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Guitar God

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Posts posted by Guitar God

  1. I think your best bet would be to buy LED brake light/tail light conversions kits. If there isn't one on the market for a 2CV perhaps you could find one a similar size (and designed for 6VDC) that would fit.

    On a car with a 12v battery, the voltage can range from 10-14 volts and could have spikes that go higher than that. I've never opened up an LED taillight but I suspect they incorporate a voltage regulator so they can supply a constant voltage to the diodes.

    The forward voltage on high power LED's is between 1.5 and 3.5 volts depending on the type or color. If you put three 2v LED's in series, you would still need to calculate the value of the current limiting resistor. Without it, they're going to blow up.

    As for the flexible LED light strings, I'd say to find one that works off a 6VDC supply for the 2CV and one that works off 12VDC for your other 12v project.

  2. Does anyone know if an air chamber (short piece of vertical pipe on a horizontal line which has air in it) would work on a PCV plumbing system to act as a shock absorber to reduce the increase in pressure when you shut off a tap? It's common in copper pipe plumbing to prevent pipes banging when a tap is shut off quickly or a wash machine relay closes. I am getting a bigger pump but don't want to have problems with the pipes.

  3. Here's a couple examples:

    ไอกะบ่ได้ลบไรเนาะ กะว่าหมู่กัน

    กะปล่อย มันกะบ่มีจักเทื่อ

    รำคานแล้ว อยู่ไปกะบ่แฮปปี้

    And I should have mentioned, yes, it's most likely Isaan.

  4. Why would someone who spends five weeks exploring an area need to copy and paste and plagerise ?

    OP- We spent a few days there and I had a similar impression. No matter what time of day , the traffic was terrible. I don't see how anyone living there could do their shopping and avoid it.

    It struck me as a mini Pattaya without the walking street. We didn't go to any hooker bars but there were advertisements all over.

    In plain speaking English, what TF does this actually mean, We're travel bloggers

    Have you ever spent any time in HH?

    Have you ever been in Thailand?

    Or you one of these new Digital Nomads we keep hearing about?

    The same ones who plaigiarise, copy and paste, and knock out a review from some place like Cambo?

  5. An armed populace sounds good in theory but lax gun laws just make it easier for people with bad intentions to get a gun. The U.S. has open, and concealed carry laws in many states yet the per capita rate of homocide by firearms is many times higher than it is in countries where every hoodlum and crack addict can't get a pistol just for the asking.

  6. Given that the life expectancy of a heroin addict is around 15 years, the highly unlikely chance they would die of cardiac arrest during one or two Ibogaine treatments still provides a better outcome. Ibogaine and ayahuasca are widely used and there are few fatalities. Like I said, I know of three people who were treated with Ibogaine and haven't used narcotics since. The earliest was 14 years ago. Chances are at least one of them would be dead by now. Ibogaine saved their lives. I don't think people should be making money off it though. Pay for the Ibogaine and let someone with experience administer it.

  7. I spent a few minutes and found quite a few reports on successful treatments.


    The outcome of the above study was all positive except for one woman who died from using heroin after treatment. They found charred tin foil in her effects. She didn't die from Ibogaine.

    Here are some more:




    Even with a DEA license, scientists have a difficult time being able to conduct studies and have them published on non-mainstream drugs, especially if they have any pleasant side effects.

    You can study the effects of poisons and carcinogens all day long but if you study something that gives you a little buzz like cannabis, it's an uphill battle getting approval.

    Any lack of peer-reviewed studies of the efficacy of Ibogaine treatments would be due to the same reasons there are so few published university or government studies on the effectiveness of cannabis on seizures or cancer while there are thousands of cases with anecdotal evidence. Time-lapse shots of melanoma disappearing or children's seizures stopping after it's administration.

    Iboga has been well proven by modern pharmacological and medical studies to be effective in treating various substance addictions ... esp. opium, morphine & heroine addictions.

    Could you provide a link to a reputable, peer reviewed scientific journal which reports such studies?

    I rather suspect you can't, but if you can I'd be most appreciative.

    Sorry, I'm not understanding. HerbalEd says "Iboga has been well proven by modern pharmacological and medical studies", so there can't be "any lack of peer-reviewed studies". I'm sure HerbalEd can't be mistaken making such a bold assertion. I just wanted a few references to look up.

    Searching Google Scholar* I see articles about how Ibogaine destroys brain cells, its biochemistry, and its effects on rats and mice, but only one article** in the first few pages which records a trial in a non-clinical setting where 1 out of 33 patients died. It only followed the patients for 72 hours and even in this short period some of them continued their drug seeking and/or continued to experience withdrawal symptoms.

    * http://scholar.google.co.th/scholar?hl=en&q=Ibogaine

    ** Alper, K. R., Lotsof, H. S., Frenken, G. M. N., Luciano, D. J. and Bastiaans, J. (1999), Treatment of Acute Opioid Withdrawal with Ibogaine. The American Journal on Addictions, 8: 234242.

  8. Any lack of peer-reviewed studies of the efficacy of Ibogaine treatments would be due to the same reasons there are so few published university or government studies on the effectiveness of cannabis on seizures or cancer while there are thousands of cases with anecdotal evidence. Time-lapse shots of melanoma disappearing or children's seizures stopping after it's administration.

    Iboga has been well proven by modern pharmacological and medical studies to be effective in treating various substance addictions ... esp. opium, morphine & heroine addictions.

    Could you provide a link to a reputable, peer reviewed scientific journal which reports such studies?

    I rather suspect you can't, but if you can I'd be most appreciative.

  9. A lot of people seem to have difficulty reading this article. He died. BEFORE he started Ibogaine treatment.

    A treatment that is usually very effective and safe.

    I guess the "staying clean for five days prior to treatment" part is the most difficult. Too bad the guy wasn't able to or he would most likely still be alive today and probably have no interest in heroin anymore. I know of three people who successfully beat their addictions after one Ibogaine treatment.

    • Like 1
  10. As far as I can tell, everything is 8.5 PVC. It wasn't the builders who advised against a bigger pump, it was the developer/general contractor. I don't think it was because she knew they did a crappy job, The same crew built her house too. I think she just wanted to avoid any blame if anything did go wrong and decided low flow/low pressure for us was better than taking a chance that a bigger pump would cause problems.

    Don't they use air chambers in the pipes here to work as a hydraulic shock absorber to avoid "water hammer" and a quick increase in pressure when turning off a distant tap?

    I don't see any visible. Couldn't I just add an upright pipe after the pump before the line goes inside the house, or does it need to be a ways from the pump to work properly?

  11. I have a new house, new pipes, new pump and a 6000w on demand heater and the water pressure in the upstairs shower is low, AND the water's not as warm as where I used to live that had a 2500w heater. It was one of the highest powered and most expensive water heaters and I expected better.

    I also asked for the biggest pump possible and the builder put in a small one, even though I would have been charged more for a bigger one so he wasn't just being cheap. I asked why he didn't put in a bigger pump, he said the PVC pipes would burst. The pressure in the kitchen, nearest the pump doesn't seem anywhere high enough to burst pic pipes, even if a new pump had twice the pressure. All the pvc lines and joints are incased in concrete and terminate even with the wall with a threaded metal connection. How could pvc lines in concrete burst? What are the bigger pumps for , copper plumbing?

  12. That's just two 555 timers driving some Darlington power transistors. There's no modulation, just an adjustable, single frequency output. I don't think it would do as well as a circuit that modulates (varies) the frequency.

    I had one where I could turn the modulation off and the dog was less effected by it than when the modulation was on.

    Pretty decent power though, up to about 30 watts output. You can find piezo transducers or tweeters or horn tweeters at just about anyplace that sells audio components, Radio Shack, Conrad, E-bay, http://www.parts-express.com/cat/tweeters/17?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=INT_Canada_B&utm_group=tweeters_17_B

    If you build it you'll need big heat sinks and thermal conductive gel to draw heat from the transistors.

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