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Posts posted by onemorechang

  1. 1 hour ago, Shawn0000 said:


    There are no losers until the wall is up and not functioning as promised, obviously. 


    You might care to ask yourself how a wall is going to stop people any better than the current fenced sections which are all regularly breached by people with ladders, shovels and cutting equipment.  You might also ask yourself if the best way to spend your taxes is on a wall or on jobs, boots on the ground will always be a bigger deterrent than a physical barrier and taxes wasted on a wall means less taxes available for security jobs.  You should also ask yourself how a wall is going to stop the flow of drugs, 95% of which arrive by boat.  The answer is clear, the wall will not help in any other way than having helped get him elected. 


    72% of Americans in border towns do not want to see the wall built, the people who do live far away and are ignorant of the issues and were sold this plan from an employer of illegal Mexican immigrants, I mean how gullible can you actually get!


    So you are a sore loser,   then.  :thumbsup:


  2. 8 hours ago, laislica said:


    There is quite a difference between Racism and Price Gouging. You might also add profiteering?

    Better look up the definition and see it's:


    Price gouging is a pejorative term referring to when a seller spikes the prices of goods, services or commodities to a level much higher than is considered reasonable or fair, and is considered exploitative, potentially to an unethical extent. Usually this event occurs after a demand or supply shock: common examples include price increases of basic necessities after hurricanes or other natural disasters. In precise, legal usage, it is the name of a crime that applies in some jurisdictions of the United States during civil emergencies. In less precise usage, it can refer either to prices obtained by practices inconsistent with a competitive free market, or to windfall profits. In the former Soviet Union, it was simply included under the single definition of speculation.


    This is Racism
        Prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior:





    I stick with RACIST.

    It just fits the bill nicely. :thumbsup:

    Thank you. 


    • Like 1
  3. 9 minutes ago, Lumbini said:

    I saw one when I was in shower flying so I looked around and noticed water standing where I keep mop in corner near washing machine and took the mop and bucket out to dry . When I got back there another one flew out . I like the idea about cup of bleach on balcony and bathroom . Very interesting all the comments thanks I really loved not having air conditioner on with balcony door open at night as the breeze coming off the ocean when I sleep made this part of living on beach really one of the best parts but waking up with multiple bites kind of spoiled things . Interesting also that even one in the room could bite many times .


    And we all know its only the females that bit us :jap:



  4. unlikely Mosquitoes, but leaving doors /  windows open with no screens

    will let stuff in no matter how high up  you are.


    More likely,  bugs of some sort,   come in one your cloths or on a towel or

    in a bag of shopping. or just come in with you,    when you opened your door.


    change your bedding ,  vacuum the place. give a spray of

    one of the kill all bug sprays from Big-C or Lotus.


    If you must have the doors open,   point a fan at the open door or window,  it may help, keep stuff out. :jap:




  5. 1 hour ago, bkk6060 said:

    OK Comrade, enjoy


    What are you on about ?

    Jomtiem has a Russian presence.

    But it's not the majority of the people

    holidaying or living there.

    What's the beef ?



  6. 4 hours ago, newnative said:

    Go anywhere at 17:30 and report back how the roads are.  And, I didn't say it was working 'great', I said it was working 'ok'--and for most of the day I think it does. 


    No your wrong.

    If went and watched what is going on at that roundabout

    you would understand your wrong.


    Bikes and cars stop midway round.

    Cars and buses just crash the roundabout now.

    Boats on trailers doing the same.


    It's madness.








  7. 2 minutes ago, cardinalblue said:

    why is a vehicle with passengers passing on a solid line in wet weather?


    Have no sympathy for the driver. Could have been much worse if hit head on...


    Many Thais just don't follow driving rules or road conditions. Like 3 seconds in her life would have made a difference. Now she can think about it from now until reincarnation as a soi dog.... 




    I think most Drivers / Riders  on the roads here,   are to stupid to operate a motor vehicle  of any kind and should only be allowed to use Flip Flops as a mode of transport.

    maybe then,    the innocent will  be safe.


  8. 24 minutes ago, newnative said:

    Actually, there are 2, or maybe I should say 1 and 3/4's of one.  The Jomtien one seems to be working ok; the Dolphin Circle one has too much traffic to work well, resulting in part of it being closed and an awkward intersection. Probably needs to be re-thought with Terminal 21 on the way.


    Go down to the  Jomtien one  at 17:30 and report back how great it works. :stoner:


  9. 7 hours ago, wpcoe said:



    ...and why not simply issue tickets based on the photographs?


    Oh, wait.  That would probably only work in the west where there actually is enforcement and pursuit of offenders.  I know a Thai who has received speeding tickets in the mail from the speed cams on the highways, and he just ignores them.  Guess what?  He can proceed as if he was never photographed -- even renew his drivers license -- with no recourse.


    I was told they catch up with you,  when you go to Tax your vehicle

    how long this hole process takes ,   who knows


    i don't know if this is all true or not,   anyone ?  :jap:

  10. 2 hours ago, fish monger said:

    Blood was still rushing from the victims head..... I really needed to know that...<deleted>...!


    Yes,   if you were present

    It may well have had ,    6 lottery numbers spelt out in it.


    After all ,  that's all people  on the roads care about in Thailand.

    Me Me Me and more Me.


    Amazing Thailand .  :thumbsup:







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