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Guitar God

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Posts posted by Guitar God

  1. I went there the day it opened, not because I’m a big fan but because I was in Bkk and my phone broke the day before. 


    It it was packed ( due to the grand opening) but I didn’t need to wait long for them to do some troubleshooting and sell me a replacement phone at a decent discount. 


    Their stock seened adequate, they had my exact model in stock. 


    They flew a lot of employees in from other stores for the opening, not sure how many employees are there now normally. 

  2. I flew through power lines in Waco Texas in 1981 in a Grumman Cheeta. We were landing in a grass field and all the power poles had trees growing around them. The owner of the field we were visiting to look at a Goldwing never mentioned he had power lines in front of his field. 


    Snapped the bottom wire with the nose gear, popped the middle wire over the vertical stabilizer. Only damage was to the boot on the nose gear and exhaust pipe, it pulled the pitot tube off the wing but we didn’t lose it. 


    Didn’t know if we’d lost the nose gear until we landed. 


    Quite lucky that day. 

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  3. 19 hours ago, hansnl said:

    Tragic indeed, much too young.

    For you, somebody bringing God into this gives you a reason to rant against somebody's religious thoughts about his death.

    Isn't that disgusting?

    I am not into religion but let anybody ventilate his religious thoughts.

    You don't, obviously. 



    I think if you don’t want to be ridiculed for your superstitions, keep them to yourself. 


    One person  has the opinion there’s a God that makes innocent people suffer and is okay with it, another person has a equally valid opinion that that’s nonsense. 

  4. The Bangkok Post story on this said his close female friend was with him when he bought this commercial property seven years ago and a local hospital official said he hadn’t seen her since so presumably, she dissapeared seven years ago? 


    The building was two stories, not a 2 1/2 story split-level walkout and they didn’t mention the decedent was found in a hall area. 


    So, the basic facts even seem up for debate. 

  5. 9 hours ago, billd766 said:

    I am 74 and when I die will somebody say that I was a former British serviceman? They would be absolutely correct as I served 25 years boy and man in the RAF. It is totally irrelevant all the same.

    Why is that information always included then? It’s rarely relevant. Someone could be in the army for two years then graduate with an MD and spend decades saving peoples lives and most headlines would still say “Former serviceman...

  6. 55 minutes ago, hotchilli said:

    They are tasty... that's the thing

    20 years ago on the south coast of England I regularly shot pigeon using a .22 rifle so's not to damage the body. The plucked birds were then loaded onto the Poole/Cherbourg  ferry and shipped across to France where a local restaurant would buy every one of them !!


    Just call them “squab” instead of pigeons, run a campaign about how tasty and nutritious they are and drive them to extinction. 


    The people who don’t eat them because they think they’re dirty are some of  the same people who have no problem shoving a stick up a rats ass and out the other end and and cook it over a fire with the intestines still inside. 



  7. It sounds like they’re doing fulll extracts (THC /CBD/terpenes) from confiscated Lao brickweed. 


    They dint know how it was grown, they don’t know what kind of pesticides/insecticides/fungicides were sprayed on it, they don’t know how it was stored or process or if it has mold on it. 


    The proper way to make medical extracts is to select a strain with the best THC/CBD ratio for the conditions you plan to treat with it, obtain verified seeds or cuttings from that strain and have experienced people grow it under controlled conditions. 


    That could be done in about six months from construction to extraction if funding and permits were in place. 


    Extracting 10-15 liters of  mystery oil using BHO or RSO could be done in a few weeks once the equipment was here. 


    The main problem doing extractions from confiscated brick week is that the ratios are wrong. It’s probably 10:1 THC/CBD when the range of 2:1 or 1:1 is the best for pain relief, seizure control, anti-emetics, anti-spasmodic effect. 

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