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Posts posted by onemorechang

  1. Just now, bkk6060 said:

    I run into complainers all the time.  Many at the bars 7 and 8 and Soi Buckaew.  I just get away.  I have been all over the world and this place for me age 61 and healthy is fantastic!  Much better then pergatory USA. I love Pattaya and Thailand.  Many of the complainers I think some are impotent, have no money, health problems.  But eventually their stories turn to how they were shafted by a Thai lady.  They need to look in the mirror as bargirls and Gogo girls  are for fun, not for a good mate.


    Yes very true

    Just to add,  the girls can only runaway with what you have given them.

    And as far as marriage goes,  you get to keep what you had before the marriage here.

    better system than where most of us come from.

    Thailand 's a great place,    especially pattaya.

    If you got some regular money or a ton of savings,  you can do dam near what you want

    in this town,  party / Sex town . great place. :thumbsup:



  2. 4 minutes ago, tropo said:

    I just chose them on what feels good on the day - pink, blue or yellow. I mix it up LOL.


    Think the Blue,   is for boys

    Think the Pink,   is for girls

    The yellow,   is for those that are unsure what they are :D

  3. 1 hour ago, manfredtillmann said:

    :cheesy: is that your educated reply? a personal attack based on 'what'?

    stick to the topic. if you don't know nothing about trucking, just go and post somewhere else, please.



    My reply was based on your stupidity.

    Have a nice day,   in the cab banging your fists on the wheel at other road users :wai2:

    BTW referencing to Perth in Oz on the pattaya forum makes you look  even more silly. :hit-the-fan:




  4. 13 minutes ago, manfredtillmann said:

    if you are driving overloaded, chances are who ever pays you overloaded you. and your only way out is to quit your 'contract'. see, how you explain that to your wife and your 4 children, waiting at home for you to put some food on the table.

    if you do have a phd - (i feel you don't), perhaps you should consider handing it back in again. you know nothing about real life, and even less about life on the road.

    Got my Class 1 HGV,   in 1983 never used it after 86.  change of career

    never drove illegally  on the roads to my knowledge.

    do i need a lesson from you,  no thanks,  your a bad driver as you have shown already

    your just making yourself look silly now. :facepalm::facepalm::facepalm:

  5. 23 minutes ago, manfredtillmann said:

    stupid behaviour? these guys are 'TRUCK DRIVERS', not academics. if every truck driver on this planet had a phd, none of them would be driving trucks.

    have you ever done a 16 hour trip in an overloaded 30 tonner, getting overtaken and out-breaked by ignorant 'small-car-drivers'?

    sit next to me one day on a trip from sydney to perth, it's only a few thousand km's...

    every nation on this planet would come to a complete economic stand - still without trucks - and drivers.


    If you were driving overloaded

    That puts you in the incompetent bracket. :thumbsup:


    You are correct,   i don't think you have a Phd.  :wai2:


  6. 52 minutes ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

    I would suspect this was a new branch and they were there for the "blessing" chanting ceremony that's marks special occasions for most Thai businesses. Is it a new branch...was it in the morning?


    Generally, Buddhist monks are not supposed to handle money.


    I could be wrong,   but i think all Thai males

    are suppose to go into the temple for a few months,  at some time in there life.

    If so im sure,    there can be  monetary things that need to be addressed over such a period,  when away from family,   maybe that's what is  going on.

    Think if it was a blessing it would be senor monks.

    But must admit they do look a bit young for banks

    like i said i could be wrong,  who knows.  :wai2:


  7. 39 minutes ago, hotchilli said:

    How exactly do you avoid "dodgy" Thai food in Thailand>>>

    Meat that's been hanging around all day in warm temperatures..
    Vegetables that are well passed their best condition
    Cooking facilities that leave a lot to be desired
    Utensils and cooking pots that have probably not been cleaned properly
    work surfaces that have only been given a quick wipe with a dirty rag
    Ohh and the best of the bunch.. cross contamination
    if you have an allergy Thailand is not the best choice to visit.. 

    you could go on the list is endless


    Yes you could go on,  but its boring :coffee1:

    The food is fine in Thailand. 

    20 Years tells me your wrong.

    Aroy mak mak  :licklips:




  8. 47 minutes ago, Americano555 said:

    Eating in Pattaya and Thailand in general is risky, as a chef there are really no standards here or regulations in hotels and restaurants.

    Yes, I work here.

    My guess is frozen fish bought in a bag that the hotel/restaurant purchased. Sold by an anonymous supplier. $$$$


    Puffer fish mixed in with the frozen stuff.


    ( Eating in Pattaya and Thailand in general is risky )


    That's 100% BS. :w00t:

    65 million do it every day.

    You know nothing :bah:


    Hope she recovers.




  9. 5 minutes ago, superal said:

    Sorry to hear about your illness but treatment may be available for Paranoia on the NHS if you are based in the UK , just make an appointment with your doctor . I have never worked in a shit hole , not by luck but by design . I rest my case .


    Thank you again.

    But your personal case,   is missing the Nut in front :thumbsup:

    Do you look over your shoulder every five seconds as you walk down the street

    Powerful stuff paranoia :coffee1:





  10. Thanks again for the lecture :coffee1:


    If a thief wants your money or possessions from your room

    or the safe in reception,  they will have them.


    Are there anymore brush strokes for this oil painting of yours. ?


    30 years

    Working all round the world in some of the biggest shit holes there

    is,     never had anything stolen from a safe in a hotel.

    Be smart use the safe,    its why its there.  :wai2:


    PS.  Paranoia is a powerful thing   :thumbsup:



  11. Hey guess what

    If they don't find it in the safe,    what they going to do ?
    By your logic  ?

    They are in your room already,   they have the safe open already.

    why not have a look in all the places ,  no one will think of :cheesy:

    But i some how think they will skip the pillow.

    BTW,  if you hide stuff in multiple locations in a hotel room

    odds on you will forget something,  when you check out. :w00t:

    Hey Chang is good helps you keep the mind sharp :burp:



  12. 49 minutes ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

    Just different fragrances I believe...the blue is no frangrance, yellow is maybe lemon, and pink is flowery.


    Think they are slightly different strength.

    i could be wrong, :wai2:

  13. Just now, phetphet said:

    Two young lads asked me where the nearest  laundry was las last week. They had a bottle of Haiter in their hands along with all their dirty clothes.


    I said, "You do know that is bleach." They looked aghast and said, "The lady in 7-11 told us it was for washing our clothes."


    I don't know what the difference is between the white, pink, and blue bottles is though.


    Did you tell them to lob that away,   and get some soap powder instead ? :w00t:

  14. 8 minutes ago, superal said:

    Never been robbed in hotels but I have heard of people who have, in both their room safe and reception safe so I choose to be proactive even if the risk of loss is low . For sure the standard of the hotel will have an effect . One important factor, where there is a pre selected digital code for the room safe that does not allow you to select your own code but even if it does there is still a master override code  . Hotel cleaning staff have a high turnover rate and are often non Thai . They have access to your room and sometimes the temptation for quick big rewards can be too much and they disappear into the night . If you are unlucky to be robbed there will be no redress from the hotel .

           With regards to your uncalled for sarcastic wit  I would suggest you would not know if you have been done as you were probably too pissed , having had too many Chang to remember what you had previously  . :clap2::gigglem:


    Thanks for the lecture, 

    nicely wriggled out of.

    a fox with a top hat on,  crawling under a snakes belly would be proud of you.

    Like i said never been done.

    Do you hide your money and valuables under the pillow. :giggle:

    or do you have a better place ?





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