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Posts posted by onemorechang

  1. 40 minutes ago, spetersen said:

    Many of these posts are so disrespectful, don't jump in to conclusions just for the sake to say something , people talkin about who was the cause of the accident with a fatal outcome without having a clue and who are going to pay for it, stop that and behave like caring adults, but that is maybe to ask for to much. The boy was 15 years old and he was a schoolmate with my son 10th grade and the situation in school were very sad today with the Thai flag on half mast , please respekt the family in grief and all his mates in school and let's hope it will be better on the Thai roads in the future...


    That's a shame,  always sad when children die on the roads.

    the news  stats  age as 20-25 year old  man.  not a young boy.


    But the blame usual falls at the parents feet when children die on the roads.

    ( lack of supervision )  but who knows what happened  , if there was no witness.


    RIP,   young man



  2. 1 hour ago, ardokano said:

    Excuse me

    what language do you speak?
      Not found in the dictionary of the English language the word "farang" and "falang":whistling::D


    i would blame the Thai guy.

    as there are no good  Thai ,  Riders / drivers in Pattaya. (c)


    This is not Thai..

     Thai like a normal person give way to vehicles move at a faster speed, but for some reason decided that a foreigner can be on a motorbike in the far right lane to move slowly.


     So why you  think "as there are no good  Thai ,  Riders / drivers in Pattaya."?

    foreigners a lot, especially in Pattaya- "no good   , Riders / drivers":D



    If you wish to play the  u-tube game,   im afrade

    there is to wide a choice of death and destruction  by  Thai drivers and riders to chose from,     a  truly awful catalog of  murderous behavior on the roads.


    BTW if you dont understand Farang or Falang,  then we dont need

    to talk anymore.

    Have a nice day. :coffee1:








  3. Just now, lor said:

    I found the 3bb office on the 2nd floor or Tesco on Thapreisit road was the best to deal with


    yes always fun with canceled services  in Thailand. :)


  4. Need to get 3BB internet connected in jomtien next week.

    Where is the  best 3BB  office to go for this. ?    i have just finished with TOT.

    Thanks  onemorechang:wai2:

  5. 23 hours ago, sharecropper said:

    Who says you can't learn anything from Thai Visa except how to moan and troll?


    Today on my way back from town, 2 Indians get on my baht bus, and sit opposite me. One of them's smoking,


    "You can't smoke in here. It's public transport. It's Illegal." I said.


    He responded with a smile that either said "I don't understand you" or "I do understand you, but I don't give a ****."


    So I removed my sunglasses so he could see my eyes and repeated my comments, pointing at his cigarette, at which point his mate translated and he threw it out.


    Then I said "Littering's illegal" (No I didn't. I was happy he'd got rid of it...)




    With the increase of Indian , Chinese people coming to Pattaya

    smoking on the baht bus system will increase as well.

    Are you going to let this wind you up every time you go to town.

    I think you will be  having more confrontations over the coming years

    and they may not end so well, each time.

    is it worth it ?






  6. Its just not news anymore,    just a normal every day occurrence

    on beach road pattaya.


    What would be good news is

    Habitual Lady boy thieves  of beach road sent to Jail for 5 years.


    Come on cops,    prosecute the vile men,   put them in Jail,

    not a little fine and on your way.   they destroy your reputation every time. :wai2:




  7. Don't think i need the quote function,    as there is no one else here.

    I would like to thank you for the catalog of insults.   its ok i can handle that.

    but i do predict  more tumble weed going past this thread.

    I would like to comment on some the views you have about me and other posters.

    but im not going to make this thread exciting in anyway,    it needs to just fall

    off the page,    as it will soon.

    Now if you would like to start a thread about cyclists in and around pattaya i will

    be more than happy to come and comment on it.

    Here is the a suggested tittle   ( cyclists the good and the bad in pattaya )

    maybe you can tell us about your good and bad experiences   with drivers around

    town.  i think it would qualify,   as an exciting and exhilarating thread,

    and may well open your eyes,  as  to how people behave on the roads.


    Can you tell me where i can buy a few pairs of these around town

    as i think you must have a large stock of them.




  8. 22 hours ago, ardokano said:

    i do not know who is falang.

     But old  British   .. wrong so must be punished.

     if cant drive.. so no need drive.. 

     PS my  few friends had accident in Thailand  and in final Thai or they insurance pay..

    But may be because my friends notWe do not violate traffic rules and respect for other drivers?Or may be because not falang, and only foreigners?  :whistling:


    Sorry Farang not Falang.   my bad

    Sorry i not understand the rest of your post,




  9. 27 minutes ago, n210mp said:



    You my dear Onetoomanychangs,

    AKA Onemorechang are not even in the same school as me for "winding "people up, you are a  but "hoppin youth when it come to being a little flamer but nevertheless you should be compensated for your feeble attempts as an encouragement to "do Better next time "

     Ha ha ha.


    N210MP Pretending to swallow the bait writes;


    "What the flippin heck are you rambling on about again OMC" self  Edited after TVF deleted my apparent  3 letter profanity 


    What has selfish cyclists riding 2 or 3 abreast got to do with me or this thread or have YOU simply got  an axe to grind?


    I think maybe  you are a  secret  and wannabe closet cyclist, a little bitter and twisted to boot, have you got  a secret desire  or carnal  ambitions concerning  2/3 lycra clad  men riding 2/3 abreast and blocking your most intimate desires on the public highway?


    I would  like you   to start a thread that is about something that you  are maybe a little obsessive about, say  golf,  tennis ,bar stool  Barracks lawyer, couch potato,, Grumpy old men the list is endless .


     OK .maybe I'm  asking too much of you,   maybe  you could post something you are mildly, interested in, I sure there must be something in your not too distant past worthy of a good read by the lads and lasses on here?


    Or is it simply that you are bored and get your highs from  making little flames on us poor posters?


    If it is, no problem, whatever turns you on is OK by me changy.


    You keep firing your little flame gun and i will do my best to accommodate your "Obsession" 


    All written in the best possible taste with no  malice attached herein  or appended !


    And even the forum rules have been moderately  kept too as well


    I was being serious about,    the resent rise of selfish cyclist in and around pattaya as a new thread.  it was not an attack on you about your possible behavior on the roads.


    But reading the above,    will give it a miss.  :coffee1:






  10. 6 hours ago, n210mp said:


     I agree I must have been drunk!


    And now it's  it's over to onemorechang to start a simply exciting and exhilarating thread, over to you changy.


    Maybe you should have had a good beer,   it may have stopped you

    writing this  :coffee1:



    The reason for this thread is because I am also passing a bit of time waiting ,sat here in my OAP lycra cycle suit for the rain to stop.


    Would you like a thread about, say,    fools riding bicycles  two or thee or four abreast

    down  the road whilst having a chat among themselves.   being a dam right danger to other road users ,    would that be a good thread. ?  :wai2:



  11. Get a car or motor bike,   sod the Baht bus system.

    you can keep it,   motor cycle taxi is my first choice.

    Works just fine,  even if a bit expensive. from say the dark side to jomtien

    after a session  :thumbsup:

  12. 22 minutes ago, lonewolf99 said:

    Here is a bit of advise....go and find the bottle yourself in the store. Do not attempt to say the word Haiter.....This is one of those words the locals have that is rising falling backwards mid class low tone nonsense in their language.


    No matter how clearly you say Hay Teh  the R is silent you will get nowhere. As a native English speaker I would have thought HAI could be Hi and TER is just that ter ! So more like Highter.......but no chance here....!!!


    I had the same problem with Brasso.....They just kept repeating the word and looking confused and saying My Mee...No have.

     I was at the point of giving up the will to live asking for this all over town. I eventually found a can of it in one of those crappy, sells everything hardware stores/shacks, and when I presented it to the locals they all said.  "Oh you mean, Bah Las soh  .....give me strength.

    Best of luck with the bleach.....


    Tesco lotus sells Brasso.

    it works fine on polishing the Prince Albert. :thumbsup:




  13. 1 hour ago, Basil B said:

    I think those who get of a bus because someone is smoking should indicate to the driver with the smoking gesture and say he pay...


    I am sure the driver will get the money of the smoker.


    I reckon he will come after you. maybe not

    but very silly advice to give people. :wai2:


  14. 1 hour ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

    Wrong! They are all 6% sodium hypochlorite solutions...the difference being their scents (which to an average thai is the most important product attribute).


    I'm not entirely convinced,  maybe they are different flavors

    can you have a quick swig out all three and report back.  :giggle:


    Only joking

    and for all children on Tv,   dont drink bleach you may die from this activity :wai2:

  15. 3 hours ago, whaleboneman said:

    That's too bad. I think you're missing out big time here. The guy that tiled my house is my good friend now. I used to make him lunch while he was working. And he always came back for a beer after he went home and cleaned up. Now I go over to his place for dinner and a haircut (50 baht) and he plays his crazy guitar type instrument. When I need a tool, I know he will always lend it. If you never get to know anyone, how would you know you have nothing in common?


    What you going to do,   when your having a beer and he taps you up

    for say 100,000 baht,    he needs real quick as mum is sick. ?

    Thai male friends that's a hard one

    .But never say never :thumbsup:



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