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Posts posted by onemorechang

  1. Just hook the handlebar onto the side of the vehicle and let the bike roll along outside on its rear wheel.

    That's a good idea

    If it falls off , you will have to buy a new bike and pay for the repair of the guys car it went under

    or pay for the hospital treatment ( rider ) and new motor cycle, that it just hit. w00t.gif

    Not the best idea, i think wai2.gif

  2. You are right about the flood of Chinese money out the back door. They took a drubbing when the Chinese government encouraged everyone to play the shiny, brand new, western-style and government sanctioned local stock market and get rich quick. For a long time a lot of people did. Then when it imploded and the average Chinese investor lost the farm, they took a whole lot of heat for not educating the great unwashed that things can go up but they can also go down. I guess 'read the small print' doesn't translate too well in Mandarin. They fleeced their own people of their life's savings and are now channeling it overseas.

    + 1 thumbsup.gif

  3. Say no, not your fault.

    insurance company are crap you have, ( up to you ) what an answer!!!!!!!!

    He caused the accident and he dam well knows it. bah.gif

    This demonstrates one of the negative cultural problems in Thailand.

    Thais excepting responsibility for there actions or non actions.

    one day maybe coffee1.gif

    Hope you get it sorted and change insurance company, when your policy runs out wai2.gif

  4. No It can happen by accident

    Government holiday can trip the tourist up

    Simple isn't it

    I have been working/visiting/living in Thailand on and off since May 1993 which is about 23 years now.

    To my knowledge both mobile phones and laptops/desktops and tablets have all been supplied with an app called "calendar" for years. It is a free app and all it takes is a little bit of common sense to add 90 days to the day you arrived.

    If you subtract 7 days from the date of arrival you will have several days to renew/extend/whatever your visa.

    To me, if you cannot manage something that simple then you should not have left your Mummy behind in your home country as she still needs to hold your hand when you cross the road, blow your nose and wipe your arrrrrsss for you.

    I am now 72 and since 1993 somehow I have never managed to overstay my visa even once.

    I am sure that if I can manage it then someone half my age should find it easy.

    Well give yourself a big old pat on the back. saai.gif

    I tend not to judge all others by my standards, but you go right ahead

    72, yes, The older people get, the less tolerant they can be of others that don't measure up. wai2.gif

    What is so hard about keeping to the rules?

    Do you keep to the rules in Thailand?

    It is not that I am less tolerant but I cannot understand people who simply don't believe that the rules apply to themselves.

    What is so hard in following the law?

    Its wasted on your type,

    To long in the tooth. wai2.gif

  5. No It can happen by accident

    Government holiday can trip the tourist up

    Simple isn't it

    I have been working/visiting/living in Thailand on and off since May 1993 which is about 23 years now.

    To my knowledge both mobile phones and laptops/desktops and tablets have all been supplied with an app called "calendar" for years. It is a free app and all it takes is a little bit of common sense to add 90 days to the day you arrived.

    If you subtract 7 days from the date of arrival you will have several days to renew/extend/whatever your visa.

    To me, if you cannot manage something that simple then you should not have left your Mummy behind in your home country as she still needs to hold your hand when you cross the road, blow your nose and wipe your arrrrrsss for you.

    I am now 72 and since 1993 somehow I have never managed to overstay my visa even once.

    I am sure that if I can manage it then someone half my age should find it easy.

    Well give yourself a big old pat on the back. saai.gif

    I tend not to judge all others by my standards, but you go right ahead

    72, yes, The older people get, the less tolerant they can be of others that don't measure up. wai2.gif

  6. Hard to pinpoint with the given info. How much room did the car driver have when the motorcycle cut in front of him ? Seems to me like there is a bit of blame to be shared around here sad.png

    Quite correct too

    99 point 999 % to the drunken scumbag

    So you say.

    Don't need to be drunk to kill on the roads here. it just helps sometimes.

    Him being drunk does not mean he caused the accident.

    But it does mean he will be blamed.

    If you drive and ride here long enough, you will know what is the true killer on the roads.wai2.gif

  7. Overstay BS.

    Who cares. coffee1.gif

    Some real nasty crime out there, BIB,

    go sort it out, its right under your nose facepalm.gif

    I'll wager, you are the lot who complain so much about illegal aliens in your own countries. Get a grip and use that bit of mass between your ears. Overstayers are violating the law, period, no conceivable argument. Overstay is a haven for ne're-do-wells--one group may have neither the money nor the respect of law to comply and another group may be attempting to hide from something. The misinformed of you who claim overstay hurts no one, simply have no clue; the fact many overstay is one of the reasons immigration regulations and enforcement are getting tighter for all of us. Go ahead, further confuse your brain and do as your name suggests.

    Ok ( Get a grip and use that bit of mass between your ears )

    How come you can stay for years in Thailand on overstay, then go to the airport

    pay 20,000 and leave no questions asked no black listing , no time inside, no extra fine ?

    so they take this real serious, facepalm.gif

    Overstay on the streets of Pattaya, is a Dog and Pony show. coffee1.gif

  8. ...the irony...and hypocrisy....is that hundreds of thousands come from one of the border countries.....and live...and work here....without 'standard' paperwork....

    ..not to mention the fortune any 'western' foreigner has to pay every year for the 'privilege' of staying here...

    Tut tut, we are "guests" in this country are we not?

    No, Paying customers.

  9. I heard from a nurse that works where they operate, she said they don't chop it off as the skin is pushed back inside you to form the wall of your new fanny ... so how can that be right ? Maybe they could use one from a motorbike death, like they do with other organs ? Then there would be an endless supply of them !! You could pick out what size and color you wanted,, hehehe

    Think they would pay, very big money for a Farang one. cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

  10. I guess it is a fair point that I *do* hold it against chinese, arab, and russian tourists that they come here and act exactly like they do at home, but I think tourists fall in a different group altogether. The OP is talking about expats.

    I think a good example of what I *think* the OP is talking about is expats wearing yellow shirts on Thai holidays. Farangs look silly in yellow smile.png.


    Yellow is ok on that special day , white shorts ok, but big non no no SOCKS and flipflops / Sandals,

    that looks so bad cheesy.gif

    to much that one . 1zgarz5.gif

  11. Welcome to the Muppets Show !

    Not enough serious crimes in Patts that the BiB's have to waste their time on this ?

    Human trafficking and underage prostitution are considered serious by a lot of people. The BIB can't be faulted for making checks.

    Think Deli was rigt with Muppet show

    We all care about under age girls and trafficking.

    But the Bib going around mob hand is just a joke,

    thats not how you catch the bad people exploiting young girls is it. ?

    you do that stuff very low profile,

    Its like a pantomime show in pattaya , its behind you, oh no its not, its behind you, oh no its not

    Muppet show was correct. wai2.gif

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