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Posts posted by onemorechang

  1. Oh dear op,    should i just get me coat and go to the airport !!!!!


    No wait a minute, Pattaya is still a laugh,   and way hotter than the west.

    western ladies,   no thank you,    been there done that,   think  that's  why we are all  here.

    The ladies are far more attentive here than in the west !!!!!!

    Yes Russians have gone,  who cares.

    Yes we now have a never ending stream of Chinese tour buses with the occupants licking the windows as they clog the towns roads up.   they may not be here in a few years time,  who knows.   who cares.

    Unfinished building projects,    empty condos,   who cares,   nothing new,  its happened all before.


    I will stay in Pattaya,  for this reason,  i can go out at night in flipflops  shorts,  wife beater on ( the wife beater was  a joke ) it's  warm,   its colorful in all sorts of ways,  i can have a good time for say 3000,   Booze,   Girls,  Food, Taxi.

    cant do all that I  have said in the west,   for that money.

    Pattaya is not over yet. :wai2:



  2. 1 hour ago, oldlakey said:

    Correct poor kit no doubt

    Correct accidents happen all over the world

    Correct you cant blame  all Thais for all the things that can happen while on the road

    Dont be in any doubt though about the large contribution many Thais make to their own demise

    After those first three observations you lost the plot old cock

    Are you not aware of the size of the EU soon not to be quite so big apparently

    Not all of these countries are equal which goes some way to explaine the high death figure

    Just try to imagine what the toll would be in Thailand if the population was even half that of the EU

    The smoke would be going up the chimneys 24 / 7

    I prefer not to dwell on that

    No sympathy from me for the guilty in any shape or form only for the slaughter of the innocents


    I agree with what you say

    but spare a thought for the guilty children that die.

    the real guilt lays at the feet of there R-Sole parents.

    they teach them nothing about how to behave on the roads. :wai2:

    very sad.




  3. 2 minutes ago, JSixpack said:


    Oh, delays are normal for infrastructure projects wherever. New report just came out on the UK's Trident submarine upgrade. Whoops! Not many Thai workers involved I presume.


    Costs are said to have already swollen by an extra £15 to £20 billion (US$19.5 to 26 billion), and the fleet’s inaugural day has been pushed back from 2024 to the “early 2030s.”



    Must be millions of examples out there. GIYF.


    I think that would be a great idea,   Thais working on Trident nuclear  submarines.

    they can replace all the Nuclear warheads with Somtan.

    This should be encouraged all round the world. :thumbsup:



  4. 49 minutes ago, MobileContent said:


    We bring around 75,000 Chinese tourists per year to Thailand and when I stay at the Dusit Pattaya or Royal Cliff most  of them are Chinese.


    I am considering open a Chinese restaurant, minimart or a Karaoke bar in Pattaya serving only Chinese of course. 


    Good for you

    I had no idea that pattaya had so many rich Chinese sex tourists.

    oh well we live and learn. :wai2:




  5. 3 minutes ago, MobileContent said:


    1) All the time. Its funny when at take off they want to go up to take their camera off. For me its the movies.


    2) All the time in four and five star hotels. Never had a problem with them and some birds look really nice.


    3) Never heard the term Zero Baht tourists but I guess they don't stay in properties which I frequent. I do have to say that in the hotel I am always staying are currently 35-40% Chinese FIT users but they dont come on tours.



    Ha Ha

    Go and have breakfast with the Chinese tour groups.

    you will be enlightened very quickly.

    Truly a most  disgusting experience,  all round the world.  :sick:






  6. Went there about a year or two a go

    with partner and daughter did the archery thing

    was ok,   but i cant remember the cost,  but thought  at the time

    it was a bit expensive for what it was. :wai2:

    Wife got a cherry on the wrist,  very funny.


    The learner go karts were more fun for them. :thumbsup:


  7. 6 minutes ago, Gweiloman said:

    A guy I know (and in all honesty, it's not me) has overstayed for something like 10 years. His solution is to now marry a Thai girl (he actually got engaged last month) and presumably, continue to live in Thailand on a marriage visa. 


    He's a bum for sure, living hand to mouth, no job, surviving on money transfers from his parents in the UK and the occasional "deal" and loans from guys that feel sorry for him (unlikely to be repaid). 


    What are his chances of being able to get a marriage visa?


    Go airport, pay 20,000,  go out come back,  start again.

    no problem if he makes it to the airport :wai2:




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