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Posts posted by onemorechang

  1. 17 minutes ago, CarolJadzia said:

    @onemorechang yes, the enforcement/compliance model works so well elsewhere that it is also the only answer for Thailand, that's why the "decade of action for road safety" has failed to address the problem with it's blinkered enforcement only model after five years of trying. While internationally road accident fatality figures have either plateaued, or in the countries with the heaviest enforcement approach, such as France and the United States, the fatality rates are now going up!


    We are moving into a new era  that is commonly known as "Safety 2 thinking", internationally there is gathering momentum for "recovery from a command and control system".


    So your argument for more enforcement just leads to "Hypercomplience"  and is fortunately heading the same way as the dinosaur.




    Thank you for confirming you dont live here.

    or at best have been here a only couple of years.

    Referencing  thailand to other countries is bull shit,     they are special here.


    For years the cops just let it go on,   they dont care.   they dont enforce  anything on the roads apart form money collection days for silly crash helmut rules or license stuff

    and guess what people drive with out a license here,  did you know that ?

    Fine them, confiscate there  vehicles,     imprison them for there murderous attitude.


    The enforcement you talk of is 400 baht fine  , now on your way,  ready  to endanger others. 












  2. 29 minutes ago, CarolJadzia said:


    To assume people do not care is a problem.

    We call it "fundamental attribution error". 


    We all care about our safety. Many Thais consider this life to be part of a greater journey and only see death as a lesson. That does not make them less caring, just they have a different way of seeing things. That is a cultural challenge. 


    Training does make a difference and a growing number of Thai riders are seeking information from me on defensive riding skills. 

    So at least with the many Thai's I know, their attitude is not the problem. But obviously yours is! 


    Bull shit. 

    20 years, 150,000 km most round this town.

    tells me  your wrong,    they dont give a shit.   about how  to drive or ride on the roads.

    They know exactly what they are doing.  ( selfish, murderous drivers riders )


    They will view harder training and harder testing as what they need to do just to drive or ride.

    When  they have the  license  after what you think is required ,   they will just carry on

    same as before.


    You need to hit the pocket and get the cops to do there job as well.

    Remember money number 1 in Thailand. up the fines. and enforce the rules.


    As for your comment about my attitude,   

    ok man,    if that's what you think fine.

    Your just delusional  about Thai drivers and riders.  laughable.

    They may care about themselves, but they wont care about you or your family on the roads.

    Murderous  drivers and riders of Thailand






  3. 2 minutes ago, CarolJadzia said:

    It is such a shame that these accidents are happening hundreds of times a day. 
    The poor training and testing of road users is the biggest issue. In the countries with the lowest accidents rates people are required to display far higher skills in order to be allowed a licence. By comparison Thailand does not require any  on road "real world" demonstration of skills in order to get a driving licence. 
    In the absence of this real world interactive training, people revert to the rules they learned as pedestrians. 
    As a motorcycle Instructor, I have a different view of this, yes the van driver was in the wrong. But with the thousands of accidents that are caused in this manner all over Thailand, it should not be a surprise that a mini van would act in this manner. "It takes two to tangle". With better defensive rider and driver training, many of these right of way errors could be easily avoided. 

    RIP to the rider. 


    The attitude of the driver or rider is the problem  

    The attitude of the police is the problem.

    The attitude of the parents is the problem

    The attitude of the government officials is the problem

    The attitude of the school teachers is the problem

    just for starters.

    Better training on how to ride or drive or harder testing,   wont make much difference

    in Thailand,   they  dont care at all,    they kill there own children on the roads,  then put it down to bad luck. :bah:


  4. 3 hours ago, alocacoc said:

    Did somene recognize that Foodmart sell some really strange cheese? It' doesn't smell. And it even don't melt if it gets heat from a oven. I throw it away. The brand is AGT or MGT or something.


    A little bit off topic ,  but for  cheese,   Taste, Qty,  value for money  185 baht

    reckon this is about as good as it gets in the shops here. 

    nice with some red wine.

    (don't know if food land stocks it )






  5. Just now, Jingthing said:

    The title is an invitation to read the OP. It seems that you and some others are just too lazy to do that and instead just post a reply that has nothing to do with the topic. That is on you. Again, do you get it now what the topic is about? If so, we're good.  


    What ever man, get on with it.

    Wont post on your over the top food threads anymore. :facepalm::facepalm::facepalm:



  6. 3 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Thanks for posting that link. At first I thought you WERE saying there are pavements, LOL.

    How anyone can say that Buakhao is safe to walk on is beyond me.


    The times I have nearly been maimed on that road were by maniacs speeding on the WRONG SIDE of the road. So much for walking against the traffic 555555555555555555555555


    It's time to put a new road alongside Buakhao ( easily done now while few buildings are on the land ) and make Buakhao a walking street. That would then allow them to move ALL the bars from Beach and Second into Buakhao. Everyone would be happy then.

    I know I'm dreaming :)


    Not such a bad idea,  

    Could make it one way  and put all the girly bars there,   would be ok.

    That would leave beach road and Walking street to the families

    and other undesirables. :giggle:

    Win Win i would say. :thumbsup:




  7. There is a hardware store,  just down from Food land,  heading to the beach

    on opposite side of the road,  on Pattaya Klang.  got everything in threre

    worth a try.   sorry don't know the name.  :wai2:

  8. 45 minutes ago, Michael8511 said:

    It will always be crocks and criminals that will overstay in Thailand. They can still pay police under the table. In New York now the Thai consulate are stressing the need of proper visas and I was told by the clerk, known him for many years that they will stop issue visas to tourist with to many visa runs. I have always had a visa during my last 20 years have done 1 visa run 10 years ago. Don't understand what the problem is for people to get a visa it's the same cost as if you will do 2-3 visa runs a year. Also heard that they may start asking for travel insurance. I always take a inbound insurance with a Thai company and that's cheaper then the regular once or the one that the consulate refer to. And this week the consulate posted a poster about overstay.
    Tried to post it but could not


    Its not a requirement to have insurance for a visa .   its still hearsay.  :wai2:

    Also 30 day entry stamp is not a visa,   holiday makers usual do this one,   no requirement for insurance. :wai2:



  9. 1 hour ago, KKr said:

    Some observations after my earlier post that contained erroneous speculations.
    So an adult helps the boys, pays for their food and rents a room where they stayed several days. 
    The Adult with two boys under 18 years of age, 14 and 17 to be precise.
    The adult insisted on having sex with the minor.
    So it is a Paedo ? ( A Paedo Ladyboy, not heard about that before. )
    Then two boys with a record of physical assault kill her.
    How low can you go.. .. .. 

    Pre-meditated murder charge, hope they will be sent to the psycho asylum what will make the streets safer.


    Please remember the Lady boy is dead,   so the only truth about sexual stuff,   is what the murderers have told the police,   it could be all lies. :wai2:

    This is a very nasty crime,  lock them up for 20 years,  the little pigs. :bah:








  10. 37 minutes ago, Yahooka said:

    I`ve only seen Celtic :bah: shirts on sale here.........Last time was on the ground floor in Mike`s shopping mall .


    Think i have seen Rangers and Celtic shirts being used as

    replacement mop heads at some hotels around town.  :thumbsup:

    Also seen a large numbers of lady boys wearing both types in the last year

    a long beach road.   all very fitting :wai2:

  11. 38 minutes ago, williamgeorgeallen said:

    retirement visa is so cheap. surely anyone who can afford to live here can afford the visa.


    Not so sure about that,   if your pension income alone is good enough to

    obtain a one year extension of stay,  fine.  :thumbsup:

    But there are many that is does not,   so they top it up with cash.  ok for some,   not all.

    If your married its half prize, or near that.

    but more to the point,  there are some that are not married and  don't have the pension yet but are retired,   this requires 700,000 in the Thai bank,    is that cheap,    No.

    the cost of extension of stay is cheap   but the requirements

    are not.


    I don't mind the cheap charlies here in pattaya, some are far better that some of the rich idiots,  i have met here over the last twenty year.


    Btw im not talking about myself here. :wai2:



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