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Everything posted by IamNoone88

  1. He seems to spend more time overseas than fixing the problems back in Thailand.
  2. News that parents everywhere dread to receive. I hope she has a full recovery.
  3. BID's = Blokes in Dresses - You it heard it here first.
  4. Thats right. Don't sweat the small stuff .. focus on the big challenges.
  5. That'll be 90% of the expat population when Thailand starts to tax you on foreign income. No need for weed.
  6. Phuket/Patong Tuk Tuk drivers; Parking everywhere and stopping traffic flows, double parking, aggressively cutting up traffic, emergency breaking in flowing traffic, erratic driving, blasting deafening loud music in residential zones, overcharging, fighting. Did I miss anything?
  7. No mention of dealing seriously with mental health and domestic violence issues then?
  8. There is never any meaningful shift in real policy to make significant change to both encourage expats or their investments, home ownership or indeed quality tourism. Minor temporary tweaks in existing long in the tooth policies at best with little effect. There is no desire for real positive beneficial change towards foreign markets.
  9. No good comes from playing hours of computer games everyday.
  10. There are probably more cannabis shops than 7 eleven in Phuket. Most seem devoid of customers and economics will cull them if the government doesn't. I think most trade is in the bars. Personally, I don't touch the stuff and like many others I dislike the smell. I won't stay long and spend money in a place (bar or restaurant) when I can smell a joint(s) and I am not alone ... my custom quickly goes elsewhere.
  11. They are not women.
  12. It never was a popularity contest.
  13. Interesting he is being referred to now as Former Prime Minister only throughout the article and longer Inmate Thaksin.
  14. How strange ...... Columbia and Peru produce, between them, 87% of the world's cocaine. Mexico is on there. Poor Bolivia at 13% does not get visa free travel. Its an understated $12 billion EU market with up to 2,5% of the population of some countries as users. The old Columbian white marching powder seems quite popular. As far back as 2005 substantial traces ere found in the EU Parliament and the police refused to investigate - https://www.theguardian.com/world/2005/jul/16/eu.politics and recently https://www.politico.eu/article/the-eu-has-or-hasnt-got-a-drugs-problem/ I guess these folks make us the visa free rules.
  15. Thats a modest house ... not a lavish house. My money is still on more of a good guy than a bad guy.
  16. Isn't he too sick to contribute meaningfully?
  17. Chinese economy is depressed. Their property market is in tatters. The scam gangs are all Chinese ... $2.4 billion of illegal funds seized in Singapore and Chinese held. And this is the tip of the iceberg. Look no further.
  18. The only thing complex about this case would be picking through all the junk and crap in their homestead office.
  19. Really .. when you can only own 49% of your own business? They need to rethink at least two more points on the list as well.
  20. Feeling sorry for his wife ... she can do much better than this.
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