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Posts posted by onemorechang

  1. Actually it's in the genes and ancient history . You can go back hundreds of years and still plenty of ladyboys around.

    One study reveals the reason why Asian men are more feminine in physical appearance , it's because they produce more estrogen than men of other racial groups. Asian women are also more feminine in appearance because they produce more estrogen than other women. This estrogen also influences personality and emotions this makes Asian men display characteristics that often are associated with women and makes them a perfect candidate for ending up as a ladyboy.

    Asian covers a lot of area.

    So why is there more Cocks in frocks in Thailand than other Asian places ?

    must be something in the water ?

    Confusing Femininity with size ( physical appearance) is BS.

    BTW one study is just that. one study coffee1.gif

    Can you provide the link to that information please, Thanks thumbsup.gif

  2. Yes, I live at bang saen , beach close to bkk. Lots of bkk daytrippers etc.

    Littke to no western ownership here.

    Big condo blocks sit empty, some are visited once a year for holidays. Most sit empty.

    Thai people parking there money.

    I spoke to a condo Manager that told me there are condos that have not had the door opened in 10 years.

    An investment, but not in the western sense. It just a safe place to keep your money.

    Many Thais have done what you say.

    But many have borrowed the money back on the Condo from banks

    the condo just ends up in the banks hand a few years down the road.

    Investment gone. wai2.gif

    I can understand what you are saying but surely the banks would be trying to sell it to recoup losses.

    Or possibly the banks are happy to just hold it with no return .

    yes they do,

    Banks may well have got the asset very cheap. way under market value,

  3. Yes, I live at bang saen , beach close to bkk. Lots of bkk daytrippers etc.

    Littke to no western ownership here.

    Big condo blocks sit empty, some are visited once a year for holidays. Most sit empty.

    Thai people parking there money.

    I spoke to a condo Manager that told me there are condos that have not had the door opened in 10 years.

    An investment, but not in the western sense. It just a safe place to keep your money.

    Many Thais have done what you say.

    But many have borrowed the money back on the Condo from banks

    the condo just ends up in the banks hand a few years down the road.

    Investment gone. wai2.gif

  4. Always sell for the right price.

    And who is to say what the right price is? There is a lot of new building going on around us, but it seems to have been planned for years. There are some lots next door and also a building that have been for sale for two or three years now.

    Right price,

    Ok, go look what has sold close to you, how much for, should give you a starting point.

    How low will you go before you wont sell your place ? loads of people have 7million baht houses, but are really just worth 4 million, at a push. they hang on to them for years !!!!!!!!,

    ( there wives dig there heels in, because it's there money now ) giggle.gif

    When you have an idea of what you think its worth, stick it on the market, drop the price every 6 months

    until it sells or reaches your bottom line.

    If you still got it by now, get ready to loose some money on your property investment.

    you could be now, nearing the true right price. thumbsup.gif ( right price is what it sells for )

    But your place sounds like the usual half completed development with vacant lots and over priced houses.

    with a new building site right next door, they are all over the dark side at present.

    Loads of people are just stuck with there investment as cant afford to lose a big chunk of cash.

    BTW i don't know how long a piece of string is. wai2.gif

    Ps im talking about houses over the dark side , not condos

  5. One thing to consider is "Thai people are very reluctant to buy 2nd hand houses". I know some that would flat out refuse a 2nd hand property. Being the superstitious lot that they are, the spirit of whoever lived there before will come back etc.if someone may have died in the house, forget it.

    That's why the big new build estates are so popular with Thai people.

    All those spirit houses in the front yards are there for a reason.

    I remember the look on my wife's face when I first suggested a 2nd hand house. The same look as when I asked for a threesome with her sister.

    Jokes aside, it is a real issue that impacts the 2nd hand market.

    Depends how much money they have, a Hiso Thai they will go for new.

    Ones with less money, no, a used house will work, just 13 monks round for a morning and all sorted.

    10 times round the coconut tree, new spirit house, job done. wai2.gif

    If any wife says i not want number 2 house, say fine we just rent for ever.

    she will change her mind in 5-10 minutes, number 2 house will do just fine. thumbsup.gif

  6. Hilarious reading these posts. The usual bunch of whiskey drunk holier-than-thou wannabe farang tourist police.

    If anyone feels the need to Join the Foreign Tourist Police Squad

    Please do us all a favor, go to the sukhuvit and walk very very slowly across the road. thumbsup.gif

    Sounds like a threat to the Thai police!

    A threat is a threat!

    Especially if you name the road, you plan on going through with that threat!

    Dont be silly now coffee1.gif

  7. I get the point about dropping the price and agree I will do it.However what got me was absolutley no one came to look!!!The house is not falling down its in good nick and was actually a show house for the project!Selling the land could be the only option to get the money I need but then who knows what would be built next to the house you have left!!

    Your a long way out, could be to far for some people.

    Try advertising yourself. don't wait for the lazy estate agents.

    There is a few of them on here ( not lazy ) let them know your going to slash the price,

    you might get a PM from one of them. thumbsup.gif

  8. I am not concerned how it is happening but it does appear as if there are more and more toe rags being shown the door. This can be and is good for the rest of us.

    Keep up the good work.

    Not so sure about that,

    Think it just re enforces the all farangs are bad mentality we know exists here in Pattaya.

    We are not the golden goose anymore to them.

    It also lets the locals go about there bad deeds with the heat turned down very low. coffee1.gif

    That said , yes, get rid of the bad boys

  9. Total area is approx. 670 square metres,I thought 1.5 mill for the land and 3 mill for the house was fair.Guess I will have to reduce !!

    You have loads of room to drop the price

    Drop a million or a bit more and it will most likely sell. thumbsup.gif

  10. NO harm done….TQ is one of the crappiest daytime gogos with some very over the hill staff and some ridiculous prices for use of their shabby back rooms.

    Venues like soi 6, the telephone bar and the generously scattered gentlemen's venues more than fill the afternoon slot for the discerning punter.

    lol how much longer do you believe Soi 6 is going to be tolerated !! The clever owners are aborting alas the dim ones are buying up more and more

    Soi 6 bars will relocate to Soi Buakhao area in the future , i think.

    Because of greedy Landlords, Not the police or government.

    maybe a few will survive on Soi 6

  11. Total area is approx. 670 square metres,I thought 1.5 mill for the land and 3 mill for the house was fair.Guess I will have to reduce !!

    What you pay for it ?:

    How long ago ?

    What name is it in ?

    Is it open land or walled in ?

  12. Time to go to Angeles...in PI. 24 hours in some places. I got a kick out of going for breakfast on Fields Ave, and then going to the Doll House and watch the morning ladies. They were fresh, and lively. Also, the manager used to give out free shots called *cannot say it here". Short day....up at 6, breakfast at 7, and gogo and beer at 8am. Passed out before noon.

    Actually only did that once...lol. But it was interesting.

    To be honest, Pattaya wins over Angeles any day, its to dirty, and limited on choice of venues. coffee1.gif

  13. Thailand is money number one. However, the Chinese will never become sex tourists in Thailand. Thailand can make more money on the normal tourist business from the Chinese and Indians and domestic tourism of Thais coming for the weekends and long holidays. The money is in numbers and between the Chinese and Indians there are about 3 billion virtually untapped visitors who will spend much more as regular tourists Thailand no longer needs the sex entertainment business. Too many problems- drugs; HIV; underage Prostitutes; ladyboys-bad foreign press. It won't happen overnight but in 10 years time there will be a huge transformation very evident for all to see.

    If you think you can see down the road for Pattaya in ten years time.

    Good luck with that one. giggle.gif

  14. Always sell for the right price.


    Yes, is that a hard concept for you ?

    People don't like the idea that they may have lost money on there property.

  15. The Government dislikes prostitution; GoGo Bars and all the kinds of entertainment places that lure in underage workers; dancers as well as the type of tourist that all this appeals to. They could close all of them if they wanted to today. However, that will cause massive unemployment all at once and create too much disruption and possibly protests on the street. The easier way is to harass the owners; raid places; ban dancing; move up closing times. All this will make the business unprofitable and keep punters away and headed for other countries. Their plan is the Thai way- do it all gradually and let it happen naturally. The smart owners will understand what is happening and get out of the business or possibly adapt to the changes and cater more to family oriented tourists or the Chinese.

    I don't think so, The Chinese sex tourist is just round the corner. shock1.gif

    Please remember.

    Thailand is Money number one, Not moral number one. wai2.gif

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