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Posts posted by onemorechang

  1. I don't know if you can fix stupid in Thailand.

    Maybe start with how the parents bring up there little boys and girls.


    Maybe get schools , Temples, the Police, the government. to take an active roll in teaching correct behaviour in life.  this could help with the attitude Thais have on the roads as the grow up,

    if they ever do.

    Fines, yes,  imprisonment yes, 

    but better still,  have public shaming in the towns and cities of the offenders,  they would just hate that.   with there  face   bull!t they hide behind.

    Thailand needs to grow up.

    Maybe in 100 years, they will get it.

    Until then

    Carry on with the daily BBQ of 70 + at the


    Feel sorry for the children that die on the roads,

    that's the parents fault and the innocent,   the rest i don't care, let them die at there own hands

    Stupid is as Stupid does. :thumbsup:








  2. 7 hours ago, tropo said:

    Sooner or later your "sexpat" days will be over. What then? Malls?


    You'll probably find a lot of "sexpats" graduated to become "mallpats".


    Currently I'm a gympat/homepat/mallpat hybrid.:smile:


    Could be sky diving time when to old !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :shock1:

    But up to people what they do, as always in Thailand.

    i just don't get the mall thing.


    but i spent the last 20 years of my working life in a fully sealed, air conditioned environment, with over head fluorescent lighting, white walls,   white desks..

    not many windows.

    I'm buggered if i want to go back into that sort of environment,  for fun !!!!!!!!!!!

    when its warm,  real sunlight  and more interesting outside.


    I only do air con environments for fun ,  

    at Go Go bars

    . ( good eye candy you can sample if wanted)


    Up stairs at soi 6   ( as always,   better to have air con )


    Or one of the nice restaurants around Jomtien  ( Mata Hari ) for one, . Aroy)  :thumbsup: not been for so long now

    Other than that,  its out side,   no air con.


    I'm a bit of a gym-pat,  home -pat,  sex pat,  golf pat,, booze-Pat and more.

    Mall-pat , no thank you :jap:


    Doing monthly shopping does not count, its not hanging out       ( Makro,  Lotus, Jomtien )








  3. 10 hours ago, possum1931 said:

    Really? I don't hang out at malls, I enjoy a look around, then go on my way, but I would rather sit in a mall looking at pretty girls than in a dentist chair, unless, Oh! wait.


    No disrespect.

     But, hanging out in a shopping mall in Thailand.

    What a nonsense  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Dead beat stuff for some ex-pats or people who are just to old.

    Retire in Thailand and go sit in a mall.

    get a life sex -pats.

    what's the point in looking at pretty girls in malls.

    just go to the nearest bar and fill your boots,   up stairs.

    come on sex pats, of Pattaya,  get with the program.









  4. 10 minutes ago, JerryinTH said:


    Just go to the DMV, watch the video, bring a resident certificate and you're out before lunch time. 


    Anyone knows of driving schools in bangkok to get a big bike license? 


    Have i missed this .

    Are there different motor cycle licenses in Thailand ?

    based on bike size ?

    My one has private motor cycle on it.


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  5. 39 minutes ago, paulsingle said:

    Redwinecheese,  what in God's name are you blathering about man???


    Its ok we can forgive him,   as he is a newbie.


    His not paid the real price of the honey yet. :thumbsup:


    Maybe he should start planning now,  of how to handle the assault

    on his bank account that is already at the  early planning stages.   :giggle:




  6. 5 minutes ago, ThaiWai said:

    I asked a street vendor for a broom he said "250 baht".  It's a 35 baht broom mind you.  As I was retrieving a 50 baht note which was going to be my counter offer as I needed it that moment.   He saw my money and raised the price to 300 baht.  I rode away but not before laughing heartily in his face. 


    I don't give them a second chance.

    if they try the rip off,     the deal is over.

    i will buy from the next place or not at all.



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