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Posts posted by Scarpolo

  1. One of the best lesson I ever learned was to have the exact same policy as above. The wonderful bonus was to discover that once I ruled out - no matter how beautiful, smart, affectionate, or sexually skilled - having any kind of relationship with girls who threw tantrums and/ or were prone to unjustified and exaggerated jealousy, there were still beautiful, smart, affectionate and sexually skilled women to choose from. 2 fairly long term commitments and one 20 year marriage later, all with women that were as desirable in every way as the most tempermental of women I have known - not one tantrum or irrational bouts of jealousy.-Also helps weed out the true mental cases, which unfortunately are disproportionately represented among mia farang.

    Also? For me girls who throw tantrums or have jealousy issues ARE mental cases. (Though trust me, I know that there are degrees and some people are genuinely ill). And yes, once I imposed that standard, I found I was able to spend time with some really great women without drama and strife that I had previously seen as an inevitable part of the whole "dating" thing...

    Disproportionately represented? Probably. I vaguely remember a previous posit from you along those lines and largely agreeing with the argument supporting it.

    Having said that, it's not as if Thai guys don't deal with any of those issues (and al lot of the Thai guys I've know put up with stuff I never would - but even more Farangs do).

    My Brazilian wife threw something I call the "reverse tantrum" aka, the silent treatment,

    she was truly insane, always accusing me of cheating, accusing, accusing, until finally I said.

    no way I am being sentenced for a crime i didnt commit, so, keep calling me a cheater, and I will earn that title, proudly,

    that shut her up, for a while, but eventually, it got worse and I started to feel ill,

    that was the end for me

  2. my ex had four hour tantrums on the floor, once in the supermarket near the express lane on the floor.-The first sign of this kind of behaviour IMO has to be a complete and total dealbreaker, out the door they go.If they come crawling back then the first thing to make very clear is that won't be tolerated at all.As soon as you let them use emotional blackmail to try to control you the game's over.But the key is you do have to be 100% willing to walk away, bluffing doesn't work.

    One of the best lesson I ever learned was to have the exact same policy as above. The wonderful bonus was to discover that once I ruled out - no matter how beautiful, smart, affectionate, or sexually skilled - having any kind of relationship with girls who threw tantrums and/ or were prone to unjustified and exaggerated jealousy, there were still beautiful, smart, affectionate and sexually skilled women to choose from. 2 fairly long term commitments and one 20 year marriage later, all with women that were as desirable in every way as the most tempermental of women I have known - not one tantrum or irrational bouts of jealousy.

    A tantrum, on the "floor", in a store?

    And, you admitted you know her?


  3. Is that some kind of a joke ? .....as a westerm woman I had to comment!

    rule 1 : Relations ships take time to build...same with western women

    rule 4 : When you accept a Thai girl in your life, you accept her family and friends.......heuheu same with western women

    Rule 5 : learn to speak any language your partner and family speaks...it works everywhere

    rule 6 : Don t be greedy.....we, also don t like greedy men! trust me

    Rule 7 : Thai girls will tell you exactly what you what you want to hear, and do what you want them to do...and she will only care about you (at least will make you think that), you are so happy since she didn't bother you with her sadness over her grandma s death...how convenient is that, you only had to worry about yourself..... but she cries when you left, that s so nice....crap....This is where thai girls are very smart....she ll let you think you rule...but she does

    Rule 8 : men are expected to do the first move..sorry for being old school, but we also like it

    and the best is number 9 : do not cheat and or lie....yep yep, it is world famous that western women love to be lied to and cheated

    My gosh!! Sometimes I wish I couldn t read!

    you have agreed with every point as far as I can see. So what is the point you are making?

    Have I missed something from a previous post?

    Mr Mudcrab....Are you sure I need to make my point? or you were too tired too understand?...Read again this morning, you should get it.

    I am just excited that there is a "western woman" on TV....there is hope........

  4. <deleted> ...

    If you are referring to post no 53 I couldn't agree morethumbsup.gif .

    My wife holds husband and kid WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY over anybody else, including her sister and 2 brothers.

    My wife canceled the wedding party up North as she could hear on me that I was not interested, so she said fxxk them (well not like that, but you get the meaning, lol), you and me are the most important.

    My wife is currently fighting in court with her sister/brother in law, they build a house on my wife's land behind her house and she wants them OUT.

    When/if she wins the case, she wants to sell her farm and invest the money here in the Pattaya area somewhere (buying land most likely, don't know, her money, up to her).

    No I didn't meet my wife in Pattaya but Bangkok, just to let you know before the grumpy old men here on TV gets startedwink.png

    what judge is going to evict a party who builds a house, with permission, and then, the land owner says, sorry?

    dont think so, they own the house, you own the land, not an expert here, but, this is easy

  5. My dear friend

    Take advise from an old asian.

    If youre willing to nod yes to everything your thai gal says then go ahead.Thai women are never wrong they always want there own way and when they dont get it you will get tantrums galore.

    Ive never found a rich respectable thai girl with a farang unless they met in university.

    A wise German told me that for the thai women

    1st is her father and mother

    2nd is her brother sister and relatives

    3rd are her neighbours and friends

    4th is her dog

    and 5th is her farang husband.

    Loads of good women where u stay so dont waste your time here.

    Also questions which rise eyebrows how many like you has she found on facebook??

    Where and when did she go to usa as an exchange student ask to see her passport.

    Who paid for her trip some western poor sod like you???

    Tread carefully my friend youre young and have the world at your feet.

    I was able to get past 1,2, the neighbors, the dog,

    still havent met any friends,

    only the best friend and the mother, knows there is a farange in her life,

    none of them know, I am living with her, including the friends.

    love my thai girl

  6. In fact I am not speaking by expertise, but rather by the first experience I had in this country and giving points that some travelers might find useful, as well as making comparisons with western women.

    your 3rd point is a not quite correct.

    many good girls are not escorted, I have also seen very bad girls escorted on dates by their stupid brothers on dates who have no idea their sisters a bar girl.

    No idea their sisters are bar girls?

    Wow, for a moment from the OP, I thought Bob Guccione himself was resurrected and this was surely going to end in the bushes with the mother and the friend,

    how on earth has this topic gotten 7 pages of replies?

  7. oh, that is gruesome......

    I live w my g/f now,

    I am sure I would be dead by now, if there was another man around

    Not necessarily so. You might be surprised at how many Thai women with Thai husbands or boyfriends also have a farang. The Thai man approves if it enhances his finances.

    I know a married Thai school teacher in S. Isaan who plays on the dating sites. She had a Dutch guy coming to visit her from a dating site. The husband just disappeared while he was there. The Dutch guy sent her money every month. Everyone in the school knew about it, but no one would tell the Dutch guy. I met the Dutch guy and he was really nice but I was never alone with him or I would have told him.

    True story.

    A Thai married couple in our village "broke up" a few months ago, but still live in the same house. Now she has a foreign boyfriend double her age. It shall be interesting to see which family member her so-called ex husband becomes when Mr money bags comes to visit.

    so, many of these thai guys are just sweet "ladyboys, in waiting?"

    a soceity that shares its women, and wives, isn't that so.......pukable

  8. Guy not married 2 daughters 15 years relationship bought a nice house in Phuket, returned from Sweden after a family visit.He worked off shore.

    The g/f wouldn't let him back into the house, met him in the court yard with his luggage with 5 other people. The 3 he didn't know were introduced -This is my husband, these are my other 2 children the house is mine please leave!!

    True story a friend of my neighbours..who use to be their neighbour..

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    So, were there 4 daughters, or did she swap the two?

    These stories always sound like bullshit to me

  9. Thanks for the tip, mate! Made me think! From now on I'll make a point to take my piercings out, get a nice haircut, hide my commie tattoos and dress nice before going through US border controls.

    Appreciate that. Thanks. As Lee Kuan Yew once said: "Garbage looking people deserve to treated accordingly."

    Great man, that Lee.

    Whether he said it or not he was right. It is now time to take DNA and fingerprints from the whole population/s.

    All newborns from now on. Should increase convictions and also exonerate many.

    It seems that many criminals either don't watch CI or are too dumb to understand it and will continue to leave DNA etc.and be bewildered by their apprehension.

    It is now time to take DNA and fingerprints from the whole population/s.

    All newborns from now on.

    Blimey! You're a real libertarian, aren't you! Still, nothing to hide, nothing to fear, eh? The benevolent authorities would never abuse their powers, would they now?

    Good grief...

    DNA is being collected from everyone convicted of any misdemeanor now, and childrens DNA are surely being collected

  10. I solved this problem for myself at least -- I don't bring a computer into the USA after 1-2 years in Thailand but buy a new laptop when I get there. Nothing I really need for the 2-3 weeks in the USA that cannot be stored as email /attachment or dropbox, etc.

    Wondering if this is all a "carry-on" issue, and if the computers are checked, does this same hassle occur?

    I know few times I entered the US after short trips to the islands or europe, the only thing they did was have dogs present as people walked by;

    this searching of the laptops has caused great consternation, and it makes me want to reset my entire computer after removing my travel photos,

    which are easily put on Facebook in a private (sic) folder,

    but at least they are retrievable and not on the drive anymore,

    facebook, dropbox and other online storage facilities get searched too, but at least you will avoid losing time at the border.

    I am not worried and don't object to punctual searches, but the government storing private data about people that are neither convicted nor suspected of any wrongdoing is unacceptable, as well as hacking or gaining access by other means to private data storage.

    Easily avoided by using a personal wesbite, from godaddy, or network solutions, etc., then you get free personal email, which you can send from a TOR browser, and your emails are totally private, unless you send them to someone w a gmail!

    there is a reason it is called G-Male, G-Men- get it?

  11. If you are critical of the US government, you might be searched, if you are a reporter and are critical of the US government you will be searched, detained, harassed and your electronic gear taken when you come back into the states. Some will not go back. Some people are not allowed back in, some are not allowed out. As a Vietnam Veteran Against the War I was an outspoken critic of US policy and the war in Vietnam. I was denied exit from the US along with my soon to be charged co-conspirator back in 1972. It was a Mexican border guard that told us, "it isn't my country, it is yours". A couple of weeks later the fumbling bureau of idiots began serving warrants. I had broken no law, was later released by Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas and the jury returned Not Guilty on all defendants. No, that was not justice. We never broke any law, the government just wanted to shut us up-didn't work. What is happening now isn't new, it is just 1,000 times worse and going to get worse unless the sheeple find their hind feet. Perhaps we should remember that Edward Snowden is trapped in Russia with a suspended passport and the threat of death hanging over his head because he spoke truth to the power by letting us know the degree of illegal spying done by the US. The US is a surveillance state bordering on a police state. Just another reason I won't return to the Corporate Police State of Amerika. If you don't have anything to hide you have nothing to fear?-bullsh t! I fail to understand how anyone can defend the searches we are subjected to coming back to the states as not being a violation of our rights. They may/do have the power, they don't have the right.

    As an American in Thailand, reading this entire thread, insults and all, which have been tame,

    I now will clear my photo DL's of all pictures containing my girlfriend, who is 32, that may accidentally have a stranger walking past, who is underage.

    that is the problem with the searches at Customs, we now have to be afraid that a passersby in one of our favorite photos of an adult girlfriend, may become subject to a questioning, of who is this?

    I just remembered while writing this, that I have pictures at the beach in Bali, will now have to scrub those as well,

    I stop at deleting photos of my own kids, as kids tho,

    I do not expect any trouble at any US Border, as, I am white, in my 50's, have short hair, its grey, I do not fear law enforcement, and will find a way to answer their questions in a way that doesn't threaten them, yes, I said, that does not threaten them......they dont like the searching, anymore that we do,

    I was patted down by a TSA agent at a florida airport not realizing I had four joints in my back pocket,

    I only realized they were there, when I was singled out for additional pat down for a reason they didnt tell me, and as I walked ot the search spot, they asked me to remove everything from my pockets myself, and that is when I felt the joints,

    I had no option, but to move them to the seams, individually, and hope that they weren't felt,

    they weren't

    as he was doing the search and I realized I had them in my pocket, I spoke to the former New Yorker man to man, and asked him how he felt about having to search someone like me, and he said he absolutely hated it,

    frankly, I think he felt them, and let me go, but it taught me a lesson, that is being re learned here,

    know everything you have first,

    then allow the search and be pleasant to the person doing it, and you will slide thru

    get their back up for any reason, and you will have a problem

  12. I solved this problem for myself at least -- I don't bring a computer into the USA after 1-2 years in Thailand but buy a new laptop when I get there. Nothing I really need for the 2-3 weeks in the USA that cannot be stored as email /attachment or dropbox, etc.

    Wondering if this is all a "carry-on" issue, and if the computers are checked, does this same hassle occur?

    I know few times I entered the US after short trips to the islands or europe, the only thing they did was have dogs present as people walked by;

    this searching of the laptops has caused great consternation, and it makes me want to reset my entire computer after removing my travel photos,

    which are easily put on Facebook in a private (sic) folder,

    but at least they are retrievable and not on the drive anymore,

  13. More times than not, I experience the same treatment when returning to the US via Los Angeles. I get really annoyed by it since I have someone outside waiting to meet me and they will not allow you to use a cell phone to call them. The last time, I was delayed 2 hours waiting my turn to be searched and interrogated. My brother was driving around and around LAX wondering <deleted>. Fortunately, I called him when I landed, and before getting to immigration, to let him know I made it to the airport.

    Since they have never found any reason to stop me, I would think they would make a note of it in their computer to no longer "randomly" search me. I even tell the officer that I have been "randomly" selected several times, but they don't care, they are just grunts going through the motions. I asked if I'm on a watch list, and they will not confirm or deny. Anyway, it is not a pleasant way to be welcomed home, to be sure.

    Sure this type of action predates Obama, but slowly, the civil rights that Americans have enjoyed in the past are slowly being peeled away, and Obama has accelerated the process.

    Oh please give it a rest with the Obama bashing! Everyone's primary human right to stay alive and seek medical care because they can now purchase affordable medical insurance (and not have to rely on charity care) and not die in the streets or be bankrupted by care costs has been enhanced and secured by this man.

    With you're attitude, maybe TSA is onto something searching you every time. Like I said, basically I never get the treatment.


    1) you know nothing about Obamacare, its huge deductibles, and forced premiums on many who cannot afford them

    2) you are also not aware, no COUNTY hospital turns away anyone, thru the ER

    3) you know nothing about TSA and their mandate

    4) no one has any "primary" rights in the USA anymore, they were eliminated first by the Patriot Act, and then the Unlimited Detention Act

  14. I have owned several restaurants in Chiang Mai over the past few years - and 5 staff + wife is definitely OTT for only 10 tables - unless they are just part-time or you intend to pay them a lot less than minimum wage. You won't make any profit. You only need 1 cook and a helper who can help the cook, make drinks and serve the food to the customers + wife helping out when necessary. Police are not interested in a tiny restaurant like that - unless you really annoy someone.

    how would you rate your experiences as a restaurant owner in Chiang Mai, and if you were younger, would you do it again now?

  15. I have a problem with the term "long con"

    I don't believe in that. I do believe that those are relationships gone bad, nothing more:

    anything that survives 1-3 years or more, was a relationship,

    however it ends, they end usually no worse than western marriages, and the man still keeps his penis, whereas I have heard here, some thai women go for the kitchen knife first

    Basically for me when either or both partners aren't completely honest and open with each other. . .

    No problem if it's completely transactional AFAIC, all cards on the table, free to fool around if they like, whatever the terms of the deal as long as there isn't deception or coercion involved.

    But you see plenty of long-term relationships where you know a lot more about what's going on than your friend's partner does, total insincerity, outright fraudulent intent, sometimes for lots of property and other assets, down and out confidence rackets galore, especially in Pattaya/Phuket/Samui.

    Sometimes it's many years before the final hurrah is sprung, and then the mark realizes it's been a scam from the very beginning.

    Now some people use the term just as a synonym for marriage. And when the age difference gets large enough, some girls specifically look for a wealthy enough guy who's not going to be around that long, and make sure they're well taken care of in the will.

    Perfectly "successful" relationship from both sides, but I'd still put it in that category.

    Sounds similar to my last wife,

    Everything changed, when I got tired of being the sole energy provider, and, once she realized that if she didnt want to cook, she couldnt eat

    as I was tired of living in restaurants, the entire world went into upheaval!

  16. Quote

    (Story of the scamming teacher and teh Dutch guy)


    Only a very small percentage of women that do certain kind of thing by the way.

    I agree if you're looking at the total population of Thai women. But taking the set of all Thai girls that go with farang, you REALLY think it's a "very small" percentage?

    You must be joking.

    Personally I think 98% are explicit sex workers by western standards.

    Of the remaining 2% I think the vast majority are in a very grey area, let's just say have multiple men on the hook at a time each of which think they are the only one.

    Anyone needing confirmation of the any of the above need only open a profile page on Tagged and Thai Friendly, and you will get a steady stream of thai girls, aged 20-30, who seek men of ALL AGES????? Really?????, but, not, they aren't predators, seeking prey?

    and who is replying to them, WHITE MEN......and, this is disputed?

    What do you think is happening in your home countries as regards to dating sites and social media? You honestly believe that this is Thailand specific?

    To be perfectly honest, anyone being lazy enough to use a dating site, either is lacking in social skills or should be aware of all the possibilities of the 'tag-along'. If they are not aware, this is where the negative experiences of a few spiral out of control, and become a standard for many more gold diggers through public revelation.

    That would be my view on it anyway. I know dating sites work for some, but fail for many others who, whether they consider themselves ripped-off (when they have in fact been spurned) will escalate stories to protect their damaged egos.

    Sure, the rips happen, but I wonder what the true scale of this is?..................rolleyes.gif

  17. Quote

    (Story of the scamming teacher and teh Dutch guy)


    Only a very small percentage of women that do certain kind of thing by the way.

    I agree if you're looking at the total population of Thai women. But taking the set of all Thai girls that go with farang, you REALLY think it's a "very small" percentage?

    You must be joking.

    Personally I think 98% are explicit sex workers by western standards.

    Of the remaining 2% I think the vast majority are in a very grey area, let's just say have multiple men on the hook at a time each of which think they are the only one.

    Anyone needing confirmation of the any of the above need only open a profile page on Tagged and Thai Friendly, and you will get a steady stream of thai girls, aged 20-30, who seek men of ALL AGES????? Really?????, but, not, they aren't predators, seeking prey?

    and who is replying to them, WHITE MEN......and, this is disputed?

    What do you think is happening in your home countries as regards to dating sites and social media? You honestly believe that this is Thailand specific?

    To be perfectly honest, anyone being lazy enough to use a dating site, either is lacking in social skills or should be aware of all the possibilities of the 'tag-along'. If they are not aware, this is where the negative experiences of a few spiral out of control, and become a standard for many more gold diggers through public revelation.

    That would be my view on it anyway. I know dating sites work for some, but fail for many others who, whether they consider themselves ripped-off (when they have in fact been spurned) will escalate stories to protect their damaged egos.

    Sure, the rips happen, but I wonder what the true scale of this is?..................rolleyes.gif


    The western "dating" sites are generally either direct about being hookers, and aren't using "dating" sites, they are in forums specifically designed to attract their customers and western girls are for the most part, not in their early 20's seeking men of any age.

    they want someone close to their level, educationally, as well as age, and all want financially capable men.

    I also disagree that using the dating sites is for social losers,

    it is also for people who are way too busy in their daily life, who want to browse for men, or women, in the safety of thier home, when they are tired and worn out, and the last thing they want to do is dress up and go hunt,

    I have met many business owners and very nice women in these forums, it is all how you handle your internet savvy, and know not to jump through the browser into their pajama's that works best

  18. Only a very small percentage of women that do certain kind of thing by the way.


    Yes, very small percent of women that do certain of activity. How many women at the age between 20-50 are there in Thailand?

    I think we're getting some language problems here.

    I am agreeing with you that only a small percentage of the total Thai female population either

    have multiple boyfriends lying to each so they think they're the only one


    are otherwise lying and scamming for money

    But I am saying out of the total number that ARE GOING WITH FARANG

    that percentage is very very high.

    Are you disagreeing with that statement?

    Oh, the several farange boyfriends thing,

    I think this pertains to the visitors, not to actual real time relationships,

    Well if you also include those that stay long-term with visitors but still keep their Thai boyfriend in the background, then the numbers go right back up there - IMO.

    Plus the larger question of how many are lying and scamming in general, including the long con where they may well stick around for decades. . .

    I have a problem with the term "long con"

    I don't believe in that. I do believe that those are relationships gone bad, nothing more:

    anything that survives 1-3 years or more, was a relationship,

    however it ends, they end usually no worse than western marriages, and the man still keeps his penis,

    whereas I have heard here, some thai women go for the kitchen knife first

  19. OP came for easy women. He probably didn´t get many at home. In Thailand he found them in great numbers and they smiled and were available for him. But he is insulted when he finds out they want money one way or another from him.

    The question is why the OP:s likely lack of charm and attractivness that probably kept women of his homecountry well away from him suddenly in Thailand should have reversed to an irresistable charmer for the women. Women in Thailand and in farangcountries are basicly the same but the culture differ. A non charmer in farang country is a non charmer also for the thai ladies. But they still take him on due to economical needs. And OP is astounded and insulted of this. Give me another reason why they should care about him. In his homecountry OP is probably not considered wealthy and ladies there then have no reason to overlook his lack of charm. In Thailand he is considered wealthy by the ladies and they overlook his lack of charm. The surprising thing is that OP doesn´t seem to understand that. Why on earth would they be available for him but for money? Even if they say they don´t a logically thinking gentleman should understand that moneytransfer is implied.

    The girls must make a living and having sex with OP is probably not that rewarding in it self.

    I agree with you Stygge ....I have tried to make this point, a bit differently, a few times before (not in this thread). My point was more to the point that men come here knowing that their money is the hook, yet they THEN try to find a woman, who doesn't want money, and only wants them, 100% due to them, their particular everything that makes them unique, they want love for that ...which makes sense, that they want that. We all want that.

    But this would be a bit like a fake gorgeous woman, who tries to trap a man mostly based on looks, then takes off her fake hair, nails, makeup, goes through chemo,, gains 40 pounds, has no energy to dress, and impress, and suddenly looks 20 years older, fater, more tired, and decides that cooking a few times a week and sweeping the floors should be enough "womanly" work to keep her new hot lover interested. Isn't that a bit like some of you guys who start out at X restuarant, and then are at KFC for your ladies birthday ... a year later, and bitching about the money she wants?

    But WHY would a woman, who is lets say 20-35 years younger, (big negative 1), who also has nothing in common with this guy culturally ...and I mean NOTHING, and worse than nothing, let us say, everything is pretty much the OPPOSITE, (big negative 2), WHY would this woman be motivated to get involved it if wasn't (in most cases) for the money/security, whatever you want to call it? But then the men feel upset/angry, don't want to pay, can't really afford it for long, etc.

    And some men here have some real problems ...they can be charmers or not, but have real problems! And I am sure there are some who are just great and have an Asian thing ...as in all their life, and/or some who are in a temp, condition of low self-esteem, low finances, or something like this, and they are trying out the Thai thing as a solution. Only time will tell how it goes, what changes. I am pretty sure there are some men here who are selling themselves short, no matter what Thai relationship they are in ....I mean that as a compliment to the men, in case you are confused.

    Well we all can have problems, and we are all doing the best we can ...I assume. I am not judging anyone, just wondering about what, to me, seems an oxymoron with the money/love situation and what many guys claim they are looking for. I am not putting anyone down, I myself, just put myself out of the game totally, with my last marriage/failure ...so you all might be better then me for sure. I think about "someday I might like ABC" but in reality, I may be to afraid to do anything other than make my dog pack larger! So, I am not better, just more scared to trust and figured it will be a lost battle here, so why try?

    Anyway, I am interested in this situation, that the women want you for money, but YOU don't want to spend any money and really want true love? Seems difficult?


    you just described the atypical "buyers remorse" syndrome.

    where the purchaser doesnt feel like the price was worth the goods and now doesnt like the deal, or wants to renegotiate, but, the goods,

    in this case the thai girl, was always the product he purchased,

    what changed was his desire for it, and the reality when the blooms fell off the rose,

    and didnt return with the changing season,

    my friend has a song for that:

    its called, "this one's different"

    I have posted it on other threads, but am not using a mouse outside as I have my morning coffee, as the "spouse" I purchased sits on the couch, not even asking me, if I want breakfast......get the picture?

    everyone changes after the deal is struck,

    the buyer no longer gets what he believes he paid for;

    and the seller, in this case, the girl, whether she be thai, brazilian, czeck, w/e,

    is no longer in the depsearate position she was in before the rescuer arrived,

    and now she thinks she doesnt have to "perform" anymore, to get what she needed,


  20. I was thinking Citibank to open an account to qualify for the retirement Visa.

    not necessarily to bank there,

    Bangkok Bank seems everywhere, and ATM's are as plentiful as 7-11's here, which makes Thailands number one commodity easier to access.

    To the poster that doesnt liek the delivery?

    You don't like basis New York straight in your face language, I get it,

    but anyone desiring to move back to the States, better wipe their hard drives,

    leave behind their thailand cell phones, bury their US phone,

    and never use one again,.

    TOR is safe, so safe in fact, that Facebook and Google, both tools of the CIA, don't like it to the point that, when you sign on using TOR, they immediately freeze your account until you reapply passwords, so their NSA buddies can reaccess you individualy again, as you just dropped yourself off their "instant access" feature.

    only old cell phone, not smart phones, are safe,

    the ones that only make calls, no SMS, no camera, no remote accessible microphone,

    I am truly sorry for the poster who thinks the message should be sweetened,

    but don't expect to be told the new resettlement and interment camps will be better than the last one's

    the difference this time, is the slaves will be fed, so they can be slaves longer

  21. There is a branch of the Bangkok Bank in New York. I don't know if that would qualify for your needs but you could ask. Just open a BKK Bank account in Thailand and transfer the money to the US?

    The other option would be a Charles Schwab Investor account. They will want a US address (which you evidently have established) but they use that days international exchange rate on all international transactions with no conversion charges. They also pay back any non-Schwab ATM fees anywhere in the world. You can easily do an interbank transfer once you have an account established and these guys are the best in not hosing you with various fees. Chase and Wells Fargo truly suck.

    I have seen Citibank offices here, but, not sire if they are actually doing "banking"

    But, I am seeing them in storefronts

    A Bangkok Bank branch in NYC, is interesting

  22. Oh, the several farange boyfriends thing,

    I think this pertains to the visitors, not to actual real time relationships,

    these are women who have multiple boyfriends, who don't live in thailand, but only are travelers, who get hooked into sending money monthly to girls, they MAY, see again, and may see again, once or twice,

    I have heard of this program, I call it the "advance layaway" plan

    (Story of the scamming teacher and teh Dutch guy)

    Only a very small percentage of women that do certain kind of thing by the way.

    I agree if you're looking at the total population of Thai women. But taking the set of all Thai girls that go with farang, you REALLY think it's a "very small" percentage?

    You must be joking.

    Personally I think 98% are explicit sex workers by western standards.

    Of the remaining 2% I think the vast majority are in a very grey area, let's just say have multiple men on the hook at a time each of which think they are the only one.

    Yes, very small percent of women that do certain of activity. How many women at the age between 20-50 are there in Thailand?

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand
  23. (Story of the scamming teacher and teh Dutch guy)

    Only a very small percentage of women that do certain kind of thing by the way.

    I agree if you're looking at the total population of Thai women. But taking the set of all Thai girls that go with farang, you REALLY think it's a "very small" percentage?

    You must be joking.

    Personally I think 98% are explicit sex workers by western standards.

    Of the remaining 2% I think the vast majority are in a very grey area, let's just say have multiple men on the hook at a time each of which think they are the only one.

    Yes, very small percent of women that do certain of activity. How many women at the age between 20-50 are there in Thailand?

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    I searched but could not find the acual number, but I would have to say, millions, in BKK alone

  24. (Story of the scamming teacher and teh Dutch guy)

    Only a very small percentage of women that do certain kind of thing by the way.

    I agree if you're looking at the total population of Thai women. But taking the set of all Thai girls that go with farang, you REALLY think it's a "very small" percentage?

    You must be joking.

    Personally I think 98% are explicit sex workers by western standards.

    Of the remaining 2% I think the vast majority are in a very grey area, let's just say have multiple men on the hook at a time each of which think they are the only one.

    Anyone needing confirmation of the any of the above need only open a profile page on Tagged and Thai Friendly, and you will get a steady stream of thai girls, aged 20-30, who seek men of ALL AGES????? Really?????, but, not, they aren't predators, seeking prey?

    and who is replying to them, WHITE MEN......and, this is disputed?

  25. Men with power can attract nearly anything, including the wives of other men (sorry to those whose wives I shagged)

    Clearly men without power can bang the arse off your hi so Brazilian wife too but I'm sure they won't be apologising to you, you big stud you

    They did before we were married,

    I had her to myself the entire time of the marriage,

    I doubt seriously anyone truly wants her now, she is beyond damaged physcially and mutilated by cancer surgeons,

    what happens when you are warned time and again, not to smoke when your mother died of oral cancer,

    not that I wish any harm on her,

    her life was made, by all of her husbands, she just had that deep inferiority complex that she blamed on everyone, starting with the step grandfather she claimed molested her, who later hung himself

    seriously damaged goods, you can have her phone number, anytime

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