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Guitar God

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Posts posted by Guitar God

  1. Yeah, that's no guarantee. I build a house is a very small gated community, before I started construction the neighborhood was quiet, for 6 months during construction the neighborhood was quiet and then within 2 weeks after I moved in, a neighbor 200m away got a rooster and then my nextdoor neighbor got one and put his cage on my lotline. We get along fine with all the neighbors, they didn't do it to piss me off or try to make me leave, they just decided they wanted to keep roosters, although they don't care for them enough to keep them close to their house. As far as possible form their house happened to be as close as possible to mine, I'm sure they gave zero thought to what their neighbors though about them getting roosters. Just like people who have undisiplined dogs think.

    I bought an electric mower even though I wanted a gas mower. I got it because I never heard any gas mowers in the neighborhood and I didn't want to be the only one here making noise, silly considerate me.

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  2. Same here. uploaded numerous versions of small images to TinyPic and whenever I pasted the url or the jpg, gif or png I recevied an error message saying:

    You are not allowed to use that image extension on this community.

    I didn't try RAW or TIFF or PSD or BMP or the ever popular TGA extension though.

    Is embedding remote images disabled and someone forgot to mention it?

  3. Here ya go, just pay attention to the polarities of the diodes.


    I bought a Pet Safe Bark Control http://www.amazon.co.uk/PetSafe-PBC19-11794-Outdoor-Bark-Control/dp/B001NI1S0O/ref=sr_1_15?ie=UTF8&qid=1417863193&sr=8-15&keywords=pet+safe+anti+bark

    And it works up to a point, the problem is it is not loud enough, to annoy the barking dog sufficiently to shut TF up. The sensing part works ok, but what I need is a simple adjustable output amp and I guess a microphone. The only part of the amp I need is a tweeter, which handles the HF end, the only bit I need.

    If someone came up with something, they could sell them here and judging by the replies, to 90% of farangs in Thailand.

    We bought our house in a cul-de-sac of a nice Soi 7 years ago, my neighbour moved here 1 year ago, I am not going to poison or shoot his dog, the owner? perhaps. But either way I will get into trouble, I am a farang and he is Thai, end of story.

    It is a waste of time trying to reason with people like this, so a simple subtle solution is needed. Come on lads this can't be rocket science, when I did my O' level electronics 100years ago, I made a sound to light unit, it was just a bunch of resistors and stuff.

    Circuit diagram SVP.


    • Like 2
  4. You'd think dogs would like a spray of water on a hot day but evidently not. I've got one stray in the neighborhood and when our gate was open he'd wander in and make himself at home in the yard. The first couple times I sprayed him with the garden hose, last time I only had to walk toward the faucet and he'd leave. Now I can leave the gate open and he just lays outside.

    i used water

    A Songkron water pistol to get the distance or go buy a 5 litre water sprayer from Homepro that has a good reach

    Both neighbours dogs and mine have quietened down quit well until a complete stranger comes into the soi But i can understand that

    I sleep in peace

  5. I forget, how long was it between the time they took dna samples from the suspects and when they announced the results?

    According to random internet strangers (a US cop), "The process can also be "pushed," if it's urgent enough, as it sometimes is in a serious criminal or medical case, and all the DNA results usually needed for forensic evidence or medical treatment can be obtained within seventy-two hours."

    I'm sure someone involved with this investigation has the authority to push these tests to the front of the line at the lab. Paternity test results are back in less than 48 hours, from companies who work on a first in, first out basis.

    so many holes in case, let's make a list to remind ourselves...... 1)..DNA match was completed too quickly.... anybody want to add more?

  6. If the cops would pull every vehicle over with no muffler or burnt out light bulbs and wrote them a fix-it ticket and pocketed 100 for themselves they'd never need to have to fleece tourists for tea money.

    In Ubon 1 out of every 4 scooters has no working lights on the back. At least 5 percent don't have any lights at all. Probably a third that have a working headlight have a big bag in a wire basket completely blocking the light, or maybe just reflecting some light back into their eyes.

    They're impossible to see until you're right on top of them and guess who's fault it is if you run into the back of scooter at night that doesn't have any lights on it? They're an accident that's not only waiting to happen, it's an accident way overdue and a miracle they're still alive.

    I have a set of Vance and Hines Longshots on a 1600cc Road King, I installed baffles to quiet them down a little so I wouldn't set off car alarms when I drive by. I mainly drive outside the city and on the highway where I like to have people hear me so they don't drift over into me.

    I don't saw the muffler off my scooter, or let it rust off and drive around residential areas at 1am revving my engine like the drivers of annoyingly loud scooters do however. And the police don't care.

    The police here have their priorities <deleted> up. They waste their time doing things that don't contribute a thing to making the roads safer (except for the 200 baht no-helmet fine) and let dilapidated vehicles lacking basic safety equipment and smoke-belching trucks just drive past

  7. A couple weeks ago after I paid the mae ban she said "thanks", wai'd and when she leaned forward she brushed/bumped up against me.

    I figured she was just clumsy and misjudged the distance.

    Today when she was finished, she came in to my office, sat on the floor next to me, said "set lauw" and I paid her. She said thanks, wai'd all the way to the floor and touched my feet.

    I've been wai'd a lot but it's never been a contact sport. Does it mean "oh thank you, thank you", did she learn to wai from her touchy-feely family or does she need glasses?

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  8. Did the monkey leave a note or tell someone of his plans to rescue the goose? Did some monkey whisperer translate the monkey's intentions? It seems like just speculation why the monkey ran in the house, especially since he didn't come out with a goose.

    On another subject, you can own monkeys as pets? I asked my wife if we could get one to pick coconuts off our tree and she said they were protected and they all belonged to the king or government.

  9. A great idea whose time is overdue. I do not like the idea of officers having to manually start the camera though. If my $50 dashcam can record continuously and store a few hours of video, their $1000 cameras surely could record an entire shift before the video is overwritten.

    From a NYT article:

    THE Rialto study began in February 2012 and will run until this July. The results from the first 12 months are striking. Even with only half of the 54 uniformed patrol officers wearing cameras at any given time, the department over all had an 88 percent decline in the number of complaints filed against officers, compared with the 12 months before the study, to 3 from 24.

    Rialto’s police officers also used force nearly 60 percent less often — in 25 instances, compared with 61. When force was used, it was twice as likely to have been applied by the officers who weren’t wearing cameras during that shift, the study found. And, lest skeptics think that the officers with cameras are selective about which encounters they record, Mr. Farrar noted that those officers who apply force while wearing a camera have always captured the incident on video.

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  10. The taxi drivers want to be able to report bad customers? How's that going to work since passengers don't wear license plates, farang numbers or have their travel license taped to their body.

    "Dispatch, Yeah, I just dropped off a farang on the way to Chit lom, he wanted me to stop a block away. Tall, light skin, big nose".

    "Roger that, I'll log it in the complaint file".

    • Like 1
  11. In the ask a lawyer section (that doesn't allow replies) I saw:

    Q. If a foreigner paid for and built a house on land owned by his girlfriend.....and when they broke off can the foreigner makes any claim to the house he paid for..thanks

    A. The house must have been registered in the foreigner's name and lodged with the land office. That should have been done at the outset. Without such a transfer document the property is immovable property and remains with the land owner.

    This implies a foreigner can have a house in his name (or in his and his wife's name) and have it registered at the land office. I don't know what transfer document the lawyer refers to (the registration of the house going from developer/former owner to him?) but my question is,

    In order for a foreigner to have his name (also) listed as registered owner, does the house have to be paid for 100%, or can the foreigner still be listed if a mortage for half the house price has been taken out by his Thai wife?

    What about after the mortgage is paid off, can the foreigner still register at the land office or is it too late because it can only be done when the house is initally bought?

  12. I disagree, the biggest "hard drug" problem in the Netherlands is Ecstasy, second now is probably hallucinagenic mushroom, since they were reclassified along with heroin and meth as a "hard drug", oh and cannabis that's over 21% THC, or hash or extracts. Those are now "hard drugs" too.

    The big cities have a few heroin addicts, like any other big city. Meth isn't much of a problem and doesn't come up in the news often. Heroin addicts are offered methadone, they get clean needles and they don't need to commit crimes to support their habit.

    Probably the biggest "drug problem" they had was lack of parking at coffeeshops near borders. Those shops had so much business because of prohibition in neighboring countries the residents compained about traffic and parking problems.

    Portugal, the Netherlands and other pragmatic countries have lower rates of drug use by teens and less legal, social and health problems than prohibitionist countries. Colorado is reporting a drop in violent and petty crimes since they legalised. Prohibition made things worst in the 1920's with alcohol, it's doing the same in the 2010's Everyone who has died from "spice" or other chemical "marijuana" concoctions is a direct result of prohibition.

    False Claims

    McCaffrey asserted that drug abuse problems in The Netherlands are "enormous" (Associated Press, July 13, 1998). In fact, the Dutch have no more drug problems than most neighboring countries which do not have "liberal" drug policies. Further, by virtually all measures the Dutch have less drug use and abuse than the U.S. — from a lower rate of marijuana use among teens to a lower rate of heroin addiction among adults.

    source: http://www.cedro-uva.org/lib/reinarman.dutch.html

    Maybe if Thailand legalized or de-criminalized pot, they could reduce the horrible meth problem that currently exists.

    Holland and a couple of other countries tried that before and it didn't work out. There're boats in Amsterdam, where heroin addicts could get their free "clean and tested by cops first" heroin, to help them. Unfortunately, all you do for them seems to go exactly in the opposite direction.

    It didn't work, as so many of them put the heroin into their mouths, to later trade it with coke, to get the kick, not always on route 66.....

    It's sad and true at the same time that such "drug specialists" all around the world usually know nothing about the subject at all.

    I've worked with all sorts of drug addictions, brought hundreds to a therapy, visited them in jail, just to find out that most of them died overdosed when they had the chance to flee, or were released as being "clean."

    This guy should watch "Kid Cannabis" and might learn a lot next time. A real watchable movie about a young bloke. A must see.

  13. A few days ago the general of the Ubon Army base ordered his troops to buy white paint and paint over all the portraits of the king that students from the local schools paited on the west and south walls surrounding the airport around 5 years ago.

    Has anyone heard why?

    Personally I'd rather they used the money and manpower to fill some of the 25cm deep potholes on the roads. But they seemed to have different priorities.

  14. I don't have any experience with the Amway unit but I have studied test results for other water filters and saw huge differences in their efficacy. One model actually had a higher ppm output of one heavy metal. The only way to tell how good the filter is is to test the output water. RO filters can be had for a reasonable amount but be aware that if you drink only RO water you will not be getting minerals your body requires.

  15. My retirement visa expires in February 2015. I want to change it to an extension based on marriage to a Thai citizen.

    Do they require 400k in the bank for 3 or 4 months prior to renewal? I have 1M in there now but it dipped below 400k for a couple weeks in early Nov. Will they be picky about that?

    For my retirement visa last year I obtained a notarized statement of income from the U.S. embassy based on income from a business I own in Europe. Should I use that for proof of income for the new extension, a letter from Bangkok Bank or both, just to be sure?

    My home and registered address is in Ubon. Do I make the application at Phibun, same office where you do the 90 day reporting?

    Thanks in advance.

  16. Parts is parts...

    I could imagine the horror of driving a low slung sports car around the area where I live. Even though all the roads are sealed there are still plenty of pot holes and slopes that would see the end of the suspension. So unless you are only going to take it on a freeway, it's just not going to be a practical car to drive in Thailand.

    Plenty of sports cars round these parts. It just seems that the locals prefer them to be German or Italian.

    What "parts" are you talking about?

    The parts where I live.

    The world hates a smart arse.

  17. I wasn't puzzled by the fact that there were no roosters after the laborers took theirs. I was merely stating that none of the neighbors had roosters then, or up to a week after we moved it.

    All during construction of our new house the laborers kept roosters, when they left, the roosters went with them.

    A month later we move in, no roosters.

    I don't understand this. Why do you find it strange or remarkable that there were no roosters if the laborers took them with them?
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  18. Why do so many Thai's keep roosters at their house? I know some people keep them for cock fights but that doesn't explain all of them.

    Is it because male chicks are not as desirable as females and they can buy a rooster chick for 50 baht instead of 100 baht for a hen? They keep it for a few months and kill it an eat it?

    I can see advantages of keeping chickens, free eggs or more free chickens but as far as I can tell, roosters only $hit and make noise all day. Hen lay unfertilized eggs without a rooster, the people keeping roosters don't seem to have any hens.

    All during construction of our new house the laborers kept roosters, when they left, the roosters went with them.

    A month later we move in, no roosters.

    A week later, one family at the other end of our small community gets a rooster. Today our next-door neighbor has a rooster in a cage right on the other side of our wall and now I see him building a cage as far away from his house and as close to ours as possible. I'm guessing "roosters".

    What's the advantage of keeping roosters instead of chickens, aside from annoying your neighbors?

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