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Posts posted by onemorechang

  1. The Jomtien thani hotel seems to have had pretty dire reviews according to Agoda. But the reviews seem to have stopped since October last year, which is strange, but means it had problems even before this noise problem. They also appear to have a lot of rooms available for this time of year.

    Let me make something clear: This thread is not about the Jomtien Thani hotel which is doing nothing wrong and from what I can see with my own eyes does have a steady flow of customers (mainly Chinese now). No, the offending hotel is the Fifth Jomtien (Residence) hotel, which is holding an outdoor concert each night, complete with horrible music. I do not know why Thais want to expose themselves and others to loud and irritating noise pollution, or why a hotel manager would not realize the probable long-term negative impact of subjecting guests to a barrage of noise pollution every evening. The noise pollution problem in Thailand is spreading like some cancer.

    Yes, I tend of find reviews to be far too generous, in general. The Fifth Jomtien has fantastic reviews, even some 10 out of 10s, which means perfect in every way. I wouldn't stay there though, not even if it was free. Im personally quite scathing in my own reviews, they are often removed by Agoda. Even if I like the hotel i still give bad reviews.

    Why would you do this ?

    crazy stuff.blink.png

  2. Spiced right up.

    You got to be a bit sad to sit and wright all that..

    have a nice day.

    bet you never do.

    I thought it was a very accurate assessment.

    He was not having a go at either establishment - in fact he said they were good. One issue arose about hygiene - that was a personal experience so I have no doubt it happened.

    He did make more than one post

    the other one, was what im on about.

    Have a nice read

  3. Better to give a tip for a good job and no tip for a bad job.

    People need to make that distinction , regardless of nationality of the guy/girl tipping.

    Good jobs keep me very happy and the tips flow all over the place.

    A Win Win situation. thumbsup.gif

    Think i will skip the Sang Some coke on the way out.

    Have a nice tip.

    Tipping can also stop RSI injury. a lot of that about, take care when tipping.

    Have a nice tip for the end of the year. wai2.gif

  4. But as you chose to retire in Thailand (and still talking about your mum), it is up to you to abide by the social codes, mores and values of your adopted country not to preach at them.

    Please provide a detailed list and explanation of what you are talking about.

    Thank you

  5. I think the real problem is that most people lack balls, to afraid to confront anyone over anything.

    Better off to hide behind wife or comments like cheap Charles, misers, low life’s

    Thai bashers, racists, Low pensions or no pensions, last stop before cambo and all that nonsense.

    Guys if a business has a staff member not returning change, that business is not going to have many customers in a years time. Not good, this gets good honest Thai people and good businesses owners a bad name, you don’t need to get into a fight over a few baht but grow a pair even a small pair would be good.

    Say something. Saying nothing means nothing will change.

    Have a nice day wai2.gif

  6. Lol what a tight git.. U should be embaressed! Then u go online to tell everyone.. Shame on u. Keenok farang.

    Not at all, just not a fool like some people.

    i know who to give money to and who not.

    Sounds like you dont.

    Have a nice day. coffee1.gif

  7. Don’t let people take your money. no matter who they are.

    Its your choice to give to who you want when you want, its yours.

    If you have to make a fuss to try and get your change, do just that.

    Then go give the change to someone in the street with no arms or legs, they need it

    not some thieving sod on a wage, also if you say nothing nothing will change.

    Don’t get hospitalized over a few baht but stand your ground.

    Tipping is a good thing, I do this, but its your choice of how much and to who.

    If you have bad service take all the change every baht.

    and like I said give it to someone who disserves you generosity.

    happy Christmas

  8. If people think getting conned/ scammed/ ripped off

    Is just about bars and alcohol your very very mistaken.

    Keep your eyes open, you never know what angle its coming at you

    but it sure is coming. Most never know they have been done

    Amazing Thailand.

  9. After 25 years I think I have only been cheated once or twice but as both times alcohol was involved and the amount was small I let it go. I have however been the recipient of an inordinate amount of kindness and generosity and honesty from Thai.

    Good for you.

    the moon is also made of cheese, i think

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