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Posts posted by onemorechang

  1. I'm willing to bet Mr. hotshot Bang Bang wouldn't try that on a 30 year old foreigner. But on a 60 year old senior he feels like he's the man.

    In front of that mini tesco, there is a fake taxi guy with a highend car who always parks in that spot with his hood up to show off his engine I presume. It has been like that for years and that is HIS spot and nobody ever parks there except him.

    I assume this American was lippy, drunk and pissed that connected guy off while perhaps being macho due to his military background... Then his mototaxi friends then retaliated..

    I know the locals on that corner and to piss them off, I guarantee the farang did something way worse than the article alleges.

    Your lack of knowledge of what can happen in this town

    is staggering.

    Blame the victim, what a load bah.gif

    But if some people just stay in there homes all day , odds on, they will be fine whistling.gif

  2. Visa overstay = Petty crime.

    Murder on the roads = serious crime.

    Muggings = serious crime.

    Drug dealing = serious crime.

    Scams / Fraud = serious crime.

    Extortion = serious crime

    People have died in the past because the above,

    No one died of a petty over stay. Good enough.

    Some people on Tv, would execute people for dropping litter. facepalm.gif

  3. All this raiding of condos for over stayers, buy police, immigration,

    Make you feel like a very valued Guest, cheesy.gifgiggle.gifcheesy.gifgiggle.gifcheesy.gif

    knock Knock, Papers, papers , where your papers. what a way, to treat a so called guest facepalm.gif

    ( paying customer )

    Would be nice if they used that man power , for more productive use.

    come on, go catch the real bad boys. wai2.gif

    As always you don't have anything to add to this topic. They are catching the bad guys, the overstayers and possible criminals hiding in Thailand . We need more of this.

    Knock knock , lets do it. 1zgarz5.gif

    Petty crime is always viewed by petty people as a triumph.

    Its a pantomime show, coffee1.gif

  4. All this raiding of condos for over stayers, buy police, immigration,

    Make you feel like a very valued Guest, cheesy.gifgiggle.gifcheesy.gifgiggle.gifcheesy.gif

    knock Knock, Papers, papers , where your papers. what a way, to treat a so called guest facepalm.gif

    ( paying customer )

    Would be nice if they used that man power , for more productive use.

    come on, go catch the real bad boys. wai2.gif

  5. The motorcycle cut in front of him , sounds about par for the course , happened to me at least 3 times yesterday , you just have to drive slower as the average Thai m/cycle rider has very little between the ears , rip young lady .sad.png

    You have it all wrong, the Pick up driver is the one with nothing between his ears the lady M/Cycle rider was probably driving safe but the idiot pick up driver going way to fast trying to have a accident and he did,,,

    I dirive a car and ride a m/bike many car and pick up drivers are very dangerous, as are many other vehicles.

    You sure !!!!

    If you pull out or cut in front of another motor vehicle,

    you better make dam sure you can make it, if not don't do it, or better still, let it pass, then pull out

    you may die if you don't.

    Its pretty simple. wai2.gif

  6. Try knowing what you're talking about before posting!! This has nothing to do with a license that more than likely can be, "purchased". Whether it's quoted as 8 tons or 800 is also irrelevant.

    What is relevant is the design (of passenger carrying rafts in crocodile infested lakes) has been carried out by a suitably qualified engineer, reviewed and approved by an independent and qualified body to ensure that all functionality and safety factors have been built into the design.

    Following that all fabrication drawings and materials for the construction would need to be reviewed and approved in accordance with the approved design criteria.

    Prior to fabrication procedures (for welding, NDT, etc) would need to be approved, as would all fabrication personnels cerificates.

    Apart, from the above basics, I haven't even touched on the raft operators (captains) credentials or maintenance requirements of the rafts!

    All that said , but you still need competent people to run and maintain this sort of equipment.

    Its a non starter. coffee1.gif

  7. ok, game on

    400 baht is what a driver will try and extract out of an unsuspecting tourist !!!!!!!!! get it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    So you saying 50 baht to say, your hotel in jomtien second road, you alone for 50 baht.

    No Way

    over to you

    We are talking about the 50 baht a head baht bus that leaves with 12 people crammed inside all going to pattaya around the loop of beach road to second rd and other hotels not to far from them and yes you get dropped off at the door for 50 baht

    Now that bus stops 10 meters away from the connecting Jomtien baht bus that runs every 10 mins for a whopping 10 baht! or you can go private from near walking st to jomtien for 100 baht

    Only a complete Moron would pay 500 baht ! is that you? are you a complete moron?

    over to you..game on laugh.png

    Well thank you for demonstrating how it is for a 10+ years expat of pattaya.

    we don't get ripped do we. im alright jack that will be you.

    Thousands of Chinese, yes they will get ripped.

    BTW 100 pattaya to jomtien, say chyapock police box, private no other passengers 20:30.

    pull the other one, its got changs on it. cheesy.gif

    over to you

    Ps feel free to start a new thread on this. your a good joker.

    Oh dear now you have introduce a time line 20.30 laugh.png

    What next? it only applies to tourists arriving from Iceland?


    Ha Ha

    So you are wrong then. cheesy.gifgiggle.gifcheesy.gif

    Over to you.

  8. ok, game on

    400 baht is what a driver will try and extract out of an unsuspecting tourist !!!!!!!!! get it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    So you saying 50 baht to say, your hotel in jomtien second road, you alone for 50 baht.

    No Way

    over to you

    We are talking about the 50 baht a head baht bus that leaves with 12 people crammed inside all going to pattaya around the loop of beach road to second rd and other hotels not to far from them and yes you get dropped off at the door for 50 baht

    Now that bus stops 10 meters away from the connecting Jomtien baht bus that runs every 10 mins for a whopping 10 baht! or you can go private from near walking st to jomtien for 100 baht

    Only a complete Moron would pay 500 baht ! is that you? are you a complete moron?

    over to you..game on laugh.png

    Well thank you for demonstrating how it is for a 10+ years expat of pattaya.

    we don't get ripped do we. im alright jack that will be you.

    Thousands of Chinese, yes they will get ripped.

    BTW 100 pattaya to jomtien, say chyapock police box, private no other passengers 20:30.

    pull the other one, its got changs on it. cheesy.gif

    over to you

    Ps feel free to start a new thread on this. your a good joker.

  9. When you arrive at the North Pattaya bus station there is a line of baht buses waiting. You tell them where you are going, they put you in the right bus with your bags, 50 baht a head, and the driver does a round and drops people off. The same principle would work here as well. I Was waiting for a friend at the start of Walking St last night. Almost every songtauw that passed was empty, a few had 2 or 3 passengers in them. They would welcome the business.

    No they don't take you where you want to go for 50 baht, total BS

    Get you wallet out if you want to do that 300, 400, 500, go give it a go and report back.

    Your talking about the most greedy of them all, the pattaya baht bus drivers.

    You know nothing.

    This is interesting. I never paid more than 50 baht in 10 years worth of trips. How about you give an example of a 400 baht trip in that baht bus. if your going to say its 20 miles from Pattaya then your are full of crap because they ask up front where your going and you wont be allowed on

    over to you coffee1.gif

    ok, game on

    400 baht is what a driver may well try and extract out of an unsuspecting tourist !!!!!!!!! get it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    So you saying 50 baht to say, your hotel in jomtien second road, you alone for 50 baht.

    No Way

    What do you think will happen to thousands of unsuspecting Chinese tourists !!!!!

    over to you

  10. When you arrive at the North Pattaya bus station there is a line of baht buses waiting. You tell them where you are going, they put you in the right bus with your bags, 50 baht a head, and the driver does a round and drops people off. The same principle would work here as well. I Was waiting for a friend at the start of Walking St last night. Almost every songtauw that passed was empty, a few had 2 or 3 passengers in them. They would welcome the business.

    No they don't take you where you want to go for 50 baht, total BS

    Get you wallet out if you want to do that 150, 200, 300, 400, 500 , go give it a go and report back.

    Your talking about the most greedy organization of them all, the pattaya baht bus drivers.

    You know nothing of what you talk.

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