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Posts posted by onemorechang


    On 10/10/2016 at 6:14 PM, cheapskatesam said:

    I get the impression that certain nationalities are subject to different levels of Thai immigrant/Employment laws..


    Why do Farangs go though hell and back to get a shitty beer bar set up.. but Russians have Titty bars on Walking Street.


    Indians with their million restaurants

    Arabs with Sheesha bars

    Chinese with their crap


    Do they go though the same crap?


    9 hours ago, copa8 said:


    Are you sure they're not Thais of Indian, Arab and Chinese descent? The latter, for e.g., make up 14% of the population. Also, as much as 40% of Thais have partial Chinese descent.


    Nah,  they just gave the correct brown envelope to the correct person.

    normal for pattaya.


  2. 56 minutes ago, jak2002003 said:

    That's strange... just noticed that there were far fewer Chinese tourists in the shopping mall today... my friend commented to me about it.  Then I see this thread.


    I am off to Chiang Mai city tomorrow... will see if its the same there. 


    If it's true... what country will be the next lot to come here?


    I don't think for one minute that the Chinese are done with pattaya.

    But we live in hope,  

    i would not  not miss thee fantastic eating habits,

    just pure class.

  3. 2 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    It's all irrelevant anyway. AI and robotics are bringing the next advance in the love doll industry, and every monger will be able to have his very own idol in the wardrobe. I expect the wowsers will be fighting to prevent that too. Fat chance of stopping it though.


    We all ready have these ,   they are called wives .  :jap:

  4. 2 hours ago, brewsterbudgen said:

    There is no requirement to wear mourning colours (black/white) - just dress appropriately and use common sense. Has no one here ever been to a funeral?


    Very true.

    But for long term falang residents,  we should try and make an effort , its not hard to do. 

    i wear white polo shirts  and black shorts most days anyway.  :jap:

  5. 13 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    If you don't know the answer why did you post anything?


    Because you seamed to think black was the only colour to ware.

    The mention of an arm band was just an alternative  for people.

    This thread is about information not silly remarks.

    maybe you should stop now.




  6. 1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Any suggestions as to where one can find a black arm band? I have no clue and it's not something I take on holiday.


    No idea,   maybe you should  just go buy a shirt of the correct colour. :jap:

  7. 4 hours ago, NanLaew said:

    How can it struggle to cope unless you reckon water flows uphill. As far a I remember, and that's pretty darn far, one went uphill on Klang to the Sukhumvit intersection. Last time I checked, about 10 days ago, that hadn't changed. Pre-tunnel construction days, the only bits of Sukhumvit that flooded were the dip between the Highway 7 ramp and Klang and the similar dip between Klang and Tai where Soi Watsomboon drains. The tunnel is on a... wait for it, a higher elevation. It will never flood but it will accelerate your travel between the two flooded areas defined above.


    Just for the record are you saying the tunnel wont ever flood.

    Please answer for the record yes or no.

  8. 3 hours ago, digbeth said:

    The lack of black on the streets  yesterday maybe due to the fact that not all may have black shirts readily in their wardrobe



    Black , Gray or White Shirts or dresses are acceptable,   or a black arm band if you don't have them  colours  :jap:



  9. 15 minutes ago, Chivas said:


    I'm afraid after such sad news this is not relevant anymore


     There was no need to post like that ,  but you did.

    Please use the thread at the top of the page.

    and post your thoughts and respect  there. :jap:



  10. 5 hours ago, Chivas said:


    Not sure what your continually digging is trying to achieve. The Soi's are being cleared by order of the military with regards to Fire Engine access. Its no big deal just a statement of fact. I'm guessing that if you were upstairs in a burning building your attitude would be different


    Oh please

    stop your dirt digging as well.

    and post the results in 2  weeks time.

    i look forward to your pictures of 100% empty soi's

    of food kart's and traders. :partytime2:

    PS I forgot,  Walking street aswell.






  11. 12 minutes ago, johng said:

    @mikebell   latest report I read said it was 70% done


    "Will not flood for sure"


    800 million +  Baht     started on 15 November 2014   scheduled to finish  1st February 2017




     I think it will struggle to cope with the water volume

    under very heavy rain conditions.

    I think you will see a retro fit for this,   every other year.

    The gravy train is a coming.

    Anyone know what the correct toll charge will be in the end ?





  12. 11 hours ago, fredob43 said:

    Please help me out here. A few weeks ago I put in a post that I left Pattaya some time ago because it had got to dangerous.

    Didn't you and other argued with me that it was a safe as houses or words to that affect. And that things like this are rare.

    Now it seems that thugs rule the streets. Would be nice if you made up your minds.



    Ok you can have that one. :jap:

    Thugs ruling the streets maybe a bit of a OTT comment.


    im  just  annoyed that the cops and courts do bugger all or very little to discourage the violate behaviour towards tourists or residents of Pattaya,    this results in a no fear culture of the consequences of breaking the law.   they could all do so much more,  but they don't !!!!!!!!


    But its a far cry from not being able to walk the streets here

    at night for fear of attacks.


    Also is a million miles  from the point where you need to runaway from Pattaya for fear of attacks.


    Come on,   come back its not a war zone.  :thumbsup:


    The op story is just a convoluted  Bs story.

    I would like to know what really went on.








  13. On 03/10/2016 at 9:35 PM, Chivas said:

    From October 15th no food carts or merchandise Carts on Walking St and connecting Sois


    Do you still 100% think,   this is going to happen in 3 days time.

    Then all the buildings encroaching into the sea,  will be empty ready for the bulldozers at the end of the month ?

    I some how don't think,  it will happen,  like that..


    But im fine with it,   if they do it.


    I  look forward to your pictures. :jap:




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