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Posts posted by Gandtee

  1. Asia, Philippines, eat everything. I eat bugs after many drinks, but hate chicken feet. Cow brains are also good when sautéed in garlic butter. Cow balls with the same treatment are also good. I'm a 'say no to dogs', but will eat cats.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    I didn't know that cows had balls? Fish, yes. They sell them in the market, but you can't see them on the fish?clap2.gif

  2. As a kid in London during WW2 I used to raise rabbits especially for eating. Better than chicken and for those who care, no fat. Years later when I took my beloved to England with me, we had quite a few picnics of cold baked rabbit and a bottle of wine and she didn't turn a hare!! Here in Thailand I keep threatening to buy Ozzy frozen rabbit but it has not been received with any enthusiasm. Maybe the stories of the rabbit disease myxomatosis' reached here?

  3. By letting a teen girl share your bed you are leaving yourself wide open to some very serious allegations. Peoples loyalties change over time and you could find yourself in the firing line years down the road. You will regret your indecision then.

    Doesn't matter where anyone sleeps, "He came into my room" works equally well in most countries, true or not.

    In an ongoing court case in the UK against a well known celebrity accused of interfering with underage girls, evidence was given that the accused, 'Went up to her bedroom but I didn't think anything of it'. The inference being that something untoward could have happened. And the alleged offence took place nearly thirty years ago!

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  4. Funny that, as in Germany people can legally from a much younger age but the "sport" of king hitting is pretty rare.

    As soldier In 1952 I was stationed in Germany. Heading back to camp one night I was joined by two German blokes who stepped alongside me..I knew their faces as days earlier they had threatened one of my mates for going out with a German girl.I was a bit wary as I thought that they might be setting me up. Approaching us on the pavement was a man accompanying a woman. As we passed them, for no apparent reason one of the two men punched the man in the face,dropping him instantly. And we continued on with both of them laughing and myself waiting for my turn to be attacked. Fortunately I wasn't and consider myself lucky. Why I wonder does anyone get a kick out of attacking an unsuspecting victim? I don't think alcohol was the reason for this attack.

  5. Over the years I have been plagued with small wasp like flies. They are about two mil. long and tend to nest in any small hole such as hollow bricks and produce a gummy substance. Their sting is not serious but if my pet dove cage is near them and they are disturbed, they swarm and attack. I have tried several types of insecticide, although I don't like them, and even resorted to smoking them out, but they still return. Any ideas as to the name of these rascals and how to get rid of them?

  6. This applies not only to girls. Some boys sleep with their parents up to and into their teens.It would seem that the Thais like something to cuddle---when you have Thai visitors, do they pick up a cushion and cuddle it? They are also afraid of ghosts. Maybe that is another reason for wanting to sleep with parents. It seems very unhealthy to me.

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  7. I made my toddler Thai nephew a highchair so that he would learn to feed himself, so his mother would not have to follow him around feeding him when he felt like it. It worked great and he did what it was intended to do. The biggest problem was with the neighbours, who a accused the mother of cruelty. She ignored them. He and later his brother both grew up knowing that their mother would not be at their beck and call all of the time. Eighteen years later she still has the highchair.It is difficult to overcome bigotry, but it can be overcome.

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  8. Perhaps people should watch the film 'The Rise of Evil'. It shows how Adolph Hitler rose up from nothing and became the leader of the Nazi party through intimidation, the suppression of free speech, and brutality. What I see happening now in Thailand is not far removed from this. When will the people wake up and not follow rabble rousers who seem determined to reek havoc on the country to achieve their own agenda?

  9. I understand that there are fines imposed if the type face is larger than the Thai type face.

    TESCO in Chiang Mai takes this seriously - you need binoculars to read what the English says under the large Thai product descriptions.

    Many road signs are the same - they can't be read until you are level with them.

    It took me some time to realise that the motorway signs were written in Thai and in smaller letters in English. I thought that my wife's' eyes were sharper than mine when we were travelling. Well, they are now and her hearing is better than mine as well. She has worn my ears out.coffee1.gif

  10. So you think gays and "adulterers" should be stoned to death as well, mate?

    no, I don't think so. But I don't consider my opinion the ultimate truth. if people of Brunei or there ruler think differently - its up to them to enforce the law they believe.

    who is me to think for other people what they should no. neither me nor anybody else have a right to dictate his moral values to other people.

    Is it the people who want sharia law or their leaders? Is this another way for dictators and religious despots to control their subjects, by fear? Did the Christians not do similar things to their followers in days not so long in the past? But then the Christians have attempted to drag themselves out of ignorance, so most of those punishments are a thing of the past. Oh yes.We still execute convicted criminals, guilty or not.

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