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Guitar God

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Posts posted by Guitar God

  1. Wearing a helmet saved my life twice.

    I had one minor accident when not wearing a helmet, 18cm radial skull fracture and concussion put me in the hospital for a week and I lost my olfactory sense. Had two worse accident when wearing a helmet, higher speed, harder impact and slammed my head into the ground at speed and didn't even get a headache, broke six other bones the last time though.

    There is an assumption here that wearing a helmet prevents death from motorcycle accidents. Is that a valid assumption?

  2. Theoretical pseudo science?

    Colorado legalizes cannabis and within 6 months, crime drops 10%, violent crime drops by 5%. Deaths by opiate painkiller ODs are down 25% and the state has collected $30 million in taxes and between 10,000 and 15,000 new jobs were created.

    2005 Portugal legalized all drugs, hard drug use and OD rates are one of the lowest in Europe.

    In the 70's The Netherlands decriminalized marijuana and hash and allowed their controlled sale. Marijuana use among teens is about half the rate of prohibitionist countries like the US, France and Sweden. Meth use is practically unheard of, as are narcotic OD's. They do have a high rate of MDMA use though.

    Not theory, facts and all these countries are right here on earth.

    Some people use dangerous drugs because safer, bulkier alternatives aren't available. When cannabis use rises, alcohol and hard drug use decreases. There are many reliable references on the internet with results of these studies. Take away the allure of illegal drugs and interest in using them decreases. Make safer drugs available at places that deal only in those drugs and people are no longer exposed to criminal dealers who push coke, ya ba, heroin, meth etc. on them.

    Back in the 80's, comedian Sam Kinison said (yelled actually) as a joke " Give us back our pot and we'll stop smoking crack". Funniest part of the joke was that he turned out to be right.

    Legalize, regulate quality and apply taxes. Safer for the user and financially beneficial for the state. Let's get our class A drugs back to the high standard their category implies, instead of the badly manufactured rubbish the off duty coppers are pushing nowadays.

    You obviously haven't had to deal with on a daily basis, or have seem the scourge that class A drugs are on Thai society.

    The deaths, the destroyed lives and the huge negative impact on Thai society and the economy are very real!

    Please take your theoretical pseudo science and leave it on Mars, cause it don't work on earth

    • Like 1
  3. My impression of the post was that it was someone, who happened to be a lawyer, giving advice about changes in adherence to existing rules to help people avoid annoyance and complications. I doubt many people here hire attorneys to get married. It's not like it was a shameless plug or anything.

    I got married here in February at Bangrak and they told us not to bring witnesses.

  4. I wonder who will go on record of being the first Californian busted for possession of a single use plastic bag?

    Usually it's the contents, not the container that cause the legal problems.

    People usually plan to go grocery shopping, it's not that hard to plan to bring a bag. It seems wasteful to use a bag for a few minutes then throw it away. 7-11 automatically starts putting everything in bags whether you want it or not, can of pop, bottle of water, ready to eat pizza slice..

  5. A customs broker I use in Europe can hold imported goods without me paying any duty until I remove it. It's held where it's physically in the country but technically not there tax wise.

    What I don't understand is why a company would spend millions speculating on cars they don't have buyers for and have them sit for (16) years when most of those cars have none or a short wait list and the could take orders and sell when the have a buyer.

    Why is imported property that is subject to tarrif duties/import taxes allowed to be stored in private warehouses instead of a government customs facilities where there would (theoretically) be assurances of adequate security and accountability? For the average person in Thailand purchasing property that is imported there is very specified handling of the property by customs to assure collection of taxes before release. Thailand needs to reform whatever deficiences there are that allowed these supercars (and no doubt similar high value properties) to disappear as quick as it writes blank checks for budget expendictures.

  6. I'm looking forward to it because I just smashed my iPhone 5 and it's irreparable and I need a new one to restore my data to so I don't have to keep using my old iPhone 4s which is missing recent phone numbers, photos, conversations, notes etc.

    I've never owned any Apple laptops or desktops but my iPhone is the closest thing I have to magic. Navigation, spoken translation and recognition, dictation, currency exchange, banking, song identification, agenda, remote viewing of all my ip security cameras, home control, plus all the standard phone/text features.

  7. A while ago cinemas used to have glassed-in crying rooms in the back of the theater so when mom thought her 6 month old baby would enjoy watching The Unsinkable Molly Brown as much as she did and it cried instead, she could move to the soundproofed room so as not to spoil the cinematic experience for the people who paid their $3.75.

    Airlines on the other hand let babies fly for free and move them to bulkhead seats, directly behind first class or business class so the people who paid $4000 for a lie-flat bed do they could sleep can enjoy the crying too.

    • Like 1
  8. So yes OP, there is an ignore feature here. In your settings, under "Manage ignore prefs".

    I had a friend on FB who would post about current weather, health updates, bowel movements, grocery list and especially, every bit of bad luck she had, in excruciatingly long comments. It took minutes more just to scroll through my timeline because of her.

    I clicked "don't show on timeline" and it's saved me loads of time and annoyance. If I'm bored I can always go to her page and read what I missed.

  9. Just ignore these people who don´t understand irony. We need to approach life with a bit of a smile and a big sense of humor. Those who doeasn´t get that, is probably people you have to stay away from.

    My life philophosy is cencentrated in 3 sentences:

    1: Stay away from people who doesn´t like to joke

    !: Stay away from people who doesn´t like a good meal and a drink.

    2:Stay away from people who hate animals.


    4.Stay away from the intake of jet engines and wood chippers or anything radioactive.

  10. Is it possible to "block" replies from certain members so their posts and replies don't show up when you login and read threads you started?

    If so and it's always the same group of negative smart-ass, holier than thou posters you can choose not to display their posts in the first place.

    It is annoying when the majority of posts follow the same format:

    1 Sincere question

    2 Worthwhile input

    3 Smart-assed comment

    4 Insult

    5 Pissing match

    6 Flame war

    7 Four pages of off-topic posts

  11. Tops Market has a wide selection of Lindt chocolate from Switzerland, Herseys chocolate bars and cooking chocolate and chips in both Ubon and Bkk.

    For salad dressing, in Europe I could not find Western, (red French) dressing anywhere so I found a recipe and made my own and it tasted just as good, if you can't find honey mustard dressing I'm sure the ingredients are available and there's a recipe on the Internet.

  12. Thanks for the replies.

    I could try asking the hospital if they know of anyone but I just need hands and feet and assistance, not necessarily a nurse. Nursing is hard work, I've known many. Not sure how much anyone would like to doubletime that. You never know though.

    I'm in Ubon Ratchathani city, hospital is close but her family lives an hour away. Both parents work full time and are busy with planting rice.

    Two sisters already helping us out taking care of our business but they're in BKK, another sister also 700 km away working full time.

    Cousins and other relatives fully employed or attending college. My wife graduated from U here and has lots of friends but they are all working full time and/or raising children. A lot of people would like to help but aren't available during the day.

    What might the term be, maybe I could search? How do you advertise for temp help? Probably be easier in BKK but I am where I am for now.

  13. While trying to avoid a pedestrian who walked in front of me without looking, I dumped my bike and broke my shoulder and injured my leg. My wife can't take off any more work so I'm stuck at home and its difficult to get around to get food, water, icepacks etc.

    I don't want to jeopardize my wife's career, and as nice as she is, her calling isn't nursing anyway. She's taken care of me to the best of her abilities but it's stressful and I'd rather pay someone to assist me for a few weeks until I'm mobile again.

    How could I find caretakers or temporary assistants in Thailand for situations like this?

    You'd think there would be people wanting to make extra cash for simple tasks but neither of us can think of where to find them.

    Here hometown is over an hour from where we live and she doesn't know of anyone here who is available or suitable.

    Our mae baan helps out but she is here only one day a week and busy working the rest of the week. We haven't found any full time mae baans. Not sure where else to look after we've ask all our friends for recommendations.

    Any ideas on where to find a household helper?

  14. I rented a modern, 9 room, 4 br 3 bath house with AC up and down for 6 months from a retired couple, both doctors, very nice people. I paid 6 months rent in advance plus one month deposit. It wasn't 3k pm though. I looked here and a small 4 room place, in not a good location, no parking, no yard, no AC was 5k. A studio with bath/toilet costs 7k pm here.

    Seems like we lost the OP. Maybe his wife and gf bumped into each other ?

    • Like 1
  15. I'm fairly satisfied with my Maige box but I though it was supposed to be able to record and play back shows. I hooked up an external USB HD and although it will play files that were on the HD (which I could do easier by just connecting to my PC), there doesn't seem to be any way to record shows off the media box?

    Does anyone know how to do it?

    I have a 15MB connection and never have any problems with buffering, even with other PC's using bandwidth. There are probably 6 of the 100's of (primarily Chinese) channels that I watch, plus on-demand movies.

    When I couldn't place an order, their tech support was quick and helpful but after-sales support has been non-existent in ,my experience.

  16. I'm seeing a wide range of info, 50k pm will get you 3m, 25k will get you 1m, 50% of wife (or is it husband's ) income is the max monthly payment. Farang husband's income counts, or doesn't count.

    She went to the bank a few months ago and won't go back again until the house is close enough to completion. Back then, with no car loan, they said yes to 2m mortgage based on 15 k pm income. Now the situation is 14k pm going out in car payment and an additional 35 k pm going into her bank account.

    I'm wondering if the bank will consider the extra 35k pm since it's not salary.

    Should things go tits up and she defaults, the bank ends up with a 6m house for 2 or 2.5 m. Seems like enough security for the bank to me.

  17. Would a bank lend 2.5 m in this situation do you think?

    Land in prime location, 200 talang wa worth 1 M฿ owned outright. New construction, house worth 5M฿, 50% downpayment.

    Thai government employee with income of 20k pm from work, 35k "allowance" from husband for the past few months, farang husband income over 200k pm. Thai wife has good credit, only other loan is 700k car loan with 14k pm payment.

    Pardon any errors, I just had surgery to repair compound fractures sustained in an accident and am getting 10ml morphine every 4 hours.

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