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Posts posted by onemorechang

  1. 20 minutes ago, sweatalot said:

    I have not time or care for people who assault me.

    In this case a gun can save your life.


    You would go to jail for 20 years  here if you did that.


    if he had not a gun ,   bet no one would have died.

    People who have guns in public

    are bad guys.

    Wonder how many times he had got the gun out on

    people before ? obviously it was not just  just for show

    was it ?



  2. 3 hours ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:


    Hold on changy."the kids wanted a fight" supposing they had killed him? I will agree that a shot in the air, as a warning would have been the order of the day, But many Thais carry guns in their cars.Its Their stupid rage that makes them pull the trigger.:smile:

    Still don't see any good guys there.

    He pointed the gun at the guy and killed him. :jap:


    PS I have no time or care for people  that want to carry  guns around with them in public.


  3. 1 hour ago, mikebell said:

    This might catch on you know.  Whilst waiting at a U-turn, two young boys crashed into me.  They are trying to screw nearly 8 million out of me and my insurance company.  The driver had no licence nor helmet.  Could I counter -sue for the loss of my car (3 months & counting); stress at impending legal proceedings; anxiety at my treatment by racist cops?


    A bit off topic but.

    Why is your insurance company not

    taking care of everything ?

    If it was me  , the  guys would not get a penny.

    Why are you letting this happen ? did you sign something at the police station

    saying you were to blame ?

    Just asking :jap:



  4. 28 minutes ago, johng said:

    Why not write them a stern letter signed "disgusted from Tunbridge Wells" :P

    A good alternative is a youtube playlist or "absolute radio" both need internet though.

    off topic Looktung radio in the Pattaya area is often obliterated by an overwhelming signal from the Thai Navy radio station


    It's   Royal Tunbridge Wells

    if you don't mind. :jap:


  5. On 09/02/2017 at 3:14 PM, NormanW said:

    Tequila Reef was good many moons ago but the area and parking are an issue. On soi 7.

    Never thought much of  the food there.

    But loved the Jugs of margarita's there.   Aroy. Mak Mak


    Nice to see a food thread with out one particular poster jumping all

    over everyone with size 9's  on.:thumbsup:

  6. 1 hour ago, aussieinthailand said:

    Sounds like more threats by the BIB after loosening face due to being caught out manufacturing evidence.

    So more threats, when will they learn you can push/intimidate/stand-over/threaten people for only so long, then,??????? 


    I reckon they got about another 100 years worth left.

    Amazing Thailand  :thumbsup:

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