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Everything posted by Gandtee

  1. I agree. What is astounding is the seemingly lack of concern among the young who are the ones who will be most affected. I've just watched a video of a peaceful protest in London by those defending their culture. What is remarkable is the lack of those who appear to be under forty years of age. Are they too busy playing with there phones? Wait until the chickens come home to roost. It will then be too late.
  2. Clever. Cousin Kevin would be proud.😉
  3. It's not a kerfuffle about Tommy. It's about a two tier justice system and the British way of life and culture being taken over by the followers of Islam. Some who are attempting to bring their rule and way of life into the country. There is also fear of them trying to introduce sharia law. The Gay community would love that. The unabated influx of illegal immigrants is overwhelming the British social structure and amenities. Successive governments have done little to curb it. I'm no fan of Tommy Robinson and have always considered him a flash little bastard. But he is representing the British population who feel they and their country is under threat. Britain is an island. It can only accommodate so many. Strength to his elbow.
  4. Keep writing stupid stuff on Aseannow.
  5. Nah. They'll skip that.😉
  6. Well, I'll be buggered. So that's how it happened. Amazing.😉
  7. Could not the Paveena Hongsakul organisation help?
  8. Canonised? For one moment I thought you meant being fired out of a gun. Wishful thinking?
  9. Its only happened to me once. I told the waiter "I like sitting on this lovely ladies lap whatever her name is. But if you insist."😉
  10. How do know and arrive at your assertion?
  11. Meanwhile it is difficult to get a suffering pet dog put down by a vet. It would seem that adhering to Buddhist teachings about killing only applies to the students and not to the teachers. I would suggest that most religious cults are hypocritical.
  12. I suggest you increase your medication if that is all that upsets you.😀
  13. But only the account with the Bt800,000 in it.
  14. Will money sent from abroad by children to aging parents be subject to tax I wonder? Maybe the Thai Inland Revenue Dept will clarify it in due course. Then say it's a misunderstanding and reverse the decision. I'm just being facetious. But then cannabis.....😉
  15. It would seem some come to Thailand.
  16. So it means no more twaddle from you? Oh dear. Us old farts are really upset. Missing your sheep are you? Don't slam the door on the way out. Cheers! 😆
  17. He said he'd forgotten his toothpick and was giving the fish a bit of protein.
  18. Fair enough. I understand that. I have two homosexual acquaintances that lead a happy life together and don't broadcast their homosexuality. The point I'm trying to make is the present flaunting of gayness or homosexuality. Why? A person's sexuality is a personal thing so why should anyone shout it from the roof tops?
  19. 'No one can encourage another to have sex.?' Really? What about pedophiles? I'm not suggesting gays are in that category and I am not against homosexuality. I am referring to the continuing bombardment of prancing , preening and "look at me, I'm gay" parades. Where youngsters may be encouraged to join their practices.
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