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Posts posted by onemorechang

  1. 8 minutes ago, fredob43 said:

    Ok I'll come out of the closet I didn't leave Patts because I felt unsafe.

    I left because of people like you who are know it all's and cant be wrong.

    Happy now.

    Enjoy your safe life there.



    Yes i do,    for 5 years as a tourist and 15 years as  my home

    We can all be wrong,    but its a shame when we cant put our hand up.

    but instead we just invent reasons not to.

    Good luck in    wherethefuckaburi.

    Party town / Sex town  wont miss you. :wai2:

  2. 2 hours ago, fredob43 said:

    Can only assume you don't understand English.

    I haven't change/twisted anything around I sad that I left Patts because my family & I didn't feel safe there anymore. (That was 10+ years ago) Now according to some peeps on TV it has got even worse.


    You were the one that demanded a different excuse as if ones needs one.

    Safety is Safety in all walks of life.


    My Wife won't come there because in her words she's scared of the place. No other reason even though your trying to imply there is one.


    Suggest you or anyone go back and reread my posts, leave the Chang alone then maybe they might make sense. Doubt it though as you do seem to be a person that cant be wrong.





    Some of the reasons I think people leave pattaya /Jomtien 

    Please add any more if i  have forgot some.:thumbsup:


    Financial,    run out or limited funds.

    Got scammed,  burned , to ashamed and skint,

    time to go home.

    Bad health,  insurance companies wont touch you.

    Serious injury.

    Free or better education in there home country for there children.

    Married a Bar Girl,   now she wants you out of this town and near her family.

    Married a bar girl,   and the man wishes to pretend she was not a bar girl

    And start a fresh life else ware. ( nothing wrong with that )

    Broken hearted

    Job offer out of town .

    Threats after  some altercation with Thai guys.

    Had a good kicking for mouthing off at Thai guys.

    Welfare hand outs have been stopped in country of origin.

    Alcoholic,   going home to die with family and friends,   may be get a transplant.

    Tired of chasing girls / Boys, and want a quite life now .


    To scared to live in pattaya/ Jomtien   Nah.

    Pattaya  / jomtien is ok to live in,   its not perfect,   but its fine.

    Long live pattaya and Jomtien.

  3. 39 minutes ago, fredob43 said:

    Can only assume you don't understand English.

    I haven't change/twisted anything around I sad that I left Patts because my family & I didn't feel safe there anymore. (That was 10+ years ago) Now according to some peeps on TV it has got even worse.


    You were the one that demanded a different excuse as if ones needs one.

    Safety is Safety in all walks of life.


    My Wife won't come there because in her words she's scared of the place. No other reason even though your trying to imply there is one.


    Suggest you or anyone go back and reread my posts, leave the Chang alone then maybe they might make sense. Doubt it though as you do seem to be a person that cant be wrong.





    You never mentioned your family until the last two posts.

    That's twisting it

    Your the one that has come from afar to  bag  Pattaya.

    You did not leave pattaya because you felt unsafe.

    That's a pork pie. :bah:










  4. 2 hours ago, fredob43 said:

    Mr Chang if you don't think your family's safety is important that's up to you. I happen to think the opposite.  

    N/B as stated before I do visit Patts to see friends but my Thai wife refuses to go. Must tell you something.



    My family are fine in this town


    Nice your trying to twist what you said around .

    Please tell the truth.

    I wounder why your wife does not want to come back to pattaya ?

  5. There was no innocent parties here,  apart from a little boy who

    trusted his dad. ( hope he recovers soon )

    All bikers were driving with no due care and attention and speeding

    also  not stopping at a junction,  just swooping across a carriageway when there is on coming vehicles  ( foolish )

    idiots the lot of them.

    but this is totally normal  behavior here.  :bah:



  6. 3 hours ago, fredob43 said:

    How much of a reason do you want?

    I would have thought that having two friend mugged one having to spend a week in ICU followed by several in a normal ward for minding their own business would have been enough.


    Sir if you don't think so you must be living in some sort illusion that Patts is the best thing since sliced bread. Suggest you get out a little open your eyes, maybe you'll find that there is life outside of a tourist town.


    Tip give beach road a big miss at night.



    Still waiting for you  to tell us the real reasons why you left.

    i some how dont feel you left because someone else got a kicking in town.

    that's  just absurd. :facepalm:



  7. 18 minutes ago, fredob43 said:

    So you think your safety isn't worth a bean.


    Just look at the Pattaya news today (any day) and you will see yet another dose of muggings, robberies, ETC.

    Then again you could be living in the it wont happen to me world.  

    One of the reasons I left. 

    Two of my friends in a spate of a month were mugged one spent a week in ICU.


    Best of luck. 



    Would like to tell us the real reasons why you left ?

    Because your not doing very well so far.


    If your scared in this town,  you better go hide under the bed

    the real world can be much worse,   if you go there. :wai2:




  8. This is great news if true.

    Well done social media and the cops /Army/ City Hall.

    think that covers them all.  :thumbsup:


    if these scum bags are out of business and stay out of business, that's  good.

    Now tourist who wish to Jet ski can and enjoy there time in Pattaya.

    Good Job :thumbsup:

  9. 5 minutes ago, pepi2005 said:

    In a followup post I had mentioned that Chinese buyers are picking up some of the slack, so the situation regarding to "condos"/condo projects may actually not be that bad.


    This may true to some extent, but after having spent a few weeks here again and having talked to people who actually know about the market because they are either renting themselves or property agents (who NOT try to sell me something :-)): each of them has said that there is a clear over-supply of apartments in Pattaya now and that prices (for both, rentals and re-sales) have been going DOWNHILL (to use the buzzword :D) since a while now. Of course there are stubborn owners who decline to adapt their rates or certain top locations that are still easy to sell/rent, but in general, the impression seems to be that 50-60% of the units "up for rent" in Pattaya won't even get rented during this year's "high season"! Units (also rooms in non-brand hotels) that were easily rented for 1000b/day now have to try to find customers with 600-700b.


    The problem I see with the direction the city currently takes is that a 'seaside resort' with horrible and polluted beaches, roads increasingly congested by tour busses and less and less vegetation will have increasing issues attracting tourists to spend their holiday here. Here's the link to the 'bar scene': if, on top of that, girls in the major tourist venues like Gogo Bars hit customers for almost the same amount as p4p back in their home countries, punters will prefer to enjoy their main holidays somewhere else (where it's truly beautiful) and buy sex at home.

    (Bangkok is at the borderline of an oversupply too already, but at least it's the capitol city which has different dynamics in the property market. Here, it's a holiday destination).


    If I were city major :wai:, I'd ban busses from the inner city. Bus terminals in Naklua & Jomtien, from there only Songthaews and mini buses to get tourists to their hotels. Immediately put a stop on further "killing" Pratumnak hill with "condo" projects - further construction licenses after proving financing and an evaluation of demand and based on ecological / city development criteria. Wherever possible, construction of footpaths along the roads, while doing that, get rid of power lines and put them under earth (as they are starting to do it in Bangkok now). Cleaning up the beaches, patrols & high fines for boats or companies polluting the sea (ideally, partnering up with other cities up to the southern tip of the Eastern Seaboard). Finding a solution for the over-polluted Koh Larn (according to rumors, 30 mt's of garbage piled up there). Dedicated entertainment zones where other projects are not getting an approval, because a smart Pattaya would utilize their already existing 'brand' and protect the scene as integral part of their concept as holiday destination), public transport (electric buses?), limit to 1 vehicle per household etc.


    That all may well be true .

    But the Sex  and the crack around town is  still great.

    Pattaya the Top sex town of Asia ,  is not dead yet.

    Long live Pattaya  :thumbsup:


  10. 30 minutes ago, impulse said:


    Robots servicing you, too?


    It was just a matter of time.  


    How's the orgasmatron?  I haven't been able to find one to try yet.


    Here you go  :wai2:




    Or there are many versions down Soi 6,  but these are coin and note operated

    Have fun,   trying all models. :thumbsup:


  11. 30 minutes ago, fredob43 said:

    Has it improved enough to entice me back, not on your life. Given the choice of Patts or UK would plumb for UK, must tell you something.



    Sorry dont think anyone would give up Jomtien / Pattaya Thailand for the uk because of what you have stated. 


    But to leave for many other other reasons,  yes. :wai2:


  12. 6 minutes ago, Scotwight said:

    In Vietnam don't they eat dogs?


    They do eat dog in Thailand  , its not common

    but does go on,   forget name of the market i went to about 18 years ago

    some place up country,   dog parts  ready to go. 


    BTW   i like dogs,    but not to eat.

                i also bit a dog back once many years ago.

                freaked a few people out,    The dog screamed like hell !!!!!!

                crazy days  :thumbsup:




  13. Much nicer 10 years ago

    No  Cars and pick ups with music blasting out all night.

    No Second road jomtien,  its a F1 race track now.

    Only 1-2 Lady boys in jomtien on the streets, 

    ( were at the top of soi white house waiting to high jack drunk Norwegians )

    The nose level was fine 10 years ago,   now its not so good.

    No Russians or Chinese around or very few.

    The general feel of jomtien is now a bit hostile.

    can blame,    the above for that.

    The Beach was never great,  but they keep digging up the foot path  along the beach every 4-5 years  total mess,   a very obvious tea money project.


    Don't think i will be in Jomtien in 5 years time.   it is not the same now days.

    its getting near time to move over the dark side.





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