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Everything posted by BritTim

  1. It could be 12 months. It could be less. It all depends on the expiry date of your permission to stay. Under no circumstances will it depend on any visa you currently or previously held.
  2. Normally, unless things have changed again, you would get the passport back with visa on Thursday. Was it your choice to wait until Friday, or was this based on instructions by the embassy?
  3. I believe it was possible in the past, though almost never done. I doubt very much it is possible now after the e-visa system entered use in Canada. They are not set up to receive visa applicants at the embassy any more. Anyway, once you are a Thailand Elite member, you can choose when to travel to Thailand to have the visa actually inserted in your passport. The passport sticker is not really important. During the period of your Thailand Elite membership, you can (if you wish) extend annually at an immigration office in Thailand on payment of 1,900 baht. Apart from still being a Thailand Elite member, there are no other requirements. Of course, this is only ever necessary if you make zero overseas trips in a one-year period.
  4. Odd. Are you sure you are interpreting the numbers correctly. The first two numbers are +6623534121 and +6623534122.
  5. I do not believe there will be. There is a lot of misinformation and misunderstanding about the bank deposits when on an extension of your permission to stay based on retirement. I originally misinterpreted the requirements myself. Arguably (but probably not) you are required to keep money in the bank for three months after the visa is granted to prove it was your money, and not just borrowed. That is unclear. For sure, the deposits through the rest of the year are purely to qualify for the next extension. Just to stress again: the term "Non O extension" is completely meaningless. There are over 20 reasons for which you might have been granted a temporary extension of your permission to stay after originally entering Thailand with a Non O visa. Retirement is only one of these.
  6. 1) thailandelite.com 2) Since time is short, I recommend you contact them by phone: +66 (0) 2353 4121, 4122, 4129, 4130 3) If approved, and you have paid, the easiest way of getting the visa stuck in your passport is at the airport on arrival. You notify the company about your flight, and Thailand Elite will meet you at the gate to help you through the process. 4) Once you have paid, I do not think there is any time limit on entering Thailand. However, the clock is ticking, and delaying your arrival will not push back the expiry date. 5) Yes. 6) I know there are restrictions on the owning of bank accounts for trading securities, but am sure of the details. Thailand Elite can probably advise, and some on the Jobs, Economy, Banking, Business, Investments subforum are probably experts.
  7. First of all, my assumption is that by "cancel the Non O", you mean cancelling an extended permission to stay based on retirement. If this is not what you mean, please correct me. Anyway, I am unsure what problem you anticipate from withdrawing your money from the bank. Are you aware of anyone being panelised for this (other than being unable to get further extensions of their permission to stay)? If so, I would be interested in the details.
  8. The fact that you are a student or online worker is irrelevant to your tourist visa application. The exact requirements will depend on your nationality, and where you are applying for the visa. Typically, they will ask to see flight reservations entering and departing from Thailand and hotel reservations. They may also want to see recent bank statements. How long do you want to visit Thailand, and where do you plan to apply? Depending on your nationality and how long you want to stay in Thailand, you may not need a visa at all, being able to enter under the tourist visa exemption scheme.
  9. Indeed. A valid, longstanding, meaning of the word "bong" is a pipe similar to a hookah. I wonder if that is what he wants to buy.
  10. If you are outside Thailand, and planning to receive the Elite visa at the airport, the old extension and re-entry permit in the old passport are not an issue. Immigration will simply fail to reinstate the permission to stay permitted by the re-entry permit. The same would be true if you had an old multiple entry visa: it is simply not used. It is, of course, different if you are in Thailand on an existing Non Immigrant permission to stay. Then, yes, the existing permission to stay must be cancelled somehow.
  11. What you plan is possible, but not recommended. You should inform the officials of your travel plans so they are able to schedule any house visit they deem necessary around your schedule. Since this involves more that just your local office, I doubt you will be able to achieve an earlier "under consideration" period. Indeed, I would be dubious about trying. The report back date for an "under consideration" extension is not a guarantee that all the paperwork will be ready on that date. If you have planned an overseas trip, and are told on the eve of the trip: "sorry, not ready yet; come back next week" it could be problematic.
  12. There is a long thread here on AseanNow on the Thai citizenship process. Unlike the Permanent Residency application, the application fee for Thai citizenship is negligible, only 10,000 baht.
  13. The credit advice is a document showing the detailed information about a bank transfer. The Thai bank can print a copy. If they are necessary, you will need one for each transfer, and there may be a delay and a charge if you want the credit advice for an older transfer.
  14. This is out of date. It gives the requirements that were in effect during Covid restrictions. Health insurance is no longer required for Non O visas (though it is for Non O-A). The Non O visa (the O stands for "other") is available for a number of different purposes. Including those over age 50 not intending to work in Thailand.
  15. The above is correct. Another way of l0oking at it is that an extension of your permission to stay invalidates any previous re-entry permit you hold.
  16. Well you might ask. It is referring to those granted permanent residence. I am nearly sure the headline is incorrect. The limit on the number of PR recipients for 2023 will be a maximum of 50 stateless persons plus a maximum of 100 per country for those who are not stateless. Thus, it might be 30 stateless, 100 UK, 74 US, 100 India etc. I believe the announced limits are the most allowed by the current laws.
  17. I would suggest including a copy of the lost passport report you used when getting your new passport. That, combined with the issue date of the new passport should satisfy the officials if they have a higher IQ than a lava lamp.
  18. I do not think you will have a problem. It is unclear exactly what they will accept, but mainly (i) they do not want to see indications that you are working illegally in Thailand; and (ii) they want evidence that you are not completely broke. It would be best if the final balance is over 20,000 baht.
  19. At the airports, there will be no problem. However, his announcement might well pass by officials at a remote office in Nakhon Nowhere. The bigger problem may be Thais who cannot easily prove their Thai nationality when challenged by the officials, especially if they are not fluent in Thai.
  20. It is my understanding that you have everything correct Sheryl. Just in case anyone misunderstands this, you are not extending the Non O-A visa. You are extending the permission to stay, the reason being retirement in Thailand. Except for the insurance requirement, you can forget that you ever had a Non O-A visa.
  21. That is (officially at least) true if you return on a re-entry permit. If you return with a new entry from a visa, a fresh TM30 notification is required.
  22. It is quicker, and the required documents less extensive if you get the Non B visa outside Thailand. However, it is possible to convert from a visa exempt entry or tourist entry to a Non B at the immigration office in Thailand. Unlike when applying at a consulate outside Thailand, where it only takes two or three days, the Non B from an immigration office takes weeks.
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