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Everything posted by Gandtee

  1. Hats off? I disagree. The police officers standing around while their fellow officer is being attacked is disgraceful and shameful. He should have been taken down and arrested for attacking a police officer regardless of the reasons for his behaviour. It undermines the authority of the police. I suppose they would have stood around if he had been attacking a fellow traveller. They have made themselves a laughing stock. What was the reason for this idiot going on the rampage?
  2. Perhaps if a helmet had been worn 'over the top' he would still be alive.????R.I.P.
  3. For smokers the easiest way is to carry a small container to stub out and take your fag ends with you.
  4. During this period of Lent aren't monks confined to their Wats? Why were the police involved other than to investigate the alleged corruption of the abbot?
  5. He said, "My 3cm shortened leg has had me going round in circles trying to get funds to correct it." If he can still indulge in kickboxing he should consider himself lucky.
  6. I nearly hit a buffalo that was sleeping on the road in Brunei. And an elephant crossing the road in Bangkok. Plus a charcoal seller on his unlit motorcycle combination. Their colouring makes them all but invisible on unlit or badly lit roads. R.I.P.
  7. Does the bank statement showing that the Bt800,000 has not been removed before three months have to be done in person? Or can my wife do it?
  8. Parents deal with their own kids? You are joking. The reason they are like this is because they never dealt with them when raising them.
  9. This week. Next week. Sometime. Never. Doctor's appointment? Yeah. Right.????
  10. I was under the impression that when we were buried we were reincarnated as worms. Do worms breath?????
  11. So you enjoy the pantomime too? Without a sympathetic government towards him it would be a case of 'Look behind you!'????
  12. Really? I thought it was akin to Thailand. The driving. Not the nature.????
  13. What a nest of vipers. The voters preferred party usurped. What type of democracy is this? Thai style?????
  14. It is quite remarkable that explosives. Call them fireworks or what you want to call them, were allowed to be stored in a province that is under Marshal Law. So much for the security forces. It's akin to a Trojan Horse for the terrorist members of the separatist movement.????
  15. Reading this story and then the one regarding a Taiwanese lady wanting to measure the boyfriend's wedding tackle indicates some people are, allegedly, getting short measures. ????
  16. My family took me out to local restaurant ( roadside shop} in Rayong this week for a sirloin steak. Oz imported. Bt160. The best and first steak I've been able to chew since I can remember. My wife doesn't bother to buy the local beef for me now, other than minced. Maybe the lack of teeth and old age could be my problem.????????
  17. Not really. I make Quick Bread. Using 25mg Vitamin C, ascorbic acid, plus half tsp sugar to 15mg instant yeast and 600 g flour. Just one rising. Good taste and texture.
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