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Posts posted by onemorechang

  1. where else are young Thai couples to go,

    They cant do the parents place, they cant afford a room.

    Maybe put a few more litter bins around the place would help.

    City hall and the cops should stop being busy bodies and do some real work plenty of bad things and crime around pattaya that would benefit from there attention. 1zgarz5.gif

    Let young couples have there enjoyment, there not hurting anyone. wai2.gif

  2. How much is they want. ?

    what is your type of business ?

    Is this a new business or an old established one you have acquired ?

    Do you have more than one business in Thailand ?

    Do you run the business yourself having a work permit ?

  3. take a leaf out of Phukets cap and bulldoze the whole west of Pattaya including walking street which is very obviously encrotching on public land, and while you're at it remove the jetski scourge from pattaya beaches

    we have had enough already,

    message to the PM - I still have the faith, I still believe you are a good man and can change Thailand for the good of allThai people, even though you need to work on the PR side of things and chill a bit

    Why ?

    Good job your not in charge then.

    I think you must be of a very mature age and your fun in life is over now.

    Please don't stop others.

  4. As a Norwegian I am ashamed but it happens to all nationalities . The Norwegian welfare system wll help him financially once he arrives back home, don'tworry about that. Unfortunately guys like him probably live their whole lifes without a proper job and just spend any money they get on booze and cheap women.

    Wow! How do I become a Norwegian?

    First step Get a taste for the national dish, Dolly Pizza.

    Second Drink a lot of moonshine at home before you go out

    Third, Start taking chewing Tabaco ( Snooze)

    Forth Forget how to laugh at jokes.

    Just for a start giggle.gif

  5. Another usual day on Thailand roads death by stupidity and having no respect to others only me me that is important I can do anything my parents will buy me a new car so its all no problem I am grounded for a few days but when I get out again I will have my new car and daddy will have sorted out everything with the police so back to normal. RIP to the victim of this spoiled child stupidity, and lack of upbringing by the parents.


    That is the root of the problem with the Thai male on the roads.

  6. Rip to the pedestrian.

    This is yet one more example of the increasing lawlessness of Pattaya city.

    correction....Pattaya city Thailand

    Thanks,, but no correction required.

    I do believe we now a element of people that come to Pattaya city at

    the weekends and run riot on the roads drinking and driving all over town.

    People do this all the time all over Thailand every day.

    but at weekend we now get a slightly different idiot in town.

    Not sure where this guy come form.

  7. What are you going to do when the hospital presents you with an invoice of 100k ?...... you did agree to pay the costs didn't you.

    You got that wrong. The insurance said 30k is too high and they won't cover it and they have to go the hospital to find out the real price and the insurance will cover it.

    It probably doesn't even require operation, the 'bone' doctor wasn't there and they put on a big show as always. Wouldn't be surprised if she needs no operation at all.

    So far all her claims have been bullshit.

    Hang in there man.

    Think your doing ok, most people cave-in, in 5 minutes at the police station. and get the wallet out.

    you have not done that, good job thumbsup.gif

    She wont go to the hospital, but she may try and present a bs bill from one to you via the cops.

    Many people on Tv have the best ideas, but they are not the guys standing there are they.

    Good luck.wai2.gif

  8. They must have been grassed up but some pleasant chap.

    When have the police cared about the way people drive on the roads.

    Driving dangerously in Thailand requires no drugs.

    They were reported by a concerned passenger on the bus, the passenger phoned the police because the driver was driving like a complete moron between Ban Chang and Satthahip.

    I wish more passengers would do the same!

    This is good.

    But I read the article on the link, never saw what you are saying ,

    I must have missed that bit.

    it makes perfect sense now, cops acting on information.

    Not just getting bad drivers themselves, that would require effort

    on there part.

    Same same but different.

    Police should piss test all the bus drivers.

  9. I have a 2.2KW inverter on the back of the van with a 108AHr battery, most of the time it is drawing less than 200w but I can run power tools and flood lights if required.

    Number of factors to consider:

    • Efficiency, a lot of energy loss due to power conversion, even if the inverter is not driving any load it is still a drain on the battery.
    • Draining the battery will shorten the batteries life.
    • High current will also shorten the battery life.
    • If the battery is not being cycled the plates will fur up reducing the power out.

    Have you considered 12v lighting, LED lighting is probable the best option for efficiency.

    The op was not interested in post 15.

    hay what do we all know.

  10. Both u-turns each side of the roundabout are still in use.

    these should be blocked off.

    The road will be like a ploughed field in the next 2 months round this roundabout. big ruts already there.

    If you are on this roundabout at the same time as a bus, better get out the way. if your a biker , very dangerous.

    I was nearly hit there 3 days ago on my bike. I was on the roundabout

    heading to Chayapuke and a car come out of Watboon right at me.

    I had to stop,

    Very safe junction now.

    Remodel the junction, put more traffic lights.

    It would be fine, like all other intersections in Thailand.

    Roundabouts work, but not in Thailand.

    I do believe we have not seen the last of this junction with regards to change. more to come soon.

    If you follow the Thai rules on the road, roundabout actually works here. If you're an expat you will know this , a bike will slow down and wait for the big bus to pass first , even if it's not correct to do so in Europe, here it makes sense.

    I only drive a car and also use a bicycle here. I will always slow down and watch the incoming traffic , any big buses or trucks and I will just wait for them to pass, no problems really , it works for me and I feel safer.

    But I agree that any tourist coming here will get in trouble if they don't pay attention, in roundabouts , intersections and almost anywhere in Thailand.

    Can you post the Thai rules for a roundabout here, please.

    I have not seen them.


    Also the guy charged at me when I was on the round about.

    Get out the way im coming through.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Yes they work fine.

    Last post on this thread.

    To many fools for me.


  11. Both u-turns each side of the roundabout are still in use.

    these should be blocked off.

    The road will be like a ploughed field in the next 2 months round this roundabout. big ruts already there.

    If you are on this roundabout at the same time as a bus, better get out the way. if your a biker , very dangerous.

    I was nearly hit there 3 days ago on my bike. I was on the roundabout

    heading to Chayapuke and a car come out of Watboon right at me.

    I had to stop,

    Very safe junction now.

    Remodel the junction, put more traffic lights.

    It would be fine, like all other intersections in Thailand.

    Roundabouts work, but not in Thailand.

    I do believe we have not seen the last of this junction with regards to change. more to come soon.

  12. Roundabouts....... CAN WORK. .....if used properly......

    Here in Thailand there are plenty of advertising boards......for sales purposes.....but when it comes to road use......few instructions

    These people need to be educated in the same way as children.......(if that comment offends Thais...then act like grown ups)

    Lots of sign posts are needed...with instructions........and heavy fines for those who disregard the law

    And if they don't pay.......confiscate their vehicles until they do

    But of course this is a Farang forum

    I doubt many Thais read it

    Blah blah blah blah .


  13. Roundabouts are safer than intersections because they

    Make cars slow down, to begin with, try going 60 in a

    Roundabout. You don't have to push your way into

    A roundabout, traffic flows slowly. Easy to exit, stay in

    Left lane, cars in the roundabout have the right of way,

    At the intersections it can be a free for all, especially

    With the stupid 70 y/o Farangs speeding

    Like idiots, with really no place to go except to sit

    Their fat ass at a bar at 10:00AM and complain

    About the price and quality of the beer.

    Roundabouts are much safer!!

    At an intersection with control lights the traffic stops.

    At roundabouts people don't stop. whistling.gif

    I knew you were having a laugh . coffee1.gif

    That was the problem in the first place, too many accidents caused by drivers ignoring the lights.

    At least with a roundabout lorries will have to slow and go down their gears, one of the big problems with traffic lights is drivers actually speed up to beat the lights.

    Yes and all traffic lights on the sukumvit don't work, and all the ones across

    all of Thailand don't work as well , unbelievable nonsense. crazy.gif

    also the traffic lights up the road at Chyapuke 1-2 don't work as well, w00t.gif

    What are you guys on about !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!w00t.gif

    BTW, the roundabout was put in for the ever increasing amount of busses.

    in Jomtien, not for your safety. I do believe !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. Roundabouts are safer than intersections because they

    Make cars slow down, to begin with, try going 60 in a

    Roundabout. You don't have to push your way into

    A roundabout, traffic flows slowly. Easy to exit, stay in

    Left lane, cars in the roundabout have the right of way,

    At the intersections it can be a free for all, especially

    With the stupid 70 y/o Farangs speeding

    Like idiots, with really no place to go except to sit

    Their fat ass at a bar at 10:00AM and complain

    About the price and quality of the beer.

    Roundabouts are much safer!!

    At an intersection with control lights the traffic stops.

    At roundabouts people don't stop. whistling.gif

    I knew you were having a laugh . coffee1.gif

  15. Keep the jet Ski, its part of the holiday for some tourists.

    Regulate it. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it can be done, city hall has the power to do this.

    BTW , I don't like them, but im not a tourist.

    All the people who are moaning about them are Expats.

    Thailand does not want Expats, cant you all see that.

    Thailand wants the 2 week tourist who goes home with empty pockets and a big smile.

    Long live the jet Ski. wai2.gif

    All the people who are moaning about them are Expats.

    Yeah, because the only people who rent the damn things are Expats and tourists.

    Do expats rent jet skis ?

  16. "All the people who are moaning about them are Expats.

    Thailand does not want Expats, cant you all see that.

    Thailand wants the 2 week tourist who goes home with empty pockets and a big smile."

    If Pattaya would not have the thousands of expats living in and around the city would not give constantly jobs to other thousands of people and not only in high season.....

    So this country need foreigners as many of them pay for the kids from thai couples the husband run away and dont pay any stetang, the foreigners are the ones who stand behind the huge construction site as thais cant manage this, thais can nearly manage nothing and thats the problem of this country!

    So welcome the foreigners..........you need them and their money!

    I totally agree.

    But they could not careless about you in pattaya.

  17. So you never watch these ass ho.e Farangs: speeding, U turns

    In the middle of the streets, passing on the wrong side, never

    Allow a car to enter an intersection before them....things they would

    Lose their license for doing in their home country. They know

    Better, and don't give a dam, some of the Thais just don't know better.

    now and again it goes on, no big deal in the big picture of things.

    Your trying to have a go at Farang for bad driving in Thailand.

    is a joke mate, the standard of nearly all Farang drivers in Thailand is fantastic compared to the local drivers.

    We all know who the bad guys are, don't you ?

    Do you do any real driving in Thailand ? or is all done from the left-hand seat of the car.

    And can we have that list of why the junction is much safer now ?

    Thanks thumbsup.gif

  18. Much safer....I travel it daily. Thais need to be educated as to the cars

    In the round a bout have thr right of way....this goes for all the

    Foreigners that disregard all the safe driving because they are

    In Thailand and not their home country where they would be

    Given fines for careless driving.

    Oh Please

    don't try to blame the Farang for the bad driving in Thailand.

    Why is it much safer ? can you list them please.coffee1.gif

  19. Keep the jet Ski, its part of the holiday for some tourists.

    Regulate it. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it can be done, city hall has the power to do this.

    BTW , I don't like them, but im not a tourist.

    All the people who are moaning about them are Expats.

    Thailand does not want Expats, cant you all see that.

    Thailand wants the 2 week tourist who goes home with empty pockets and a big smile.

    Long live the jet Ski. wai2.gif

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