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Everything posted by IamNoone88

  1. Keep letting Bad Guys in ... all the Good Guys will go elsewhere .........
  2. Price gouging pure and simple. Simply don't use them. Thai Lion Air is better value.
  3. They are both Swiss. Unless Sweden invaded Switzerland recently and took it over and everyone is keeping quiet.
  4. The sooner Thailand follows SIngapore corporate ownership structure and allows 100% foreign ownership the better the economy will be.
  5. Time to slim down courtesy of a Thai prison.
  6. There's one born every minute. Dumb n Dumber just lost his freedom
  7. It seems that he and his wife have a track record of bad behaviour. https://www.khaosodenglish.com/news/2024/03/03/a-swiss-man-who-kicked-a-phuket-doctor-has-another-dispute-with-an-ambulance-driver/ Now they have a big wake up call.
  8. Pickup truck with a siren blaring? as in a police siren?
  9. Go fix the Chinese economy if you want them back. But first fix the Thai economy.
  10. Put a black magic curse on the Swiss guy. It works in the movies!
  11. Once the Government's push through digital currencies it will take care of counterfeiting ... and your tax, what you pay, when you pay, whether you can even keep your "money", where you spend it and basically your financial freedom. You will wish for the good old stories of counterfeit operators and look back with fond nostalgia on the good old days.
  12. Seems like most of the new tourists racing around on big bikes, no helmets or shirts and jumping red lights are the type that do not drink. Fortunately.
  13. Ample fines waiting to be taken from tourists and local a like jumping red lights, speeding, wrong use of lanes, no licenses or helmets in Phuket. Nothing is never done at the traffic lights or awy from the well known traffic stops. Not a single red light camera unlike Isaan where they are everywhere.
  14. Its a charade. The van had curtains, conveniently left open for the photographers. Cheap props of a neck brace and unrelated arm sling conveniently discarded once he was home for his next photo op by the pool. Recovery will be quick i have no doubt.
  15. Last Friday ... one way Bangkok (DMK) to Phuket was THB 15,000. Hence I drove from Ubon to Khon Khaen instead of flying to BKK and then flew direct from Khon Khaen to Phuket for 3,500.
  16. Quality tourists returning home.
  17. Is Tony Blair, Hilary Clinton, Condolleeza Rice, Hunter Biden for real? Zero time.
  18. Lets put this into perspective. At least he has done some time. How many UK and US politicians should be behind bars for attrocities, scandals, nepotism, corruption, war crimes and are enjoying their spoils freely and without any fear of punishment? The west is even worst given the scale of some these crimes.
  19. how about more pedestrian bridges vs dicing with death actually crossing the roads.
  20. He may had comprehensive insurance but looks like a very inferior helmet from the photo. Its not just the paperwork (Insurance & license) but the hard wear as well.
  21. A memorable holiday for them and nice start to the Year of the Dragon. They probably all rushed off to buy lottery tickets once on dry land.
  22. If it is illegal to sell a firearm to some one without a firearms/gun license, then it should be the same for companies and individuals who rent motor vehicles to those without a license. There ahould be a No License - No Rent policy. There was a earlier flurry of action against rental companies by police but that has gone quiet. Maybe time for a civil case .... bikes should be rented to people without valid and proper home and international motorcycle licenses or a valid Thai motorcycle license. Close it down at the source.
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