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Posts posted by soistalker

  1. 1 hour ago, simoh1490 said:

    As if apologists is some gang where members have totally different traits to everyone else, rather than thinking people who have simply dug a little deeper into/had more experience of than most and realise there are two sides to a coin. GB, if you had intellect you wouldn't be using that term and you'd be admitting that coin does have two sides, even if you personally haven't seen either.

    The old 'Problem X happens in country Y, too.' The problems in Thailand that we chat about on this site are exponentially worse in Thailand than in other countries where the natives care about other human beings, not just their own country's people. 

    • Like 2
  2. I was in Big C a while back, and a 50 year old Thai woman was walking with a 60 year old British man (I'm guessing the ages as I didn't card them) in the store. Nothing seemed wrong, then she slapped him hard on the face twice. He began to protest this, in a country British accent. I almost said something to him along the lines of 'you don't need this abuse' but it was none of my business, and getting involved with a domestic situation is not advisable.

    They didn't look like the 3000baht a month Soi bukao sh!thole apartment type. They looked like the 'married couple  you money house me same same' type that you can't walk away from without walking away penniless type. 

    All in all, I'd rather get stabbed and get it over with.

    • Haha 2
  3. 11 hours ago, apalink_thailand said:

    Long ago, I asked some Thai friends why this happens. I was told that it was common knowledge that ambulance drivers ALWAYs have their sirens and light on because they want to get through traffic quicker. Even if they aren’t travelling to/from an emergency. In other words, they are not responsible ambulance drivers so people think they are cheating and then just ignore them on the road.


    I see that a lot when I am in Vietnam. We live in a high rise apartment with a very good view. There is a street going down 200 meters to an intersection. Every ambulance turns on the lights and siren when approaching the intersection to go through the red light. 

  4. 8 hours ago, rott said:

    If you are leaving after a few days why do you need to register.? At the airport you will go through immigration the same as everyone else. Stop worrying. And by the way how is your mate from the other forum.?

    I need to register as I will be staying at my condo.

    what mate? What forum?

  5. Luckily, my wife is an excellent cook AND loves to cook. Personally, I hate eating out. Someone once asked my uncle if he gambles, and his reply was "only when I eat out."

    Sure, it might be nice every once in a while to go out to eat so that we can be served by some Thai zombie whose idea of waiter/customer chit chat is grunting at you and coughing over your free water.

    But like I said, I'm married. And woman like to eat out. If we do eat our, we go to an open air restaurant or a clean-ish street food place. Then we get a lot of dishes, and there's some to take home. Less than 300baht, so delicious, no expectation, of a tip, same quick service every time, and we get to experience more Thai culture than just a 75 year old Belgian in a wifebeater trying to mime to his latest Boyztown acquisition that he's interested in anal after brunch.

    • Like 1
    • Sad 1
  6. This makes sense. Thailand is focusing on the increasing numbers of mainland Chinese hoards. Over a million a year of these Han clones, and nearly any of them will see the inside of a go go bar or Beer Bar.

    Thailand has been insulting towards farangs who stay long time in country, and farangs who come several  times a year every year. This is a continuation of that.

    • Like 1
  7. Hi guys.

    I know Songkran is Friday, April 13 through Sunday, April 15. But Pattaya usually has Songkran for more like a week. What dates will  this "holiday" be observed in Pattaya, with water play in the streets? I need to avoid this.

    I have been dealing with eye problems for the last few years and cannot get dirty talcum powder water ? in my eyes. 

    • Like 2
  8. 16 minutes ago, JeffreyO said:

    Many people standing by, doing nothing... that's the real problem.  I can't say who was right or wrong because I wasn't there but a beating is never the answer.


    Even earlier today, I was near Seattle in the USA and saw a manager fighting with someone who attempted to steel some bottles of alcohol, many people standing around but no one doing anything so I just walked behind the thief, put him in a choke hold and told him "You're done, you either give up or you give out, either way, you're done".  He calmed down, I sat him on the curb, treated him like a human being, said just be calm, all was good.  He ran when he saw the police roll up but it's not my job to chase someone, just to help protect others.  Certainly we still have human decency, right?  We should help each other?

    Real tough guy, huh?  

    Wgat are you going to do? Fight those Thai guys? I guarantee you two things: 1. You will pay for any injuries to any Thai guy you hit; and 2. That would will then be every able-body Thai man in the area against you.

    is that your plan, batman?

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