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Everything posted by thesetat

  1. They need to ban it across the country in any sensitive work. Personally, i would be happy if they banned it across the world. The same goes for Siri in Apple and Chatgpt and all the other programs similar to this. These apps are constantly listening through your microphones unless you deliberately disable their permissions. ( I am not saying they all do this, only they have the capability to do it ) Which means they can listen and record and transmit anything heard which is ridiculous and violates your personal rights.
  2. These people with visas need to know their place. They are permitted to stay in the US to study but that does not mean they are granted the same rights as an American. Even in Thailand if you spoke out at protests you will be deported with your Visa cancelled. If you break any laws your will be deported just as if you enter illegally you will be deported. Why some members here think it should be different in the US I can not comprehend as it is the same in every country. You are invited to retired or study and given a Visa. But you have no rights to the peoples constitutions of those countries to do and act like a citizen does. You are a guest and should act like one without involvement in politics or other controversial things that do not even apply to you because you are not a citizen. Get them all out I say, and good for Trump to call them out and let them know they will be deported for their actions that caused so much chaos in the schools.
  3. does it matter. What if he had a bullet in his possession. This is not a risk any normal policeman would have taken just for a photo op
  4. Making deals with China comes with extreme risks as the Samoan government is learning and beginning to warn other nations. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-03-22/prime-minister-samoa-fiame-naomi-mata-afa-china-solomon-island/102130304
  5. Im sorry but what kind of idiot policeman allows someone to sit there with a gun and the clip on the table in front of them to take a photo op?
  6. Hogwash, many times I have been shopping with my family and doing this same thing. Noone buys shoes without trying them on first. There is obviously more to the reasons for this mans actions and violence. Perhaps unrelated to his work yet making him upset while there. The woman should file charges for assault against the man and a nice lawsuit against the store owner or mall.
  7. Try looking in places other than the big congested cities. You can find something near that price or even build your own small place with 2 bedrooms haha... If you seek you shall find hmm
  8. Hehe... incredibly stupid. As well as falling for the bigger and better deal the police offered for their sting. I bet this guy was seeing dollar signs in his head prior to seeing the handcuffs haha...
  9. No, it is not illegal to take away monies to a State for not adhering to Federal policies. From chatgpt Yes, the federal government can withhold or withdraw funding from states that do not comply with federal guidelines. This practice is often used as a means of enforcing federal policies, especially in areas like education, transportation, and health care. However, there are legal limits to this power, and the conditions attached to federal funding must be clearly stated and related to the federal interest in the particular program or project.
  10. He can do so simply because failure to comply will cause the Feds to reduce funding that state. The same happened when they tried to change the national speed limit. Some states chose to do it and some did not. They are not forced to comply but can lose money from the government if they do not
  11. Nobody was surprised because, the chaos and the way things were needed this crazy megalomaniac to upset the world and government so desperately since nothing and nobody was able to do it before. The People were tired of being fed Dem lies and promises. Harris was a twit who would not have changed anything except making sure Trans and wokeism became like the UK is still trying to make happen. Horrible laws and rules coming into play there that the majority hate or simply find outrageous. Is he really an idiot though, or you just do not agree with his tactics? As an idiot, he got Mexico and Canada to step up and make commitments to increase their efforts to stop the flow of illegals and the drugs that has been ravaging the US. As an idiot, he sorted out the problems that were increasing with wokeism and the use of pronouns as well as making a fair playing field for women's sports. As an idiot, he began taking down USAID that apparently has a larger budget than the DOD yet is now appearing most of that budget did not help but only a few and in fact actually helped create more problems globally than helping with them. As an idiot, he got Panama to cancel their contracts with China to continue taking over both sides of the Panama canal. Now Panama has agreed not to renew Chinas contracts and stop their building more securing the areas that they lease that can potentially block all access to the Panama canal. You want to call him an idiot for his comments that led to these actions. I want to say he is a good tactician and knows what to say to get people to commit to things the Dems seemed to let slide for their years occupying the government. It seems everything he threatens and says, is done for a reason you cannot fathom, even when the outcome is what he has been trying to accomplish. So who is the idiot and who is the tactician?
  12. The way things have been happening. Especially with Biden and the Dems stepping up using wokeism to appease the Trans. Trump had no choice but to choose a side and make the ban. Quick and effective and now everyone is falling into place with him on this. There has been no grandstanding. A few news articles about it only and most of those were favoring Trumps actions. Schools no longer need to worry about lawsuits from some girl who claims a Trans entered the girls room and was showing his pecker to her. As well as other businesses. Government programs no longer need to sort out which pronouns to use haha....
  13. HEhe you definitely have some issues you need to sort out... Quite funny though your post.
  14. There are claims that this USAID was actually a CIA front and that only 1% of their budget actually went to help with food and medical supplies and care. The rest was for black ops, briberies, misinformation and other types. They need to be shut down and audited. The Dem controlled news outlets are making a big stink about how bad this is what Trump is doing. They are getting caught with their pants down now with a President that does not comply with their preset rules on continuing funding things that have been approved by them previously. I hope the future holds the Dems accountable for doing illegal activities around the world. I hope Trump begins his next probe and accountability to the government contractors who get paid 100 times more for things the government needs like 5000 dollar toilet cover and 50 dollar pencils (ie used as example only)
  15. Wow! Someone must be making a huge amount of profit making these at the cost quoted. These designs remind me of a typical bus stop in the USA. It has a roof so it does block direct sunlight as well as protecting those underneath it. Albeit is a tad small only able to hold 3 people from looking at the photo. I am just amazed at the cost the BMA will be paying for these. Something like this should not cost as much as a 2 bedroom house.
  16. Hehe yeah... not really a chase as one would expect.
  17. Exactly, They arrest him for the womans murder yet have no evidence to prove it. Just because the man did not report her missing does not make him guilty of murdering her. It does raise enough suspicion that he knew she was dead though simply because he never filed for divorce after all that time as well as returning to Thailand and living there after. The difficult part will be for the prosecutors to prove undeniably he actually killed her though.
  18. If he was overdose. It did not happen in his room or he would have been found long ago and details of them finding him would have been posted all over the news. This story is odd in that it does not say anything pertaining to how he died or when he was found or where. Only details about what a good person he was and that they have set up a gofundme page to get him home. Is it possible that the details are deliberately being suppressed by the family?
  19. Is that the best reason to never get married haha
  20. She married this guy knowing his sexual preferences and appetite for sex. Why marry him if she knew he had a problem with sex and violence during sex? The guy needs help for sure to control his desire to hurt women during sex but I do understand there are some men and women who like angry and violent sex. Perhaps this story should be more about how he struck her and broke her jaw in an act of rage for her unwillingness to have sex while he was drunk..
  21. I am confused here. Somnais child wants to leave the relationship because Somnai wants sex 3 times a day? But she is married to Somnai?
  22. Even if he wasn't. Thailand has a law that pedestrians have the right of way when crossing the street. She was supposed to stop and allow him to pass.
  23. Completely untrue. Everyone already knows about Pattayas reputation as well as the local police tactics. Nothing one man claims will change what years of news stories and incidents have proven already. No investigation into this will change their image.
  24. Wow talk about twisting the truth around to suit your needs. Seems to me that Trump got exactly what he wanted by threatening the tariffs. That would be considered a win for Trump. Yet, somehow in your head it got twisted around.
  25. Wow! if they call that an extensive operation then foreigners have nothing to fear. My god, they looked online and searched his name and found where he was and arrested him. That must have been a long and tiring day for them.
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