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Everything posted by Gandtee

  1. From Black Americans. But I prefer Boogie Woogie and Rock and Roll.
  2. If he was the CEO of a company he would have been turfed out on his ear for mismanagement.
  3. The same place he/it is now. While the humans are destroying themselves and the world. If there is a god he didn't make a very good job of creating humans.
  4. My father died of cancer in 1953 aged 41. My first wife died of cancer aged 49 in 1982. My close friends wife died of cancer two years ago. And now my wife, after 37 year of marriage is undergoing treatment for cancer. A god? You can pray till the cows come home but it won't change things. It will just make some worshippers feel better.
  5. Prove there is a god.
  6. Certainly not a god.
  7. The same organisms that created the rest of living things.
  8. Gods. Invented by humans to keep the masses controlled.
  9. Could be. To paraphrase Groucho Marx 'Who wants to join a club that lets people like me in?' But each to his own.😉
  10. The same congenial owner. If you want to know what he provides for free and you are a cheap Charlie, I suggest you don't visit. Besides the regular customers. It has many customers who come back to Thailand for their holidays and without a visit to the Shamrock Bar their holiday is not complete. I discovered it in 1988 and all my visits have been well worth it.
  11. The Shamrock Bar. Soi Pattayaland 3. Not a girlie bar. But a place for a beer and good company. Sunday lunchtimes when Mine host, Terry, lays on a good array of complementary goodies.
  12. He may fall ill in the UK and not be able to return until he recovers?
  13. Oi vey. My life already.!Give over. You are coming over like a cracked record. Who cares whether you are Jewish or not.😉
  14. Gandtee


    Another with his head in the clouds😉
  15. Gandtee


    The tattooist must have had good eyesight. Did he use a magnifying glass?😉
  16. Perhaps all visitors to Thailand should be warned that pointing the foot at someone in Thailand is strictly no no. To kick someone is the ultimate. But then the Thais do it all the time. Kick someone I mean, but not point with the foot. And if the visitor sees shoes outside a premises, take their shoes off before entering and make sure you choose a good pair on leaving.😄
  17. Gandtee


    Why I wonder do some people like to desecrate their bodies with tattoos? I can understand why some servicemen might want to have a tattoo showing their allegiance. But when I see males and females bodies plastered with what to me look like senseless scribble, I wonder what the attraction is. To me seeing a girl with tattoos is a complete turn off and a repellent. If the males want to give the impression of hard men by having tattoos, there must be something lacking in their psyche. But then we can do what we like with our own bodies.
  18. Do you have evidence that he didn't? He was Prime Minister at the time. That's where the buck stops. Or should.
  19. Moored out to sea? That is where it should have been after the gun problem. Not sailed back into port to point at another vessel. My brain hurts.
  20. Ive no doubt he wrote the order making it open season on suspected drug dealers, leading to nearly three thousand extrajudicial killings.
  21. He is very privileged to be able to do so without spending a day in prison. Meanwhile another not so privileged young person is serving a twenty five year prison sentence for writing something. Double standards?
  22. Even though I think you are a bull*****r Bob, you've just tickled my taste buds and I'm going to down an icy Chang. At ninety I daren't miss an opportunity. Cheers.😉
  23. I had the same problem with Skipalong. He doesn't get sarcasm. Sad really.
  24. 260? Obviously a not very likeable person.
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