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Everything posted by thesetat

  1. I will believe it when i see the photos and videos. Even then I will still wonder what coercion (if any) was being used to make the photos or videos appear real.
  2. Sorry. I make monthly transfers from my SS deposits sent to my US bank and then from the US to my Kbank and then do online transfers using their app to move the money already in thailand to my BBL.. I have never had a problem with this method.
  3. Actually the way Harris was acting all during that time. It would not surprise me if it was hers.
  4. was looking those airfares myself. .... but Thailand is still cheaper to fly to. Also the hotels are quite costly at over 100 usd per night.... Compared to thailand that is a little more than a hotel in a major city in thailand. So i do not think the costs outweigh as the reason the Chinese are going to Japan. Safety, Air quality are probably the major concerns
  5. I agree.. you need to stop being or thinking you are an american. go join the country of wuss.. You would make a great citizen there. Trump and V allowed Zelenski to come there to discuss peace. Zelenski came there to discuss what he can get and outright said he does not want the war to end. Perhaps you should go be his patsy instead. This guy got so much from Biden to continue his war that he thought Trump would do the same. I think it is great Trump chose to do everything in front of the cameras to show Americans what this Zelenski really wants. How you managed to twist it around is shameful.
  6. This is the email i just got from Microsoft... Hope it helps those who use Skype and have money in their accounts... Hello, After May 2025, the Skype Dial Pad will be available to remaining paid users from the Skype web portal and within Teams Free, where you will continue to be able to use your subscription or Skype Credits. Download Teams on your device from the official Microsoft Teams website and log in with your Skype credentials to see the Skype Dial Pad. Post a reply
  7. So if they found this inside the hotel in Thailand. Why is there only mention of disabling it rather than charging the hotel for fines and possibly criminal affiliations for supplying or allowing those antennas to be set up?
  8. Worse... They were sent to China and God only knows the torture and suffering they will get once there and out of public view. They may never be seen again.
  9. unfortunately, You are wrong. You would be arrested by the police and scolded here by members.
  10. from what i understand these people were snuck out by plane in the middle of the night. Who does this unless they are trying to hide something, I asked wife about it. She thinks these people were part of online gambling. This is what she read in thai.. and that currently thailand is tying very hard to get rid of scammers and gambling. She also seemed angry about it in that Thailand has been supporting them for so long and why Thais should do this? I know my wifes thinking and it was quite odd to hear her say this. So I am inclined to think, although not sure, that the Thailand news is passing along information that is not true so the Thais will accept what they did as justified.
  11. Well, that interview with the news press was the build-up. Trump and Vance threw Zelenski out of their private meeting and cancelled his invitation to the WH. Telling Zelenski that when he is ready to have peace he can request another audience with the President. Selenski outright stated he is not ready to try to end the war. He wants to get more money and weapons instead. The Dems are outraged and the Republicans are delighted haha.... But let's face it. This ongoing war has been supported and kept at bay by the Biden admin and has cost Americans billions of dollars with no benefit to them or to a man who makes excuses why they will not have elections. Seems being at war is the perfect excuse to remain a dictator nowadays. as for Trump being the mouthpiece or Russia? I seriously doubt this is the case here. I think Russia has given Trump their version of a peace settlement and Zelenski dies not like it. I have always believed that WAR makes a country richer. Reduces population and increases self production. WAR makes money everywhere. Zelenski is using this war to keep himself in power and has relied on the US Biden admin to aid him. It is time the US stands up and says no more. All the US help only caused losses that will not be reimbursed. The war began when Zelenski tried to join NATO. Which would have effectively allowed weapons from NATO into their country and on the borders of Russia as a threat. REminds me of the Cuban missile crisis many years ago when Russia tried to use Cuba as a weapon to threaten the US.
  12. The story in the link said to begin using the Microsoft Teams app. They will shut down Skype in May. I am curious what happens to the money I have in Skype for Skype calling. I have sent a request for information relating to this already with Microsoft. Awaiting a reply about it. The Teams app automatically added all my email contacts with Outlook email. Which I was not happy about. It does not import previous Skype messages also.
  13. apparently, this gender dysphoria diagnosis was completely rejected by the Dems. It has always been a type of mental illness and still is. Just take a look at the news in Thailand with ladyboys acting as men attacking people. Just because you make a face or act a certain way does not make you a different sex. It ony shows you have something wrong with your thought process. Which makes you a bad choice for being a soldier. Trump did the right thing.
  14. Any murder sentence is a death penalty for a 60 year old man. You will get what you hope for. In the meantime. the family is stuck with the repayments of the money the man borrowed. I pity them the most.
  15. surely you jest. Even if they changed the laws and made owners responsible as you suggest. People would not care and would deny even more vehemently that they actually own it thus circumventing any such laws. Soi dogs rule..
  16. Hmm.. perhaps... but i doubt it... The Dems are still in denial and trying to stop everything Trump is doing already. The people did not like what the Dems have been doing for awhile. I think the Dem party will choose another putz trying to make new pronouns and using hate of Trump to win the next election. But the Dems lost everything this time. Every office. it will take more than one election for them to have power again. If what Trump is doing actually works. The Dems may have lost any chance of winning elections next time also. Then you have to think. Most of the big donors for the Dems also are reluctant to give any more money since Harris threw away so much in such a short time with no results. Even now the donors are not helping the Dems like before.
  17. Because this incident did not involve a foreigner...
  18. For a policeman?this would be normal along with having many mai noys for their pleasure while at work.
  19. Hehe this comment is about the funniest i have heard concernming Pattaya. Who in their right mind that actually knows Pattaya believes this being said?
  20. Their reasons are simple... They need the room for all the foreigner tourists making trouble and all the illegals being caught. Or they wanted to appease China so they help increase tourism to Thailand and make Thailand appear to be safe from kidnappings and forced labor.
  21. I guess that means this year N. Korea will have enough money that they can double down on nuclear tests and their building of nuclear weapons. Surely that money will no be used to help their oppressed people.
  22. This amazes me. These 2 elders arguing over who is responsible when the child is half dead in the hospital. The neighbor Jjt is not responsible for the owners dogs actions. Not locking the gate as well as securing the dog to its cage should have been the owners priority. Now they play the blame game and from the OP seem to show no remorse for the girl other than a cursory sorry given. When will Thais learn how to train and keep a dog and be responsible?
  23. What concept did he have? In his last days his concept included granting the Ukraine permission to use American weapons to attack within Russia and then proceeded to supply those weapons.. That does not sound like a concept to end the war..
  24. The man only has 4 years. 3 really to set things on a track the actually benefits the US citizens. He is not eligible to be president again. He needs to take action now as quickly as he can during his stint as president. It took many years for the DEMS to achieve this level screwing over American interests in the US. Just to appease and make other countries want to support the DEMS when they wanted or needed it. IF trade agreements were unfairly made that hurt the US, then they need to be changed to a better position that benefits the US again. As it stands, The US has only lost in trade around the world. Just as in Thailand where they make and send so many things to the US without tax or tariff, but everything that US sends to Thailand is double taxed with additional fees demanded by customs making the products scarce and expensive.
  25. Nothing to see here. Just another Thai unable to handle being dumped by a woman and throwing his tantrum with a gun. Move on please.
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