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Everything posted by Gandtee

  1. That'll knock him down a peg or two. I hope he gets his come uppance.😉
  2. But not yesterday.
  3. But its back to normal today.
  4. Foot soldiers!
  5. R.I.P.😆
  6. Are they hearsay? And I'm certainly not upset. Just making an observation.
  7. I don't think I wrote that I got into any duels. I was referring to the everyday reports of them. All a bit like Monty Python's 'You may not pass!'
  8. Maybe women marry policemen because it allows them to grease the wheels in the interests of their businesses?
  9. Neither do I. But its the same with giving a flash of high beam. In the UK, it is, or was, I haven't been back in years, used to indicate to a long side vehicle that it was safe for it to pull back into your lane after overtaking. Or allow another vehicle to cross in front of you.
  10. What is it in Thailand where just giving a toot on the horn to indicate you may cross in front of me. Thankyou for letting me pass or for any reason is considered a challenge to a duel. Using fisticuffs, pipes, machetes, or anything that comes to hand. Perhaps horns should not be fitted to vehicles driven in Thailand. Fragile egos can't handle them.
  11. Well I'll be buggered.! Perhaps not.
  12. The reporter said he reported this blow by blow as it happened.😉
  13. I only drink water passed by my wife.
  14. Only for dick heads.
  15. That sometimes happens here in Sattahip when a dog piddles up against a lamppost.😉
  16. Dad's Army were not like this. Many had served in WW1 and were lucky to have survived it.
  17. You mean when the ship is being naughty and doing what ships do when afloat?😉 But modern tanks now have sights that stay locked onto a target. Not like the Cromwell I was on in the early 50s. Happy days.
  18. Such as the GT200 bomb detector that didn't work and was a scam. It fooled the Thai military government who spent millions on a device reportedly containing no inner workings. I wonder who made money ordering them?🙄
  19. In three years? Maybe three years too late. Will the Royal Navy have any manned ships in three years? A report I read recently said that crews could not be mustered to man the Destroyer support ships for the British Aircraft Carrier and it couldn't put to sea. How embarrassing. Britannia rules the waves.? What a joke. 1938 all over again. Caught with our trousers down.😒
  20. So. He being an Interior Ministry Official. Shouldn't the Interior Minister direct his call for justice, without bribery be directed at this case instead of interfering in the Swiss alleged kicker's case? Or is this another example of a two tier justice system? The Interior Minister has made his feelings towards dirty farangs very clear..
  21. Was the donated sand for anyone to take away, or was he being naughty? R.I.P.
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