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Everything posted by Gandtee

  1. Perhaps I'm lucky and pulled the long straw. I'm ninety. No medical problems other than old age that I'm aware of. After getting into bed I always read a book until I nod off. if I can't get to sleep after my trip for a pee in the night, I read again and it sends me off. I would suggest that looking at mobile phones before bedtime may keep you from sleeping. Just my opinion.
  2. Really? No sweat.😄
  3. Thankyou, and well done and good luck to your daughter. I wish her well. And you for supporting her.
  4. Let's get down to basics. How much will a case of Chang be now?
  5. My fifteen year old grandson is teaching himself to play the guitar and doing quite well at it. He and his friends formed a band and today are performing at his school. Yesterday he was practising singing, in Thai and English. I tried to explain that singing is not the same as shouting to music. Do public schools teach singing I wonder? This is not a criticism.
  6. So who is your wife going to have a two week romance with? And what are you going to do for two weeks?😉
  7. And very unassuming, with a few bob, maybe?😉
  8. Perhaps you should spend less time pontificating. This will give you more time to recognise humour, with a u. And that those you accuse of criticising and belittling you are being humorous. But you do not recognise or appreciate it. Being an English, Londoner born in 1933, I was raised on cockney humour. What else did we have. Without it we are nothing. Other than boring. Perhaps humour is dying out because we don't converse face to face as we used to, and recognise the nuances in facial expressions. Stop preaching, my friend and laugh, and the whole world laughs with you. Well, that's what the song says.
  9. A Klear spokesperson said "Our Handkerchief is not to be sniffed at"
  10. Waterfalls and balconies are best avoided.
  11. I agree. The blighter. It gives us chaps a bad name.😉
  12. So other than that it's OK is it?
  13. Ah. But you are not a Thai, where face is everything.
  14. Planet Earth. From a time ninety years ago when we called a spade a spade and not an agricultural implement. A time when we applied names to what there are. Like lavatory for instance. Not bathroom, restroom and similar. Planet Earth when we didn't broadcast our anus and surrounding areas to the world. I suspect you come from Uranus. 😀
  15. I had to google Washlet? If you are that concerned, buy a portable 'bum gun.' Get some target practice in in the confines of your home first. Bum guns are the best thing since sliced bread. After nearly forty years of using one its the thing I miss most when travelling abroad. Sliced bread can be a bit messy and painful if crusty and toasted. 😉
  16. Yeah. Right. What cloud are you living on?😉
  17. Perhaps you need to upgrade your sarcasm detector mechanism. Humour seems to be disappearing in this modern age. Much the same as trouble free travel.😉
  18. Fox, wolf? Does it matter? It was a joke. Bloody hell.😒
  19. I'm sure you will let us know. We await with bated breath.😉
  20. He obviously had designs on her. The tattoo of a young girl and wolf will look like Red Riding Hood's grandmother in forty years. The wolf will look a bit mangy as well.😉
  21. Conflict with what or whom?
  22. Who's who. And who's the bloke in the middle?😉
  23. This one area I will not criticize other than the needless exercise of having to do it. After receiving a reminder, I submitted mine on Friday and received the approval early Monday morning. Obviously the two lads previously mention, that handle the website had a good result with their football. I've never had a problem doing this on line.
  24. Five or six year olds anywhere do not do that. Here nobody does that at any age.
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