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Guitar God

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Posts posted by Guitar God

  1. What's the advantage of extension of stay based on marriage rather than retirement, other than not having to maintain 800k in the bank (or show 65k in income)?

    Do you still need a multiple entry or reentry stamp to leave and return if it's based on marriage, or do you need one either way?

    Retirement visa does not allow you to work or have a work permit. With a work permit you can import household goods duty free, with a retirement visa, you can't.

    Is it easier to put a vehicle in your own name, easier to get a loan

    Does it make it easier or shorten the process to apply for a residence permit or citizenship if it's based on marriage?

    The retirement is simpler and you get your stamp the day you apply rather than getting a conditional approval and a stamp a month later for marriage but what would the OP be giving up by switching to retirement? What would I gain for going from retirement to based on marriage?

  2. Doesn't anyone ever die from an accidental overdose or suicide in your country?

    His (presumably American) wife went back to the US two weeks ago. It seems more likely that she left him and he was depressed and OD'd either by accident or on purpose than whatever other scenario people are implying happened instead. The cops found piles of white power. I don't know about you but I keep my baking power and Ajax cleanser in their containers. Piles of white powder and a dead body nearby sounds like coke or speed. The police said there was no sign of a fight and didn't mention his wallet or anything was missing.

    I swear, a terminally ill farang here could have a 10 page notarized and apostilled suicide note, signed by witnesses, filed at the embassy, posted a week in advance on social media sites, record video of himself committing suicide and fifty people here still wouldn't believe it and half of them would call the police idiots.

    Suicide, accidental overdose, chronic abuse, heart condition. That is always the official reasons for dead farangs here. Once in a while they find a burmese scapegoat.

  3. If you're using an adaptor other than the one that came with the device make sure the polarity is the same. There should be a diagram on the device and the adaptor showing if the center of the connector is positive or negative. If the adaptor and device aren't the same, you'll blow it up.

    Higher frequencies are more directional than lower frequencies and you're not going to hear them as well as lower frequencies if you don't have a line of sight.

    Some dogs are afraid of thunder but replicating that with an amp and speaker would be difficult. Most dogs don't like fireworks. Neighbors might wonder about you doing that though.

  4. Increasing the input voltage for a circuit designed to operate within a certain voltage range will either blow it up or cause it to fail prematurely.

    Even if you knew how high you could go with the input voltage, you're probably not going to get that much more out of it.

    Someone mentioned one used 6 batteries, that's 9v. If it was possible to get more output by increasing the input voltage, the manufacturer could include a 12v or 18v or 24v AC adapter for about the same price as the 9v one and be able to claim for example "60dB output on batteries, 70dB output on AC power" (twice as loud). Since they don't, that tells me the circuit was designed for 9v nominal input.

    If you want to modify that one, you need to find a point on the board where you have a line-level signal (where it goes into the power amp) and run that into a higher power amplifier that has frequency response of at least 30-35k. Maybe you could just use the output to the piezo transducer and possibly put an attenuator on it so it doesn't distort. Most audio amps roll off fast over 16kHz and have a lot less output at 20kHz and almost nothing at 30kHz. And to handle the higher power, you'll want to have the amp drive a horn tweeter with a frequency range of up to 30-35kHz.

    I think it was around 22-25kHz where mine worked the best but it you just have an oscillator that outputs a steady sine wave, to the dog it would be like listening to the hi-pitched noise of an old CRT TV flyback (about 15kHz), it's a little annoying if you can hear that high but you get used to it, so would the dog.

    What you need, and this device probably has it, is a modulated, sweeping frequency like you can hear here, except at ultrasonic frequencies.


    Steps involved:

    Open the device and locate the line-level signal.

    Find or build an ultrasonic audio amp and a power supply

    Buy a suitable horn tweeter.

    Box it up and connect the device to the amp and amp to horn tweeter.

    It's not as simple as turning the existing device up to 11.

    If I had problem dogs near my house I'd probably build one, the bigger, the better. Bark-activated so if the dog's not barking, the thing's not outputting any sound.

    My only annoyance now is roosters.

    what frequency / wavelength works best and does a dog get familiar with it and ignore it ?

    do other animals hear it too ?

    Can you make one that is directional like a radar gun ,

    Does a dogs bark have a certain frequency / wavelength ? then you could make it the trigger at that frequency / wavelength to turn it on.

    and how much does it hurt other non barking dogs who can not get away from your dog silencer ? maybe they are in a cage or restricted area?

    I do not have a dog problem how as they moved , but who knows the future and I hate to hurt a non barking dog to try and "teach" a barking one

    The devices on the market at present don't "hurt" the dog, they distract it or irritate it, rather like their barking irritates the neighbour, I think the problem is they get used to it, rather like the Thais do their dog's barking. Even the loudest of these devices is only 1.6watts, which is not that loud, even though it is at high frequency.

    According to another poster 1.6watts is enough, so that is what I would like to aim for, hopefully by increasing the input power to mine using a variable voltage DC mains supply.

    I thought I made it clear from the start this is not about inflicting pain in some sort of clandestine attack on the neighbour's poor dog, it is about shutting the dog up from nuisance barking. So nuisance dog owners stop trolling this thread, if there was a product I could aim at the like's of you instead of your dog, I would prefer that, but there isn't. Remember, you are the real problem here.

    As I have said before, the woman next door has a barky dog, but after a quiet word she takes her dog in at night and does her best to train her dog the rest of the time. The new guy on the other side, however, has the attitude, "my house, my dog, my country, so go back home if you don't like that." So I have to deal with that, if I want any peace.

    So really I am looking for some technical help, for this very solvable problem.

  5. I'm not sure why I have both and I'm not sure why immigration gave me a multiple reentry if I didn't need it.

    On my extension of stay it says" To keep your stay permit (,) reentry permit must be made before leaving Thailand" ( I added the comma for readability).

    Which to me implies that I either need a multiple entry permit, or apply for some other reentry permit before I leave.

    I know how to get a multiple reentry permit and it's good for a year and I don't have to do anything to get back in and there's no risk of forgetting and having my extension of stay cancelled when I return. Can I apply at the airport before I leave?

    How can I come and go as I please with an extension of stay? How can I get a reentry permit?

  6. I have an extension of stay I think. In my passport I have old Non-B visa, then a extension of stay marked "retirement" good until Feb 21 2015 and a non-imm multiple entry good until the same date.

    Here's the link to the info I included in my original post:


    Item 3 was just the header for the section including 4 through 10.

    I'll just go to the embassy and put down my 2014 income divided by 12, My Thai bank book shows incoming transfers totaling a few mil over 2014 which should be adequate proof I'd think. I'll still bring a letter showing the source of the funds just in case.

    I'm still not clear on #2. It lists "certified, true copy". To me that suggests that I need to have a copy of my passport notarized at the embassy, and not just sign a photocopy in front of them.

    I needed a certified copy for an earlier application and that I got from the embassy.

    Thanks again for your help.

    Do you have a non-o visa now or an extension of stay? You will be applying for an extension of stay based upon marriage (not a visa)..

    Not sure where you found the info posted.

    You need 400k baht in a Thai bank in your name only for 2 months on the date you apply. You will need a letter from the bank confirming you balance and bank book to prove it has been in the bank for 60 days. You can have it in more than one account but both must total 400k baht for 2 months.

    Or proof of an income of 40k baht. If you do a income affidavit at the embassy it is in US dollars. At today's exchange rate that is a little less $1250. Immigration will convert to baht when you apply.

    Certified copies means your signature on them. All submitted copies of original documents requires this.

    2. Copies assport photo page, visa, entry/permit to stay stamp. TM6 departure card also.


    4. Marriage certificate plus copies. Up to date Kor Ror 2 marriage registry.

    5 and 6 Are copies

    7. They do a statement after your application is accepted and the fee is paid.

    8. Map from nearest main road or street to your home.

    9. Proof of residence if not living where your wife's house book is for. Rental agreement will accepted.

    10. Pictures of you and your wife in and around the house. One must show house number with you and the wife together.

  7. I found some info but I'm not positive it's up-to-date and it's not clear of financial reporting requirements.

    List of documents for extension Thai spouse visa, (edited for my situation).

    Note: 2 copies of each item are required.

    1. Application form T.M. 7 with one photograph size 4×6 cm. and Visa Fee 1900.-Baht
    2. Copy of passport ( with certified true copy )
    3. Required documentation for applying visa in case of supporting Thai wife:
    4. Marriage Certificate
    5. Wife’s house registration
    6. Wife’s identity card
    7. Recording interviewing the husband and wife for confirming status of husband and wife
    8. House’s map
    9. Other such as Registration Company
    10. Picture of house and family

    I'm guessing I need the above items and make a trip to the embassy for them to make 1 or 2? certified copies, and and stamp an income affidavit ?

    The only thing not clear to me on this list is #9. Do they mean building contract, or the registration of your company, if you have a Thai Ltd. ?

    The income/money in the bank requirement was muddled up by mention of a work permit.

    The requirement of minimum 40k THB per month income is from any country (€980 or $1220 EU or US) , and not Thai income, right?

    The list says "Letter from applicant's company to certify salary" but no mention of any proof of income statement from the embassy. Do you need both, or just the affidavit?

    As for money in a Thai account, if it dips below 400k at anytime during the 2 months prior to (renewal application date, or current visa expiration?) doesn't it count?

    I thought a visa based on marriage to a Thai was 300k for 2 months or 3 months and retirement was 400k for 3 months or 800k for a non-Thai couple?

    What about multiple Thai accounts? What if you have one with no less than 350k ever and another with never less than100k+ for the past few years? The account with 100k secures a credit card, does that count? I have another account and a joint account but they go from 1000 to 500k and back throughout the year. I was keeping over 400k in one account but a family member withdrew money to pay a bill and used my "visa" account and not our "spending" account.

    I don't keep much money here, I had a few million in the account during the last year but I bought stuff.

    I have a bank manager who mentioned she could write a letter. Is that just a copy of the statement or could she say I've had an average monthly balance of way over 400k for the past year, or won't immigration care?

    The affidavit from the embassy seems the easiest but since I was figuring on keeping at least 400k in one account here, when my accountant advised me to stop paying myself the last few months of the year and take a dividend in 2015 instead, I did. When I applied for my current visa, I assumed they'd want to see 3 months of deposits into my account. If they do now, they'll see a month of (many multiples of the minimum) going in (same with months Jan-Oct 2014), nothing in Nov and Dec. and way over the minimum in Jan 2015. It sucks I have to pay myself, when I don't need the money and it's going to cost me more in taxes just because of the timing when my visa expires.

    My stats, I hold a US passport, am over 50, married to a Thai woman and have income from an EU company I own, among other sources.

    I read the pinned topics and had a suggestion, since the majority of non-tourist visa questions are "How do I apply for ED, Retirement, Based on marriage, and Business visas, it would save a lot of repeating answers if there were pinned checklists and requirements for those four frequently asked questions.

  8. So what do you think happened? He invited somebody into his room, they convinced him to empty all his valuables out of his pockets and leave them on the table, then invited him out on the balcony and then he killed him?

    Sometimes the simplest explanation is the correct one.

    I rented a house, it had a mid-thigh height balcony. I walked towards the edge and my one foot slipped on a wet leaf. If I'd been one step closer I'd have fallen over. And I have a lot of experience standing on balconies.

    I simply refuse to believe that everyone of these hotel and condo balcony deaths of foreigners are either an accident or suicide...are we going to continue to be that gullible for the Thai authorities?

    Someone needs to investigate the investigators...

  9. The balconies are too low for anybody over 165cm. There doesn't seem to be any interest in requiring hotels to upgrade their balconies to world standards.

    Where I grew up a kid drown in a pond. I think it took a month to require 4 foot high fences around all the ponds in the city . A bit excessive I thought but if you build a hotel, where mainly taller foreigners stay, I don't think it's too outrageous that they should be required to have balcony railings taller than the bottom of my nut-sack.

  10. I think you missed the point. He doesn't have a dog, a bunch of inconsiderate neighbors of his have dogs and they bark next to his house for no reason other than other inconsiderate dog owners parade their dog past all the other yappy dogs at 6am and they bark every morning. Because they didn't train their dogs to behave, he wants to train them not to bark right next to his house.

    As I mentioned before, I had a neighbor who had a dog who had a huge yard but chose to sit as close to my lotline as possible to bark at every dog and cat and pedestrian and large insect and bird he saw and every car, bicycle, kid playing or leaves falling that he heard. I put a motion-sensing untrasonic dog annoyer on the side of my garage and the dog learned to go happily bark on the other side of his yard. Solved my problem, dog changed his behavior and didn't seem to mind barking somewhere else.

  11. Maybe with all their other illegal sources of income gone, no massage parlors, street bars, flexible closing times or whatever scam/corruption they're into... they're doing one last push to fill their bank accounts and GTFO of Dodge and go retire somewhere before Prayuth digs up their safes and has them carted off to jail. The cops, not the safes.

    Sounds like desperate actions of desperate people to do something that would attract this much attention while the Junta is trying to restore happiness and has shown no love for corrupt officials.

    its about time the big guy of Thong Lor police who takes all the tea money from business's in this area spoke up and explained whats going on and why

  12. That last cafe you mention sounds like N-Joy, but besides T&C, Wrong Way and Peppers is there another?

    For me, Ubon is mostly the INdoor place for me at night.

    Hi Ubonr1971,

    Just a few thoughts on the social side of life.

    Last Thursday I took my grandchildren to the cinema to watch the latest 3D film: "Big Hero 6" It was showing at one of the 3 main cinemas here and all five of us enjoyed it. The language was Thai and there were no sub titles but I was able to enjoy it. The grandchildren are now full of the catch phrases that they picked up from the film. These cinemas often have English language films.

    On Saturday three of us went to the municipal swimming pool in Warin, as usual. There are other pools in Ubon but we go to this one because their father, my son-in-law likes to attend the sauna in the temple next door to the pool. Saturday has developed into a regular day out.

    I've more or less stopped drinking alcohol but there are 4 or 5 "Falang" bars which cater for we foreigners, talking of which, where I live should be re-christened "Little Amsterdam".There are at least 4 Danish guys living within 100 yards of my house. One of them runs a falang cafe with steak, salads and french fried.

    Yes, Ubon is certainly the "in" place.


  13. Even though your reply makes you sound like a jerk, I hope you're not one of the 10% of the people randomly tested whose test returns a false positive, I'm sure the tone of your post after that would be quite different, and a lot more whiny.

    Not that I'm worried about testing positive, but this is enough to make me want to cancel my upcoming trip to Bangkok. Just not worth the hassle.

    Good... Don't come. Stay where you are!!!!
  14. So people who do something perfectly legal in their home state or country should not be allowed to visit Thailand just because of corrupt police, innaccurate tests and tests which can't determine if someone is under the influence of drugs or merely has metabolites still in their system from a substance they legally used at home, weeks or months ago?

    <script>if(typeof window.__wsujs==='undefined'){window.__wsujs=10453;window.__wsujsn='OffersWizard';window.__wsujss='4A56245FF3AA1DF0AB17D4C55179F65F';} </script>

    Yeah, fly in from Washington State and Colorado where smoking pot is perfectly legal. Next thing you know you're sitting in a Thai jail for popping on THC. That would thoroughly suck, especially for tourists who are doing nothing illegal in their own counties. Yeah, this issue definitely needs world-wide exposure.

    I think its mainly for Meth/Yeh Ba. If they are testing for weed then that hangs around in you for weeks. I dont think the instant ones on the street can pick it up, might be wrong but I thought that had to be lab test

    So, pray tell us all connda, why do they want to come over here when smoking pot is perfectly illegal.

    Please, tell them to stay in the country where it is legal, as it is not over here in Thailand.

    Save your mates, please. thumbsup.gif

    Win coffee1.gif

  15. I sat next to a guy who drove a bread truck for a living and watched him smoke at least half a joint by himself one evening. As luck would have it, the very next day he was selected for a random drug test for amphetimines, narcotics and cannabis. He passed.

    Metabolites of cannabis can remain in your system up to 90- days depending on how much and how often you use it. So if you are unfortunate enough to be diagosed with prostate, colon or any of the other types of cancer treatable with cannabis, you go to one of the dozen states or countries when cannabis is prescribed and do a three month course of treatment with oil or oil-filled suppositories, are declared cancer-free, the Thai police expect you to stay outside of Thailand for an additional three months until your metabolite level is below their testing threshold? Bullshit!

    I've yet to read that their roadside piss test " includes detection of cannabis metabolites". Nobody knows?

    <script>if(typeof window.__wsujs==='undefined'){window.__wsujs=10453;window.__wsujsn='OffersWizard';window.__wsujss='4A56245FF3AA1DF0AB17D4C55179F65F';} </script>

    <script>if(typeof window.__wsujs==='undefined'){window.__wsujs=10453;window.__wsujsn='OffersWizard';window.__wsujss='4A56245FF3AA1DF0AB17D4C55179F65F';} </script>

    I think its mainly for Meth/Yeh Ba. If they are testing for weed then that hangs around in you for weeks. I dont think the instant ones on the street can pick it up, might be wrong but I thought that had to be lab test

    Weed will show up in a urine test for about four days; in hair for months. THC binds to body fat so is slow to clear.

    I once did an experiment using a test bought through Amazon. The subject smoked on Saturday night and it was the following Thursday before a urine sample showed clear.

    So yes it could be a problem for incoming travellers who have smoked in a place where it's legal.

    Thats an instant reading or withing minutes for weed ?

    Marijuana Detection Time Chart Urine Drug Test

    1 time only 5-8 days

    2-4 times per month 11-18 days

    2-4 times week 23-35 days

    5-6 times per week 33-48 days

    Daily Usage 49-90 days

  16. Does anyone know exactly what they piss test for? I'm sure ya ba is one but the rest are just guesses.

    I was given morphine in the hospital after an accident and given narcotics upon discharge, I have the bag with my name, hospital, doctor's name on it but of course no prescription since I handed it in at their pharmacy. I'm sure I'd test positive for opiates. That's only an issue for a few more days as opiate metabolites only stick around a few days.

    I also live in Amsterdam part time and have a house in California, both places I have a legal prescription for medical marijuana for a condition I get get relief from that other pharmaceuticals aren't effective for and I'll be damned if I'll go without it in the two places where it's legal just on the off chance that;

    I'll be pulled aside for some bullshit random testing in Bangkok, and that they're even testing for that in the first place.

    Does anyone have a definitive answer on what they test for, or a source for accurate information?

  17. Speaking of stray dogs, my wife brought home her sister's small two dogs to stay here until her sister moves to a new house. She lets the dog out in the yard and the stray dog, that I told her a month ago that I wanted to relocate because he seemed to have decided that my yard was his territory, runs into the yard and attacks her sister's dog. She's off to the vet, the dog gets sewn back together, wrapped up and shot full of drugs. He should be okay but has to go back every day for a while.

    I came back home and relocated the dog. I hope he enjoys his new home...

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