it had already reached something like 59.8 % of GDP after the last borrowing. Maybe I am wrong.
  6. It also appears there are some serious questions being asked of the Hospital where this victim was taken, and some Doctors within that Hospital. Apparently after he had died, this poor Man had gone for a jog and possibly died after suffered some adverse affects from drug use. A very fast release of the Body was given for Cremation.
  7. Several thought sprung to mind when I read this Article. The very first though was " why would a large Pharma Company give away 20 % extra with every Vial of Vaccine they sell " The answer to that is ... They would not, the product is too valuable, and Pharma are notorious for wringing every cent from their products. The second thought was " these Vials of vaccine are not filled by hand using a jug and funnel, they are filled on extremely accurate and calibrated Computerised Machines which will fill to a pre determined level, and accurate to within maybe about 2 % ( max overfill ) of Volume for the recommended doses of Vaccine. Then I thought. If the Vial holds the recommended dosage for 10 Shots how do you get 12 Shots from the same volume There are two ways essentially The first is to " water down " the contents The second is to " short dose " the first 10 shots. I think I will stay well clear of any AZ in the future if I get any choice at all.
  8. No, these ATK Test Kits will cloud the issue of Infection numbers even more. Just what the Gov,t wants.
  9. Long Covid is a very real and scary prospect for anybody that has contracted Covid. The effects can be so different from one patient to the next, but with all the cases the underlying fact is that the patient is debilitated for many Months after " recovery ". The Thai Health Authorities probably dont even know what ' long Covid "is, and if they do, they have probably been told to ignore it as there are not many cases, and they really dont matter. Army terminology......... Collateral damage
  10. There will be many people out there now who have had a single Vaccination of Sinovac and were told they now had Immunity, who will be bricking it right now. How many was it exactly that were single Vaxxed on Phuket to ensure Sandbox Safety ? Oh the lies and deception, and above all the betrayal of the Thai population.
  11. I guess they are hoping that the CCP can get a handle on the Delta outbreaks in the Country, and release their Touroids into Thailand for the high season.
  12. Are these Factory owners for real ? Firstly they ask for Government Money to keep their Factories running, and then what they are basically saying is that Asymptomatic Employees will kep working, and therefore spreading the Virus in the Factory until the workers become sick enough that they are then needing Medical attention at a Hospital
  13. Prayut may be furious, but the damage has already been done. " Protection "cannot possibly be offered to these low life. They have committed a Murder which is caught on film. The Image of the Thai Police Force has been tarnished Internationally now for many, many years, and this extremely upsetting, and tragic death in Police custody of a young man who whether innocent, or guilty of a crime, did not deserve to be tortured to death by these animals. This is just the latest in a long line of terrible crimes committed by the RTP over many years. And there will be many crimes they have committed that have gone unreported, or have been brushed over. " To protect and Serve " is the RTP motto Should be " We Torture, Maim and extort at our leisure "
  14. My take on the situation is that the Gov,t are playing Russian Roulette with the entire situation. There appears to be an all guns blazing attitude toward the Country opening up completely in October. The Infection numbers started to decline the Day that ATK test kits were starting to be used. Little, or no recourse to who has bought or used them, or the results, whether negative or positive, Perfect smoke screen. And for a Mid October opening this would be the time to start the smoke screening. But of course, I could well be wrong.
  15. The real problem will possibly not come from" Sandboxers " if the Country reopens. The major threat will come from the Thousands ( 470+ K ) Foreign workers that Thailand is proposing are allowed to renter the Country due to a massive labour shortage in all kinds of Industrial Sectors from Food, to Farming to Construction. Who will Police the movements of these Workers once they are in the Country, and that will just be the legal ones that entered. The flood gates will be opened wide again for illegal entry, and Thailand has proved time and again, that they are not capable of sealing their porous Borders. Along with these legal and illegal workers will come many who are unvaccinated, and possibly infected A disaster waiting to start me thinks, and wave 4 of the virus will soon start.
  16. Look like modern day Hippies to me. I think the 5 star accommodation should be set fire too or removed, and then they should be removed from the Island as well.
  17. And who exactly will determine which patients are at risk at the Pharmacy. Sounds like a free for all tactic to reduce the number of PCR tests and mask the true numbers of infections.
  18. But not all are required in the Factories. There are many required to work the Fields and other areas of need all across the Country. Dont the UNHRC and other NGO,s have any influence over these barbaric tactics of Bubble and Seal.
  19. With the Thai Authorities about to loosen lockdown restrictions, there is a bigger and potentially more devastating threat on the Horizon. There is also a plan to allow 470,000 + Migrant Workers to return to Thailand due to shortages of Labour within Industry. These Migrant Labourers have the potential to cause another Wave of Covid throughout the Country, as many will not be Vaccinated Etc. Unless the Thai Gov,t are going to offset all those Vaccines from their own people to inoculate all the workers, there is a very possible risk from these people, as once in the Country, they will be very hard to track down.
  20. Phuket has all the " Sandboxers " now spending Billions of Baht on Somtam, and pathetic Trinkets, so what is the problem now. Money must be flowing into the Economy of Phuket from all these people, so there is no need of any handouts
  21. And there is the problem. Thailand needs these people desperately to line the pockets of the rich Factory owners and land Owners. There are very few other alternatives for these people to find employment in other Countries in the Region. And the Thais know this, and thats why things are the way they are.
  22. Central Mombasa would seem to be preferred choice over Pattaya at the moment as a Holiday destination. At this moment in time , Pattaya looks like what it really is . An unloved Slum, that has seen almost Zero reinvestment from all the Tourist money that has been spent over the Years.
  23. I see the infection rate being as low as 3000 per Day by Mid August. ( if the Country is to open 1st October ) The game seems all too predictable to me. With 3000 infection per Day, the doors can open in October, any more and they will have to postpone the opening Mid August has to be the time when the Infections bottom out at about this number, because people have to have time to get confident in the numbers, book flights , hotels etc. 3 weeks for this to happen. 1000 less Infections every Day will equal 21 K - sounds about right
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