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Posts posted by Gandtee

  1. Ask your wife -if she is talking to you- to tell the hustler to accompany you and your wife to the cop shop. I'm pretty sure your wife will be able to sort the problem, with maybe a threat, to charge the hustler with letting a dangerous animal run free and that it was an accident (fingers crossed) But remember, you have to live there and Thais keep grudges for a long time. Rawang!

  2. I take a very simplistic view of politics and speak from my own experiences of living in Buriram province and occasionally on the Eastern seaboard. I observe how ordinary person's lives are affected by successive government policies

    Fortunately, despite the constant political unrest, the lot of the ordinary people appears to be improving. Homes are being upgraded and refurbished and most families have all the basic facilities required for modern living. It is so noticeable as one travels around the 'poorer' North East and i think that has to be the barometer of the health of the country

    I can see no evidence of the 'middle class' being squeezed, they too appear to be driving new or newish cars and have all the latest gadgets that Thais love to acquire

    So, despite all the political turmoil, lives are generally much healthier and more prosperous than they were, and, at the end of the day that's all that really matters

    I can only hope that the current situation burns itself out and we can all carry on enjoying this wonderful country in relative peace

    I hear what you say, but it would be a thousand times better if the cream was not being scooped off the top by corrupt officials, in or out of government. Here it seems that paying a bribe is the expected thing to do to get any decent service. When I queried this practice, my Thai friend spoke to my wife in Thai saying, 'Ron does not know how we do things here'??. I have also heard rumours of the person stirring thingsand represents the Phuket area? Bent as a nine bob note!

  3. I bought a local turkey about three years ago, here in Sattahip. It must have had a hard working life as it was very tough and I have seen more meat on a butchers apron. If it was a fair example of Thai bred turkeys then I would steer clear of breeding them.

  4. I like Southern curry. After a week of my wife trying to buy it for me here in Sattahip, she was told that the regular vendor had been paid Baht3000, given a clapper and the promise of free food, to join the demonstrations for one month in Bangkok. I hope the demonstrations are over quicker than one month. I am missing my curry, but it is refreshing to see Thai style democracy in action.

    Ron Martin

  5. I think a lot of the prejudiced comments against Russian tourists/residents in Thailand; and the hope that they will carry out their boycott threat, are in part based on, and supported by, the number of criminal activities they seem to be involved in here. This coupled with an unfortunate propensity to be aggressive when drunk, and that they are not exactly big-spenders - re-stocking their room fridges from the supermarket etc. does tend to influence attitudes against them.

    Actually not the kind of tourist any country would want - I would have thought.

    Are these the tourists who will have to pay bt.500 on entry? A better class of tourist? Leave them alone. It is their turn to colonise Thailand's tourist industry.

  6. I learned never to get involved many years ago. A crazy motorcyclist did a wheelie in the Soi, lost control and smashed into a noodle stall where a woman and baby were sitting. The baby was thrown onto the road. I collared the motorcyclist and told the onlookers to call the police. A Thai man sidled up to me and said "You are a farang. Nothing to do with you". So, never again.

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  7. Sorry Cupcake. This charade is quite common in Thailand. Once the family move in the muck hits the fan. I am sure an agency could temporarily fix you up with a temp. Kick the girl and family out in a polite(face saving way for them) to avoid any repercussions and be prepared to have a problem with the labour dept if you withhold any wages owing. Pay up to avoid hassle. If you get up on your high horse you could get into a lengthy problem.

  8. My first reaction would be to do what most dads think they would do in these circumstances. The better option is to contact the Paveena Hongsakula w omens' protection organisation.( I expect you can Google it) I feel sure that they would help, maybe by talking to the boys parents and also getting the police to take some action. These besotted youngsters can do over the top, stupid things. Your daughter must be looking over her shoulder and on edge constantly.

  9. My wife's family always had maids, so when she married me she was shocked to realised what the real world was about . After 26 years of married life she is not bad at the housework but avoids it wherever possible. She has a cleaner who comes in for four hours a week, redistributes the dust and breaks things regularly, and hides things? We call her the Wrecker'. But who is complaining, our house is a home and who cares about a bit of mess. 'Don't worry, be happy'coffee1.gif

  10. I think a 1 year old, or 2 year old if you apply the Thai system will not be aware or care too much providing she gets full attention. Just make sure she has a cake with candles, and plenty of food and booze for the guests. Regarding Christmas. My foster son still believes in Santa and he is twelve. He plays his Polar Express video just prior to Christmas every year. I just hope he stops believing before he reaches adulthood. There again, some of us still do. Have a good party.clap2.gif

  11. With no license your insurance will be invalid. Yesterday I renewed my five year license at the Bang Lamung Motor Vehicle Registration Office. It was chaotic. The staff were obviously under a great deal of stress due to too small an office area,an archaic system and being swamped by applicants. To get my renewed license I had an eye test for colour blindness and stigmatism? an emergency stop, sitting in a chair and pressing mock accelerator and brake pedals in a timely fashion, and then sent to a 'training' room, full mostly of farangs who could not understand what they were supposed to be learning while watching an inane TV presentation. The same one I watched five years ago! It showed a motorist being stopped by a cop but not the Bt300 being handed over. To add fuel to the fire, everything ground to a halt when the electric power failed. Easy to get a license? Just to renew mine took nearly five hours. I would suggest that the top man in the Vehicle Registration Department goes undercover and attempt to renew his license. I sympathize with the staff who have to endure these stressful working conditions every working day. Some of them looked on the verge of a breakdown. I know I was.cheesy.gif

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  12. The other paper has a completely contradictory statement in the "breaking news" section.

    From the other paper, it seems that not the whole 4.6kms is Cambodian. That's the way I read it anyway.

    My wife is watching this news on Thai TV and says that the land the temple is on is Cambodian but the surrounding land is Thai?? I have always thought that the Thai language lacks precision and statements have many different meanings. Perhaps because the people that make them bend them to suit themselves? We shall seecheesy.gif

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