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Everything posted by Gandtee

  1. Not as shocking as being charges Bt130 for a small Chang in Pattaya last night.????
  2. Were they prepared? 'Close ties to a senior police official'? No, never. They are as pure as the driven snow. I forgot. We don't have snow in Thailand.????
  3. And of course to get the oath of allegiance right this time without any omissions.
  4. He still holds the rank of police captain or higher I believe. He certainly won't be in an area with other convicts. There may be some who had their relatives bumped off when he did a purge on SUSPECTED drug dealers.????
  5. Another pie in the sky law? The same as passengers riding on pickup beds, crash helmets to be worn, and the rest. All to be ignored? Until laws are enforced the people who come up with these ideas are just whistling in the wind and living off the taxpayer.
  6. Don't you mean scented water in his bum gun? Toilet paper is to put on the table.????
  7. When will these stupid farangs understand that sexual services and drug dealing businesses are on the Reserved for Thais, list. They might get around this if they know a Thai, preferably a policeman in a high position.????
  8. Today I received by mail from The UK Pension Service, dated 2nd May, a letter containing Proof of Life forms. Informing me that my pension had been stopped on the 2nd May?, due to Proof Life forms not being received by them. I've already sorted this out and my pension was resumed this month. My point is that this letter took more than three months to reach me. Another letter from an insurance company was dated 23rd April. What has happened to the postal service? Is it the fault of the UK or Thai postal system? If the postal service is now untrustworthy is it not time for the UK pension service, to come up with a better way to obtain this information? Or send their requests six months in advance before any pension stoppage? My gripe for the day????
  9. My foster son who spoke English from birth. Well, from an early age, came home from school and said his teacher had told him that he was pronouncing giraffe wrong and don't contradict her. "Giraffe should be pronounced giraffeee because it has an 'e' on the end." He ended up as a public speaker in English. Maybe the teacher is still there misinforming her pupils and not brooking any disagreement. ????
  10. But can save more times. One thing that I find annoying when being driven by members of my family is that the driver locks the doors. I've tried to explain that should we have an accident, rescuers would not be able to get to us immediately. Their answer is "What about robbers?"????
  11. And hogging the outside lovertaking ane most probably. Most self respecting Mercedes, or BMW drivers would be seen on the inside lane, let alone a Rolls Royce.????
  12. There are none so blind as those that will not see. It was a ruse. She was there to get orders regarding the manipulation of Thai politicians and the democratic system. That's if there is, was, or ever will be one in Thailand. Politicians? A nest of vipers.
  13. For the junta mass murder is less important than tax avoidance.
  14. It's a religious thing. As the lord said "Pick up thy food and walk." or was it bed.?????
  15. "Mum! They are trying to take my skateboard away from me.! Tell them they can't or I'll tell Dad."????
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