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Everything posted by Gandtee

  1. That's a nice head of skin. All it needs is a spit and polish in the mornings. You're in fashion. Quiffs went out ages ago.
  2. And at ninety I still have some. White of course.
  3. My son and grandson raced one until his wife objected to the risk of losing both of them
  4. Ban all guns other than for farmers living out in the sticks that rely on hunting game for food, or shooting vermin. Anyone found owning a gun and not having a license, receiving an automatic one year prison sentence and the gun confiscated. In the UK I had a gun license for rabbit shooting but no gun. I used a friends gun. I had to renew the license annually. I had it for one year and forgot to go to the police station to renew it. A week after it lapsed, a copper came to the door and asked for my license. I had to go to the police station and explain why I hadn't renewed it. I cancelled the license. I'm not a gun lover anyway. The point I'm making is that in the UK, and Australia I believe, there is strict control over guns and anyone possessing one illegally will go to jail. The Brits don't arm teachers in schools!
  5. The pic is not mine. I made a copy of the Busmar Astral sidecar and fitted to my Triumph Thunderbird. My wife, three kids and my mate on the back, did some great trips. Some horrible bugger nicked it on Mothers Day when we were about go to visit her.
  6. Never mind. Just let your hair down, with gay abandon. Gay. As in the original meaning. 😀
  7. Back in the 1950s when I was riding a motorcycle combination, they were regarded as the safest means of transport on the road. Pic. Me introducing my son to motorbikes in 1960.
  8. The same reason they still use miles and Fahrenheit.
  9. No Brit would say' For bloody' sake. He or she would say 'For god, or, for Christ sake. And the writer does not understand 'She let her hair down. And certainly not pants. Pants for the Brits are men's underwear. I'm going to relax and have a fag. A cigarette, that is.
  10. Don't worry. It will all go wobbly just like the cannabis and 'five yaba pills' debacles. There is a lack of forward thinking and planning in those that make decisions for the country.
  11. Man shot on cassava farm. Police are looking for the root cause.
  12. My wife suffered acute kidney problems in the 1970s before it became a prescription drug back in the UK.
  13. 0600 every day a go for a short walk. A local dog used to have a go at me every morning when I neared its house. Barking and doing what it is supposed to do to alert the owner? After a few stare downs and a crouch down as if i was getting ready to throw a stone, it would back off, but then I changed tactics. I carried a crust of bread in my pocket and fed it to the dog when it came at me.. It ate the bread then amazingly, it ripped my leg to pieces. No. Seriously. After a couple of times doing this it still barks, but does not attempt to attack me. Maybe it's thinking 'if I'm not careful he is going to feed me that crap again.' 🙂
  14. Severe loss of face.😆The next. Being made an offer he can't refuse.
  15. While offering this advice, I must confess that the last, and maybe the first lady's drink I bought was way back in 1988. The bars I frequented are what I call men's bars. Not Girly, or Boys Bars, but a place where you could get a descent conversation and humour, without the hassle. The Shamrock Bar in Pattaya is a good example. Being a bit long in the tooth now, driving there is a bit/very off putting, I'm sad to say.
  16. Maybe the answer is to slip her a Bt100 note so she can tuck it into where ever, for herself.
  17. I don't believe it. I doubt the cops would put the accused in the front seat. More likely the driver cocked up and crashed. Casting the blame on the accused.
  18. We are getting to the stage where as an expat, if I returned to the UK and walked around certain districts wearing a bowler hat I would have to careful about being arrested for being an openly white Englishman. What a sad and sorry place my home country has become. If I had remained in the country would my presence stopped the degeneration? Of course not. It's the elected politicians who have allowed and encouraged it. I shall never return. So sad.
  19. I wonder if 'divers' was a spelling mistake? Muff diving is not to be sneezed at. But I thought, generally to be practiced by the straight community. 😉
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