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Everything posted by Gandtee

  1. You mean carte blanche to the police, to cull them, like he did for suspected drug dealers?
  2. 4/5 Tablespoons sugar? No wonder it tastes like cake. For 1200g of flour I add 1 teaspoon of sugar to the active yeast water. I must confess that the flour now seems to vary a bit.
  3. Now now, mother. Settle down. Did you get out of the wrong side of the bed this morning? Life is not that bad. Have a cup of tea and relax.????
  4. Like the London song. 'Where ever I go I carry my poe. And a little piece of tissue paper.'????
  5. Minister of Culture in a culture of corruption. Oh, the irony.????
  6. I don't know about living longer, but I've been sitting down to urinate for a few years now. At 89 it's tiring standing up for ages to pee???? in the middle of the night it's safer and yes, I slightly dribble during the night. I just take it as a sign of old age and live with it. Just like a vehicle, things wear out and leak as they get older. At my age I just live with it and am thankful that I am in relatively good health. If I were twenty years younger I think my attitude would have been different.
  7. I'm 89 pushing 90, despite the medical professions best efforts. I avoid doctors as much as possible.????
  8. It must have been travelling when it came through there.????
  9. I watch Bangkok Post on line. They updated and modernised their website last week. Today I can't find Roger Crutchley's column, Old Crutch.? Anyone having the same problem, or am I looking in the wrong place?
  10. Well. They were only foreign labour. Plenty more from where they came from.????
  11. Didn't the same thing happen a few months ago and the police were taken to task? It seems that nothing changes.
  12. Prior to take off from an airport in the Middle East I suggested to a stewardess that a passenger was drunk and I didn't want to fly with him. He was removed from the aircraft. A person who is drunk, from and in a country where alcohol is banned is a bit suspect.
  13. Having left England over thirty years ago I had been lucky enough for over fifty years to experience good TV drama. Dramas that gave food for thought and in an English language that was clear and understandable. Much the same as the films that came out of Hollywood in those days. Nowadays the dialogue is almost unintelligible sometimes. But then maybe, I'm a "It wasn't like that in my days" old <deleted>. I'll be downloading Alan Pinter.????
  14. I never had the chance. During part of the war I was evacuated. Then he was in the Royal Navy for five years. Then I went in the army for my National Service and he died aged forty one in 1953. His last words to me were "Look after your mum." I suppose I'm more like my mother. I brought her here to Thailand to live out her days and she died here aged eighty eight. I've outlived her so maybe I'm more like her as regards longevity, so far.????
  15. But isn't his policy on sec. 112 what the people voted for? Obviously the majority of the voting public want it changed.
  16. You forgot to mention 'a bird killer and anything that moves. Cats destroy the wildlife.
  17. I got my pension and arrears back after two months. There must be a better system than the present one. How do those living from hand to mouth survive with no pension? Fortunately I don't fall into that category.
  18. Go to the head man to sort it out. The police are not interested in 'minor to them' reports.
  19. During the UK Mad Cow disease, scare, Thailand banned all beef products from the UK. Is that ban still in operation? It seems that the supermarkets do not now carry Knorr beef stock cubes. Oxo cubes. Bisto gravy powder and the like. Or is my wife shopping in the wrong places around Pattaya?
  20. But he was voted in. That is democracy. Non voters have no right to a say in anything they should have voted on.
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