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Posts posted by onemorechang

  1. 1 hour ago, stephen tracy said:

    If they ever actually do it, which I doubt, with a robust marketing campaign to shake off the brothel-by-the sea-image, Westerners would surely visit Pattaya. The only people that would stop going are sex-tourists.  There would also probably be a mass exodus of resident sex-pats. 


    Think most people here forget about the internet,.

    You don't need a bar to find a cute one,   for the night or for  life.

    So why would sex tourists stop coming ? or why would all the

    ex pats leave ?

    Pattaya is a great place for many other reasons, loads to do.

    after you have finished for the night with your latest cute one.


    Thailand will never in 100 years loose the,   love you long time image.

    no matter how much veneer they use.


    Well im off out  for a few chang's,     before all  the Go-Go's 

    massage shops and Bars close, !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!    yeah right :stoner:


    BTW   There are bars for Thai guys as well

    in Thailand.





  2. 29 minutes ago, johng said:

    My favorite shananigan was by the boy racer who zoomed past me chicaning wildly across the whole width of sukumvit, about 200 meters up the road very near to the Tesco /Theprasit junction he did a full 360 degree hand brake turn

    Almost ending up in the central ditch then before we even caught up (no I wasn't racing him ) did a tyre burn out and zoomed off again.


    Always wondered what the minivan drivers do on there day off.

  3. On 25/10/2016 at 5:43 PM, prk888 said:

    there are now two large holes either end of this new central reservation section between these new u-turns.  Large & deep enough for tall lampposts maybe?    And then ............................ ? 


    Not looking good some new sign posts with some flashing orange lights

    and a signs covered up,   saw them yesterday on north bound side.

     oh dear,   could be bad news !!!!!!!!!!!


  4. 13 minutes ago, johng said:

    The nice men in green have also decided that speed boats can no longer launch or land a Bali hai pier and have designated the launch ramp at Jomtien Soi 11 (in front of SCB bank ) as the new speed boat launch/ land point.


    Going to be a real mess there for sure.

    This is not progress for Jomtien.  

    We will get the passengers as will i think.

    lovely hordes of Chinese to come with there buses  , Oh no :ohmy:

  5. 7 minutes ago, gk10002000 said:

    no.  the entire terrain in that area slopes downward to the bay.  It doesn't take much of a rainfall to get the drains backed up.  It has been that way for years and will continue that way.  The water is filthy and full of debris and garbage, but it really isn't from hills.  The interesting thing will be how that new tunnel/underpass thing works out.  If they really did design the pumps there to keep that dry during a rainstorm, then they will be pumping an awful lot of water around or over to someplace. 


    Now you done it,   they will be here soon foaming at the mouth

    smashing fists on the keyboards. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, get your hard hat on !!!!!!!!! :giggle:

  6. 1 hour ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

    I quite appreciate the fact they have a doorman who enforce a dress code and keep out the riff-raff (Immigration could learn from them). In fact, its quite amusing to sit at the window counter and watch a singlet wearing flip-flopper and his tatted-up belle de jour being given the brush and the pained look on his face ?


    That sounds an exciting life you have. :giggle:

    Like i said,  was about 17 years ago,


    Agree 100% about dress code at immigration,  the way

    i have seen some people dress in the past, i'm surprised they were not shown the door empty handed.




  7. 1 hour ago, JSixpack said:


    But if you were sure, then you couldn't construct some little fantasy. As you state, you have no idea. Which of course never deters the gum-flapping and hot air around here.


    It's just so easy to be sure: you could merely go there, talk to the brewmeister Tim (catch him in TQ often), get him to show you around and explain it all, maybe even know him for years, and sit near the window in the Hopf and listen to the noisy pump when it kicks in. That equipment's getting pretty old after makin' all them suds.


    I suggested bartender100 do that years ago, but if he did then he couldn't enjoy his lying, so he didn't.





    Big sorry , maybe i was thinking about a different place. :burp:

    if it's the same place i think now,  at the bottom of a beach road soi

    No way ,    i was refused entry 17 years ago for wearing flip flops and shorts.  never went back,  never will,  i don't do dress code in Thailand

    apart from immigration.

    Hope the beer tastes good.


    I don't go in TQ any more they buggered the stage lighting  up a few years back,   shining  red lights in my eyes from the stage makes me pissed off,   so give the place a wide birth now days. ( idiots the lot )

    So i will take your word for it all being good.




  8. 51 minutes ago, JSixpack said:


    But if you were sure, then you couldn't construct some little fantasy. As you state, you have no idea. Which of course never deters the gum-flapping and hot air around here.


    It's just so easy to be sure: you could merely go there, talk to the brewmeister Tim (catch him in TQ often), get him to show you around and explain it all, maybe even know him for years, and sit near the window in the Hopf and listen to the noisy pump when it kicks in. That equipment's getting pretty old after makin' all them suds.


    I suggested bartender100 do that years ago, but if he did then he couldn't enjoy his lying, so he didn't.






    Have a relaxing  Chang your be fine after that. :passifier:


  9. 3 hours ago, JSixpack said:


    Are you still going to lie that they don't brew the beer at the old location? Why is lying about that so important to you?


    Unless you see the complete process you can never be sure.

    any where in the world about this.


    In no way am i saying  it is not brewed on the premisses at the for mentioned place. i have no idea.


    There was a uk famous pub chain that would have you believe  they brewed all the beer on the premisses,   they had stainless steel vats , viewing windows in the vats  to look at beer brewing ,  it was BS for most of the pubs it was shipped in, in aluminium kegs by trucks.


    But some people are just impressed with some smoke and mirror tricks.

    in the uk.


    Now do you take  the red pill and wake up and believe what ever you want.

    Or take the Blue pill and look to see how deep the rabbit hole is !!!!!!!!!  :stoner:





  10. 11 minutes ago, johng said:


    Having to transport their boats 5km to launch and 5 kms back every day will be very difficult for these speed boat operators

    also the new parking place is charging parking fee  of 1000 baht for single engine boats and 2000 thousand for 2 engine boats  doesn't say if its a one off payment or weekly/monthly or yearly

    movement of boats only allowed between  20-00h to 05-00h


    Give it a year or two and the lot will be stored on Jomtiem beach.


    They wont want to pay the transport cost or the fees and general laziness will see to it all.

  11. 10 minutes ago, manhood said:

    Quite easy to solve the traffic problems in Pattaya:

    A one way road system, busses only for pick up and drop off - after out of the city-, enforcing the rules of driving if the police get their ass out of the aircon boots they are sitting all day long,!


    All one way roads are two way roads in Pattaya.

    Lazy cops !!!!!!!!!!!

  12. 5 minutes ago, sgtsabai said:


    Oh, while we would welcome back a few of the ladies, and the bar owners, workers would welcome seeing a few new faces, they are tired of the same 'ol expats who don't/won't pay LDOP (Lame Dope Over Payer) prices, I think we would really like the Pattaya crowd to stay in Pattaya. No offense meant, I had my times there as a one month millionaire...lol.


    That reminds me of the Ex-pat i know ,  who married a prostitute

    he found in Pattaya,    then moved away,    now want to pretend it all never happened like that,  and Pattaya is a crap hole,  he does make me laugh most of the time.  :thumbsup:


  13. If the police enforced the rules and regulations

    around this town,   congestion would decrease,  a lot.

    Also get Thai drivers and riders to stop being so selfish on the

    roads,    Traffic problem solved. :thumbsup:


    Could resurrect the Monorail Project !!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Ok,   just day dreaming,   back to beer Chang  no 4, far more fun. :burp:

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