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Posts posted by onemorechang

  1. 12 hours ago, malt25 said:

    This isn't meant to be a flame, I'm just curious.

    Seeing your g/f is Thai, wouldn't it be easier for her just to call the Traffic office & ask what the procedure is ?


    Maybe he would get a load of convoluted bull shit.

    Good move ask here.    save a possible annoying day.

    His wise man ,   i  would say :jap:


  2. 8 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    Yeah, but he could have beat me up and not really looking for that. Maybe he eventually did realize I didn't understand Russian. I wonder if I did, what would be different. 


    Come  on

    You run that risk if you start a confrontation

    and you know that.

    So don't play the pussy card.


  3. 21 minutes ago, Seizetheday said:

    I've been to Moscow quite a bit, basically if you want to travel on public transport, trains, buses, underground etc, it's first in, best dressed, everyone just piles on, with total disregard for anyone else or any queue. That's how they are, your attempt to engender some western style order would have been completely lost on them as they probably have never experienced it before. Hence the Russian guys over reaction to you.


    That's not completely  true .

    Most Russians see situations,   as a mini power struggles.

    some loose gracefully,   some don't.

    That one,  the Russian guy did not,    but did not push it,   to far more.

    He lost.

    There is always a Victor,   excuse the pun

    Worked with them for years. :jap:


    Jingthing was right to stand his ground, more should do the same.

    don't be a door mat .


  4. 13 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    Actually I think the unwashed / smell bad stereotype thing is extremely out of date. Yes, in the Soviet era deodorant was seen as western decadence but not now. 


    Nah,     The middle aged or older are still the soap dodgers  of this town. :sick:





  5. 31 minutes ago, The manic said:

    My issue is that they insist on all the shops and restaurants having all their signage in Russian and cyrillic  - but surely they can see that a restaurant is a restaurant  and a tailor a tailor.  Thai is the language of Thailand and English the Language of the world but if even if for political reasons they do not wish to speak English must they insist that the Thai  food in the restaurants they visit  be so tasteless and anodyne? In many restaurants around Wongamat and Cozy beach the spicy Thai soups now taste like irish stew or Borscht.  The restaurant owners do not even both to put out the the little set of four condiments and spices! Last year when I asked for  phrik pom (chile powder), phrik dong (chile slices in vinegar) -They had none and gave me some kind of international, generic american tabasco or some such crap. Now I won't go in any Thai restaurants with Russian signage or menu. Some of the places round cozy beach have no English translations at all and have employed girls from Cambodia who speak Russian but not Thai or English.  I find the Russians with their unsmiling grim visages, small wallets and tasteless clothes a depressing bunch. Really depressing.


    I can remember when there was only one Russian style restaurant in Pattaya.

    Second road just past Pattaya Tai, on the right,

    Cant remember the name,    very proud of that  :thumbsup:

    Happy days then

    Now  look what they have left us.  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




  6. 1 hour ago, mcfish said:

    Just wait till December when the baht buses from jomtien to Pattaya are jam packed with them. I wish they would shower more, hotel water is free

    Sent from my SC-01D using Tapatalk


    No chance,    they love to smell like there at home.  :thumbsup:


  7. 34 minutes ago, guzzi850m2 said:

    Naklua is the best area to live in, in my opinion. Naklua road ends/or start at the dolphin roundabout and the new Terminal21 will be close by and also the currently being renovated Central Festival. I like shopping centers as they normally provides good restaurants from very cheap to more high ends ones and the A/C is nice during the hot month.

    If you can ride a motorbike then you should get yourself a cheap Thai motorbike, I been riding bikes here every day and must have covered way over 100.000km by now. Dangerous off-course but the freedom it gives you is enormous and actually addictive (well for me it is) and I often scooter out to Breadfabrik for breakfast, first covering the whole length of Pattaya beach road, sometimes rides though walking street, passing Bali Hai pier, then up the hill and then down to Jomtien. A nice 25-30 min ride from my house in Naklua without going too fast. My bike will maybe burn 1/2 lit of petrol doing that route, 91 gasohol, so 15 baht or thereabout in fuel, tops. Sometimes I take my bike down to the start of Beach road, lock it, take a baht bus to walking street and walks back to my bike, love it man, before 10am is best before the sun gets too strong.   


    The guy doe not want to drive or ride at all. :jap:


  8. 1 hour ago, bangkoken said:

    I'm an ex NYC guy married to a wonderful Thai girl. Believe me when I tell you this, Pattaya is not a place you want to live. The crime rate is high, the beaches are Ok at best and everyone is trying to get their hand into your pocket. From what I have seen in my 15 years here ,there are no good neighborhoods,areas,etc., in Pattaya. Most of the ex-pats(not all) living in Pattaya are there because it's much cheaper living than Bangkok . Any place that starts 'Happy Hour' at 7am is not a place you want to be.


    Bla  Bla  Bla.

    Nothing wrong with 7am Happy hour.

    One of the problems when people  who move away from Pattaya.

    is they  forget what fun is. :saai:


    The Op  was asking about Pattaya.


    BTW 2015,    352 murders  in NYC

    you should be used to a high crime rate by now. :giggle:



  9. 16 minutes ago, tropo said:

    It is not a requirement to live here to post here. Everyone loves to post in this "sub forum".


    Never said it was.

    But i do think knobs  from other parts of Thailand  that come in and slag the place off

    Must live a very dull life.


    Think they wish they had stayed here and not gone

    any place near the village ,    with the Pigs and the Chickens. and the dysfunctional extended  family


    They made there bed now they can go lay in it.

  10. The op's budget  is 7000- 10,000

    View Taley would be ok for him ,  but think may need about 12k

    and need to strike a deal for a year i would think.

    JBC, beach road,     Majestic,   ( soi watboon )      are in his  price range.


    Weather in Jomtien is same as in Pattaya !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Beach is no better than Pattaya.

    The island beach  is ok.


    Night life ok in Jomtien,  there is a Gay seen in and around Jomtien Complex

    if that's your thing,   or  loads of small bars up the side streets on beach road.

    or Rompole market for the lady bars.

    Restaurants are good in Jomtien.

    Transport in to pattaya is fine on the Baht bus at 10 Baht !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Small shopping for food is ok in Jomtien Tops and 24 place just up the road.

    Or Lotus just up on Sukhumvet in Jomtien. plenty of

    taxi there for getting  your shopping home.




  11. Good luck

    Bet after a few months / weeks ,  we will see you back on this sub forum.

    most other places in Thailand are very dull.

    that's why they all post here.

  12. 6 minutes ago, stephen tracy said:



    These people  all must have an very  exciting life,    if they are having to trawl the sub forums of Tv for there kicks.


    You're on here aren't you?  What happened? Did the Go-Go bars close?  Of course they would leave.  Without the rent-a-girlfriend the golf just wouldn't be the same. 


    Ha Ha, 

    Jomtien was not all closed  tonight  . but cant have to many

    Changs,  ( nudge nudge wink wink,  remember me   saying about the internet

    I love Thailand, and its golf tomorrow if its not raining

    win win !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :thumbsup:



  13. 1 hour ago, stephen tracy said:


    I don't know, I just assume the vast majority of sex-tourists wouldn't be able to meet someone that wasn't a working girl.  The same reason they can't do so in their own countries.  If there's no brothels [in whatever form they may take], then they would have scant opportunities form a relationship or even have a one-night stand with a woman [Thai or non-Thai] that wasn't a hooker.  As for ex-pats, I don't think they would leave, but the sex-pats most likely would as there'd be no reason for them to stay anymore.  They're only there for one reason.  Anyway, I am actually speaking out of turn in many ways as although I've lived in Bangkok for 10 years, I've only been to Pattaya once with a friend and we managed to last about a day and half before leaving because of the presence of so many Western degenerates.  Ii found it depressing.  But to each his own.   



    1.5 days, you pushed the boat out there then.

    Still don't get why you think sex pats / Sex tourist  wont come or the ones here will leave.   do you think sex pats / sex tourist just sit in  bars all day playing with girls ? if you do your a bit out of date.

    your find a lot of them on the golf courses, and other places round town, like i said loads to do in this town.


    Also slagging off pattaya is so easy to do.

    im  just amazed at the resent influx of people writing on the pattaya forum from afar,   that dislike the place and the people.


    These people  all must have an very  exciting life,    if they are having to trawl the sub forums of Tv for there kicks.










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