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Everything posted by Gandtee

  1. And what do you think public opinion would be on this subject?
  2. And are you taking aspirin for any heart condition. You won't heal well if you are.
  3. The fact that he was gullible enough to fall for the scam is gnawing at him.????
  4. Good for her regarding her Big c tests. I wish her well. I've been asking the same question re dentures.. At almost ninety, is it worth it, or possible, to get my dentures upgraded to compensate for disappearing teeth? A gnawing issue.????
  5. I didn't then. I just took it for granted. Looking back, I appreciate it now.
  6. "Vikings! Pillage and rape! Kill all the women and rape all the men!?????
  7. The next show will be 'The Absconding ex Pattaya Mayor.' It's coming up to pantomime season again.????
  8. Much the same as when the recently 'incarcerated' absconder from justice, gave carte blanche to the police in the war on drugs. Resulting in the deaths of nearly 3,000 'suspected' drug dealers. Extra judicial killings?????
  9. Does this apply to members of parliament? If so,its failed miserably so far.????
  10. I don't give fart about the make.????
  11. Going to fill it with soil and sand? That should do the trick.????
  12. Here in Sattahip it is drier than a Bedouin camel driver's saddle blanket. Had no rain for weeks. Thunderstorms and rain promised every day. A bit like politicians canvassing for votes.????
  13. Why do you continue confirming that you are p***k by making stupid statements. Perhaps you haven't figured it out.????
  14. I've no doubt when the Air Force personnel arrested them they told them that they were very naughty boys and gave them a stern talking to.
  15. I don't suppose that he was 'hit and missed?' But as a council member, surely not.????
  16. They got their just deserts. I can't spell either.????
  17. Those toilet cleaner brushes can wreak havoc.????
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