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Posts posted by onemorechang

  1. 28 minutes ago, Briggsy said:

    The parking the previous poster is referring to crossed my mind as the only parking that could very optimistically be called public space. I suspect this is where things went down.


    Yes i bet i was there.

    And it  is not public area.

    it will have an owner.


    Just one more guy who does not want to pay up

    now he has a dent or busted window,   he  wont get a penny back.for his silly behaviour.


    BTW  if you need to park around town go into most hotel car parks and pay 40,50, 100 baht and park

    it works fine.

  2. No disrespect to the Op

    But,  you need to decide what country you want to live in.


    Then people can help you more.

    What is it you want,   that was not available in CM.

    That makes you want to leave ?


  3. 5 minutes ago, jeab1980 said:

    Here we go againlets Go off topic so we can have another thai Bashing thread. Why you so worry about other peoples  children And other peoples Buisness


    Think  your being a bit silly now.

    Not a Thai bashing thread at all.     just the truth,   The truth can be  painful at times.


    but when people except the truth,   its the start of there greater understanding of the way of  life,     some never understand the importance of this and live there life   in the darkness.  :stoner:


    And please don't add spelling mistakes to my post, when you quote me.

    i can do that all on my own,   Thanks. :giggle:


  4. 1 hour ago, jeab1980 said:

    Firstly you are so wrong real poor people do have truck that old.

    seco Ndly im Not a man

    i Have plenty of knowLedge of thai Roads and driving. I canNot justify picture but i Would say man driving can.

    not hit by truck which was the point of my first post. Was you???? As for road deaths to many die but such is life to many die in  not Needed war also.


    Ok  girl,    if you say so  :stoner:

  5. 4 hours ago, jeab1980 said:

    Did it crash???? Did it kill someone???? You PRESUME it's not tested (most trucks caashere can easily pass yearly inspection with things dropping off  the body). Did it cause anyone on here any hardship????.  People here have to make living not all have money to drink away. Not as lucky as Western people not have great paid jobs. Scratch a living best they can. How you think thai worker feels when see farang in brand new pick up lording it over locals. Time you all wake up and count yourselfs lucky to not have to scratch a few hundred bhat every day to feed family. 


    Ha Ha,  get away.

    Real Poor people don't have a pick up's  , they only have a

    motor bike,   if there lucky.

    Think you need to wake up, mate.

    As for your views about safety on the roads,   you show your lack of

    Knowledge of what goes on ,  on the roads of Thailand.

    I some how think if that pick up hit you,   maybe

    you would be singing a different tune.

    Is it only Falangs that have new vehicles in Thailand ?

    come on man ,  you cant justify that picture above. :jap:


    BTW  think its about 64 a day die on the roads  here,   the driver in the above picture is typical of the i don't care attitude, that creates the 64  dead  a day in Thailand.





  6. 26 minutes ago, Pattaya46 said:


    Does anyone have some credible information on what could happen? and when?


    Demolition in January is just a rumour that some bad internet press continues to spread, but there is just zero% chance it will happen.


    As far as I know, the October 6th meeting was just for information (no decision taken) and should be followed by another meeting "soon". Does anyone know when this next meeting will be?






    No  :thumbsup:

  7. 10 minutes ago, KittenKong said:

    I refuse to visit any "attraction'" in Thailand that uses animals as part of a show of any type.


    That's fair enough.

    Maybe i should do the same,   not sure right now.

    if the animals are not miss treated ,   don' t see  what the problem is.

    Maybe its an outdated thing a zoo,  not sure.



  8. 5 hours ago, JSixpack said:


    You must be joking. Most of our members are so blind they can hardly find their way out of the airport. Normally they're wearing these:




    And have already studied their Bible, Neil Hutchison's Money Number One, in the large-print edition. Believing it the best & only source of information (!!!), they allow it to determine their subsequent attitude. A cartoon is so easily understood after all. So they just parrot it mindlessly ad nauseam here on the forum, sort of like Muslims repeating the precepts of the Koran in a mosque.



    I did try a pair of them on once.

    I now understand why John Lennon used these.

    it must have helped him over come the fright looking at his wife.

    So they do have a use here,   if anyone has  a mature one.

  9. 21 minutes ago, bkk6060 said:

    When was the last time you were there?  The experience is much better now.  Before, you were sitting on the ground in a crowd in the heat with a no aircon open cover. The smell was terrible.  Now, the first part of the show is in a new aircon huge auditorium.  I have never seen the place full.  Then, the elephant show is in a new facility and the show is much improved and fun watching them play soccer and shoot basketball. 

    I can understand the increase in cost with these improvements.

    It is a fun place to spend several hours and I think decent value entertainment for the price.  Definitely take guests and kids who come to town.


    About 9 months ago,  and if they have decided to up the price for us

    long term residents,  they can sod off.

    Sriracha  Tiger zoo was just as good,  also have crocks !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    and other stuff for kids to look at. Elephant show is more funny as well.

    you also don't have to see an elephant ride a tricycle,  not so good .

    in my book.

    So there you go. :jap:





  10. 7 hours ago, moonseeker said:



    Thanks Onemorechang. Just ordered a few pairs. Hope they help before I climb that balcony :-) Guess, plenty of the older TV-members have need for them. Lovely.  MS>


    You only require one pair.

    Maybe they will last longer than you  :giggle:


    Or if you do stay a long enough , you may grow out of them.

    and see pattaya in it true glory. ( some do achieve this )

    life does get a lot better here,   after that.

    Good luck. :jap:



  11. 1 hour ago, bkk6060 said:

    It is a great show now with much upgraded venues.  If one cannot afford it, then don't go.


    What a thing to say. :bah:


    But here we go,

    I think after 15 years of taking people there

    its not so nice an experience  as it was a few years back.

    To  many,  people,  the  whole experience seems to a be a rush now

    so if the price has gone up in price. ( has it ) ?

    Stuff the place.  it's  is not that special any more,   for me to take friend to.

    There are other places in town now days

    or very close to get to  by car.

    Always vote with your feet in this town.






  12. 45 minutes ago, siam2007 said:



    I don't frequent Soi 6, but what will all those employed there do for a living after it has been closed ? Why does Soi 6 bother you? If you don't like it, stay away.

    Don't like alcohol? Well, then don't drink it.

    Don't like football ? Well, then don't watch it.

    Don't like Isaan Music? Well, then don't listen to it.

    It is as simple as that


    Maybe you need to pay attention to who you quote :stoner:

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