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Everything posted by IamNoone88

  1. The authorities are urging anyone with information about Yuki’s whereabouts to come forward.... Might help if you posted a photo of him.
  2. Chinese zero dollar tours are well documented. You should read more.
  3. There are lot of unsavoury characters around at the moment.
  4. I am not sure how Zero Dollar tours where the revenue stays in China is going to help tourism. Maybe I am thinking beyond arrival numbers.
  5. I wish they do something useful like target approval for 100% foreign business ownership so we can own and control our business in Thailand.
  6. Needs approval of Min of Interior and Justice first .... And which party controls the Ministry of Interior .... perhaps Mr Anutin as Interior Minister
  7. Moreover, adhering to the standard regulations of the Corrections Department, the request must be made by August 22, 2024, as serving one-third of the sentence is a prerequisite. I made one third of 8 years ... 32 months and from August 2023 that means no consideration until around April 2026 ... not 2024....
  8. The local "flu" is not pleasant. Slow to kick in and then a peak over a few days and then slow to wind down - look forward to it keeping you company for 10 - 12 days. Not a 48 hour bug. This one delivers a persistent throaty cough and lethargy ... but not enough to keep you in bed ... just drags you down a bit. Two negative covid tests and in my opinion was more persistent and nasty than when I had Covid.
  9. Photo of everything ekse but the billowing smoke and errupting blaze.
  10. Phase 2. Its all part of the bigger plan. Its important to keep the story line going for the next Phase.
  11. Increasing VAT would be an economic disaster. No mention of increasing productivity, efficiency or Gov't spending?
  12. Inmates can apply for a Royal Pardon after serving a minimum of one third of their sentences. Royal Pardons, are it seems, actually rarely granted. It may not be this channel that he pursues but some other type of review with a release on bail.
  13. Their business has now likely gone up in smoke .....
  14. Its like a poorly written soap opera.
  15. Fedor tested negative for any illegal drugs and denied murdering or harming Daria, stating she jumped of her own will before he could stop her despite his attempts to do so as seen on CCTV. He also claimed scratch marks and injuries on his body were self-harm and not caused by any physical altercation with Daria.
  16. I hope he does jail time and is banned from entry to Thailand again.
  17. A foreign man of Asian decent ........ yelling in Chinese! Nuff said.
  18. These rocket scientists can't even form a government.
  19. I think you mean it might be hard to find a good prison doctor.
  20. Perhaps there are more dark secrets in his past. He seemed to know what he was doing after a "fit of jealousy".
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