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Everything posted by Gandtee

  1. 'Removal of nasal and ear hair.' It's an aging thing or doing naughty things.????
  2. Does age affect the colour of your urine? I'm almost 90. Drink three or four mugs of tea, or more a day. Perhaps half a litre of water and a large bottle of beer. My urine is almost clear.
  3. I have just watched 'I Claudius' for the second time after it was first shown on the BBC. It depicts conniving wives advising their husbands. With disastrous results.????
  4. 'Dramatic fall'? I don't see it as a dramatic fall. Just a dramatic headline. I see it as an ethical and honourable thing to do to allow the party the people chose, to exercise its full influence in parliament.
  5. The gunman was a tattoo artist. Maybe he had designs on his victim.????
  6. And how does he intend to do this? By dismantling the entire police force? And why was the 'honest'? cop attending a dinner hosted by his alleged killer?? I feel sorry for those niave young men and women who became police persons before they became tainted.
  7. I got a reminder yesterday and did my application this this morning and got the 90 days approved in under an hour.????
  8. "Stand back! Let me through. Trust me. I'm a doctor. My fee is ......."
  9. . If eider been him I would have given up earlier in the chase. The bills will be high.????
  10. Once a cop. Always a cop. An ex prime minister or a prison official. The league of gentlemen.????
  11. I've been baking my own for years without a bread maker. But I admit to using my 60 years old Kenwood food mixer. One of the few things I brought from England many years ago.????
  12. Bum gun wins hands down. Bottoms up!????
  13. Maybe it wasn't menstruation. But internal injuries. As a person entrusted to care for children he deserves the severest punishment.
  14. I've no doubt that if they looked into many of the contracts being carried out here they would find corruption of one sort or another. Especially bid rigging. But that does not only happen in Thailand.
  15. I know where I'd like to stuff some of the phones being used by ignorant users. The place where the sun don't shine.????
  16. Those that get drawn into escalators due to their own negligence should forget running to get compensation. They haven't a leg to stand on. Look where you are going!????
  17. Not stupid at all. It's called lateral thinking. I'm curious as well.
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