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Posts posted by onemorechang

  1. 7 minutes ago, anotheruser said:


    Yeah true enough but the cross trainer will give you much more benefit and is more efficient. You can still watch TV while doing it. Anyway up to you it is your choice. :)

    Yes I stick the head phones on from the mp3 player

    playing heavy Trance music and a hard core porno movie on the Tv , with the sound turned down. don't want to wake  the neighbours

    or get them to excited !!!!!!!!!! :smile:

    Cant do exercise with out this ,  its just to boring.


  2. I bought this one from Lazada.

    its not bad,  its not extra strong but does the job

    it has developed a squeak , but for a cheapo

    8900 ,  its ok   . think it was 450 for delivery

    i use it 30 minutes a day.


    Ps if you use this machine on very high tension setting, i don't think it would last so long.

    i only use tension setting 1, and its fine



  3. Try do it yourself if you can.


    Most other avenues will only cause disappointment and disbelief.

    Locals are to used to ripping us off now days.

    you will find it hard to find anyone consistently good,   at any thing other than lying about what they are capable of in regards to repair work on houses or condos,  in this town.


    Can you get a tube of silicon and seal it up ?




  4. Quote

    Police didn't believe the lady boy's story especially as she had previous for the same offence.

    If,   had been jailed for a long  time for the last,   god knows how many

    times  done this.  This may not have happened.

    Put him in jail now  5 years +


    Come on ,  get this bunch of thieves  off the streets you know who they are.

    and stop busting old guys in short time rooms !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!






  5. 6 hours ago, petesc55 said:

    How can you tell the difference between a vehicular scammer, and your average thai driver?


    I'm confused?


    I see all vehicles involved screwing up.    

    The average Thai driver will be using his mobile phone whilst driving

    and not paying any attention to anything that's  going on around him / her.



    The scammer on the other hand, will be concentrating on scamming,  not using the phone  and will be concentrating on what's going on around him  :thumbsup:


  6. 1 hour ago, DJVillain said:


    Yes, of course thats why she is with the letcherous, balding old pervert who is sleeping with a girl young enough to be his granddaughter...
    Because he is a 'handsum man'...
    You're a hoot mate :D

    Good on the old guy.

    one more notch on the bed post in his latter years.


    Long live the Sex town of Pattaya.  :thumbsup:



  7. 3 minutes ago, NextStationBangkok said:

    Really stupid thing to record someone's modesty, especially a young woman and upload to the YouTube.


    I can call it is totally wrong. Even if money is involved, let the court decide what's wrong, not anyone.


    Oldman's pant was down at the wrong time at wrong place, all i can say is very unlucky person after paying 2500.

    Good god

    I would want the mum as well for that price !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :licklips:

  8. 1 hour ago, BruceMangosteen said:

    There was mention this venture was subsidized by the Government. The demand for the service isn't something most can fathom but the Government knows best. You would need a casino on-board to make it financially viable. 

    Oh no the Casino  thing again  ( popular Bs trending for pattaya now day )

    But i think the Roulette wheel would make for an

    interesting game in rough seas. :jap:

  9. 10 minutes ago, ukrules said:

    Just in time for the low season / quietest time of the year, in a year when there appears to be many less tourists than normal.


    It's been very busy at times around here but nothing like last year.



    Not so sure about that, in Jomtien there

    seems to be a lot more Russians turned up in the last 3 weeks.

    but they are to tight to use the Ferry service or deodorant for that matter.

    The large buses are back in Jomtien parked down second road over night so

    a few more of that group around.


    Surprised they have plans to expand the fleet !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! good luck to them.



  10. Quote

    We aint at home anymore,unless you are an American:smile:

    That's it,  your off the Christmas card list for that. :giggle:


    Im just anti gun, was brought up with guns in the uk

    never felt the need or wish to carry one around.

    and would not have one even if i could in Thailand.

    We  cant just all join the stupid hot head club can we.


    I wonder what people would say on Tv,   if after the guy was murdered

    one of his mates had got his gun out and killed the car driver  and all other

    people in the car.

    Think the conversation would be about gun laws and not murder.


    Ps   Even worked with an America guy years back.

    his right hand was a mass of scars and two finger were gone,  when he was a small boy he and his brother found his dads gun , they played with it.

    he was lucky to have lived.


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