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Posts posted by Scarpolo

  1. when you've had over 30yrs experience of Thailand then you can come to some conclusions.

    6months doesnt give you time to wet your whistle.biggrin.png

    I know you are saying that joking like becasue you have the smiley

    It dont matter if you are in Thailand for 2 months or 2 years or 30 years, it is all experience and you can make conclusions any time.

    I agree. If that was his experience of Thailand good for him.

    I'm glad he had a good time.

    Sent from my GT-I9300T using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    It was a great first trip.

    I did all I wanted, and more

  2. xcool.png.pagespeed.ic.jz1nB6CMOI.png When I saw the title of this topic I knew that it was going to be a very hot topic. Having lived in Thailand for 7 years,although having been gone now for quite some time this subject was one of the many that fascinated me. I refer to it a the "Irrefutable Thai Logic". When you first begin to experience it it is quite amazing. I used to have a lot more examples but two that come to mind was when a Farang was involved in a traffic accident where the Thai was clearly in the wrong . It was determined that the Farang must pay because if he had never came to Thailand the accident would not have occurred.

    Another time there was some sort of contest at a hotel bar where tickets were given out with numbers . A Thai girl I knew was leaving and said here you can have mine. Later that night I won , her friends called her and told her that I had won. The next day she saw me and demanded I give her the prize because she had given me her tickets. there was no way to know who's ticket had won but she was convinced that I was cheating her and her friends all supported her position. I scoffed at first on principle that if she had wanted to win a prize she should have stayed. Being the bigger man and to avoid any ongoing conflicts I gave her the prize which was a free night at the hotel or something.

    There are other examples but I think you get the point. I even experience this with my Lovely Thai wife of 14 years.

    The Bottom line is that their point of view or Thai logic as it seems is the one that supports whatever is favorable for them!


    After spending time in CA, the samem can be said about Mexicans.

    No one makes more noise in a kithcen, or while cleaning, than a mexican.

    at least the thais would say "solly"

  3. She figured you were not man enough to waste any more time on if you were not paying???

    Sounds like she tossed you, rather then the other way around.whistling.gif


    you hit it

    we also didnt get the review of his "performance" from the girl,

    perhaps he will share her internet page, so we can canvas her regarding his qualifications to have a girl for more than 1,000 baht a day?

    surely, if he was worth it, he would have a much better pool to swim in?

  4. yo mate, no offense, but, before I shacked up w the soapy girl,

    I was hanging with my friend from NYC and his wife;s friends were drooling for a shot,

    All over 30, none with kids, all wanting what she has,


    I did more than find one girl to play with

    Well then you must be an EXPERT on Thai women!

    Funny thing is in Thailand 10% of women have their first baby before age 18. The average age of Thai women having their first baby is 23.


    So lets see.....you met a ton of over 30 Thai women who have NOT had a baby ......guess you got lied to.

    I think you'll find Thai women are now only averaging 1.6 babies each, down from 6 not that long ago. That leaves plenty plenty of women over 30 without children. Don't see how you can conclude he was lied to.

    And, they wouldnt lie, because, the friend's wife wouldnt permit that anyway.

    There are people with morals and scruples, and high values, and although I understand there is all sorts of face saving lies, that is not specific to thailand, I watched my wife lie all the time about her art qualifications and singing capability, then dismiss as stage fright, or some other in a handbook of excuses, for being a truly poor performer and for creating art that no one ever bought from her

    but, to lie about having a kid?

    when it would be easily verified, lacks logic in any soceity

    only TV posters would believe that A conscious man, not a brain soaked in alcohol or over come with the emotion of love, could be fooled by a girl hiding a husband and child, as a brother and nephew.

    a woman cannot hide how she looks at a child, or speaks about him,

    there will always be tell tale clues, always

    real life is real life,

    people lie all the time,

    and generally, it is about the same things, but not something easily verified later,

    even a drunken liar can do better than trap themselves so easily

  5. At 30., posting to a group of older men, about juvenile issues, will get you everything you are looking for, and then some,

    but again, at 30?

    something wrong here.

    you are either disabled emotionally somehow,

    or lacked guidance too long.

    You might have missed - he was raised by a Thai mother, estranged from his American dad.

    Estrangement is a choice,

    not the same as abandonment.

    perhaps he was highly alienated as a child growing up against his father,'

    or the marraige a mistake the father made, but he is still a son,

    I do not believe that a man who made it to thailand, and had a child, and brought the mother back to the USA was all bad. Perhaps he is waiting for his son to grow a set, and join him in business, or other part of life, rather than get beat up by a female emotionally?

    perhaps he witnessed this as a child, and has recreated it in his own home?

    We dont know the facts, but, regardless of the circumstance, many people get a much worse start in life, and, if the father was truly bad, he would have left them in thailand, no?

    think of the advice you gave me, not to have a child in thailand, unless I planned to stay there and raise it?

    this is a 30 year old man, thinking like a kid,

    that can only mean he has a lot of catching up to do, and needs a mentor, and a purpose,

    I have heard, no such purpose from him,

    I have heard, and we all have heard, some very bad things from him though,

    and there are so many places to bury a person in Thailand, I wouldnt want to be the girl that he hits when drunk, because she reminds him or some significant other, who wronged him. The thai's stick together and will kll for each other, especially to protect a girl

    His mom lives in a bad area?

    shouldnt that be the priority then, according to him?

    or is his abusive girlfriend, the reason the mom lives in an unsafe place?

    shouldnt he be working 3 jobs to get him and his mother, into a better place in life?

  6. I have never heard the use of the word cat, to describe anything other than, a cat.

    Because you are an old white man. You don't use slang like we use.

    That's exactly why I asked about the geographical area and/or subculture in which you grew up, so I could try to get some idea of where in America "cat" is now used as slang for female sex organs by you young whippersnappers.

    After looking at your past posts, I see you are perhaps not a NES, starting to think that you might well have invented this yourself.

    The young people's slang?

    I dont think so.

    Maybe people who don't read their own posts before hitting the send button.

    You can't come here and try to be cool.

    As it is, trying to get good information from a forum, is - challenging, - at best.

    listening to pure fabrication, doesn't help.

    At 30., posting to a group of older men, about juvenile issues, will get you everything you are looking for, and then some,

    but again, at 30?

    something wrong here.

    you are either disabled emotionally somehow,

    or lacked guidance too long.

    get off the internet and find a real life mentor,

    and make the most of your best earning years,

    you cannot even get to where many TV posters are, unless you inherit money, and usually people who havent worked for it, wind up giving it to the bar girls anyway

    • Like 1
  7. Cat = American slang for "vagina"

    Oh really? Are you sure? Are you NES American?

    If so, in what subculture or what part of the country is this usage common?

    I have lived in america my entire life,

    I have never heard the use of the word cat, to describe anything other than, a cat.

    sometimes is is about a woman named Catherine, who doesnt like the victorian name given her, nor cathy

    the only other time I have heard it used was when the rumors floated that it was being substitued for chicken,

    I have heard a haitian call the female body part, chicken,

    but never cat,

    that puts the posters credibility that below a haitian who barely spoke english

    good job

  8. I'll leave it to you to compute the age differential between the average TV blowhard and the average undergrad student in a Thai university - IMO, it's predatory to say the least.

    That's unfair, the TGs at uni turning tricks on the side are often much less predatory than the full-timers.

    And just because a guy is older doesn't automatically make him an easy target; in fact lots of younger guys get scammed due to their lack of experience.

    Less predatory:

    of course, they are choosing thier customers, and are doing it for many reasons, starting with, spending money,

    not mortgages, kids, husbands, mothers.

    easy targets:

    add alcohol = easier target, more likely to spend more

  9. yo mate, no offense, but, before I shacked up w the soapy girl,

    I was hanging with my friend from NYC and his wife;s friends were drooling for a shot,

    All over 30, none with kids, all wanting what she has,


    I did more than find one girl to play with

    Well then you must be an EXPERT on Thai women!

    Funny thing is in Thailand 10% of women have their first baby before age 18. The average age of Thai women having their first baby is 23.


    So lets see.....you met a ton of over 30 Thai women who have NOT had a baby ......guess you got lied to. But then again I'm sure with your 6 months experience in Thailand you can tell when you being lied to by a Thai women....laugh.png

    They were all ugly.

    Couldnt have been in the sex industry,

    unless they have brothels for the blind

  10. The new (as of 14 MAR 2014) ThaiVisa Forum rule #2 states that you cannot post "material which is knowingly or can be reasonably construed as false". That doesn't mean that anything you post has to be true.

    My worst fear has been realized, Crab is now a mod., is there no escape in this cruel world.

    Relax. Not so. Just my way of saying what ever is posted might be total fantasy.

    I hope he comes back to tell us that the next thai girl he played,

    came back and watched as

    he was gang raped by lady boys

  11. There is like 327 Sin Sot topics now open on Thai Visa as I write. Why would anyone want to open another? Can't you use the search button? Why OH Why would anyone want another Sin Sot thread? Isn't there a pinned sin sot somewhere?

    Here is what you do. Go to the upper right and type in Sin Sot and then you get 15 pages of sin sot topics back in a fraction of a second. Talk about high tech. It is a sin sot's lover's paradise.

    Are you being held to gunpoint to read this thread?...no, i thought not, if you are bored with it, do something else..!!

    Waste of bandwidth to discuss something that has been discussed 10,000 times on Thai Visa. The OP does not want any information he isn't even contemplating marriage.

    the g/f was contemplating marraige,

    I was just trying to get the landscape quotes

  12. Here is a great example, from a TV poster, who demonstrates for all, an illogical-less-ness,, on the part of a young female,

    1) who he freely admits was perfect, in every way, until she slept with him, and wanted him to become a tangible provider,

    2) then he freely admits, that he was just slime, wanting to get in her pants,

    3) then when she expressed her desire for a tangible relationship

    He made it clear that all the things he said to her were bullshit to get her naked, and once he did, he was done.

    So I ask,

    who is the illogical one here?

    I say, the girl was logical and honest, and the guy, clearly, dishonest and ill intentioned

    And other posters want to know why some thai girls turn ugly on themm

    we have guys like this to thank

    I truly despise dishonesty

    This guy had to lie to get women, and wants us to be proud of him

  13. What I don't get is,

    he said everything was perfect, until she wanted to be a surrogate wife?

    it seems she knew that if she didn't get right to the negotiation it, she may have to sleep with a guy she adhored again

    so, who is the bad one here?

    clearly, not the girl as she was honest and spoke her needs,

    the guy, just used her, and wants us to cheer for him?

    I will take the girls side, and would love to hear what she told her friends about this one

  14. So far, 5 days back in the States.

    Some airpoirts you can keep your shoes on and laptops in bags if you get a pre screen designation.

    TSA not in your face, barking orders, although, I am sure they still are in south florida.

    6 months in Thailand has opened something good to my out look.

    US Border agents pleasant to deal with.

    Had a flight end abruptly with an emergency landing in Denver last night as they said they lost an electric generator.

    But A.A. had another plane waiting for us, and we walked exactly two gates over, reloaded and took off, non event,

    although, I did hear of a second plane somewhere having the same event.

    I believe there was a gamma burst last night, so, it may be related. not sure,

    People next to me, enjoyable, a guy 47 with his 32 year old wife,

    looked near same age, I was surprised she was that young, but I was sitting next to her, and her husband a few chairs away, so when I gave my seat to him, we starting talking and he just took up guitar playing, so, there was much to talk about.

    In all,

    the USA is a lot better than when I left it,

    although, I know it is me that changed and the US is the same

  15. Excellent salesmanship by the girl here.

    Not sure what qualifies as "excellent", but not only did she fail to close, she wasted 4 weeks on a poor prospect and got thrown out by the customer.

    Based on her performance this quarter I'm not sure she would make a very good sales rep?

    Considering she is working without a draw or salary,

    what have you got to lose giving her another month or so to find another free loader?

  16. Actually I feel sorry for you that you feel the need to post your personal life such as it is on TVF with all the fine details you, from what I would gather use women for sex !!!! but when they want to use you it's a different story HOW DARE SHE....you threw her out but in your own words she never moved in wanted to but never did...

    AH but but don't you feel better bosting on this forum how big and tough you are ...<deleted> you must have almost hot a sweat up...probably harder writing the post than the 3 minutes of sex you gave her...

    have a nice day

    Considering that many people in many countriea pay that much for petrol every month,

    the OP is a disgrace

  17. so you are saying in Thai culture that every woman that is non-poor is being paid a wage to be with their husbands?

    I am all for that but to be honest if I was paying someone then essentially I would be in charge of that employee and what I say goes.... it's putting the latter into practice that I do not believe will work out.

    I'm not saying anything at all about other people's wives.

    I know I myself would never want anymore to start any relationship on any other basis.

    At least among the girls that stay with me, they EXPECT me to take the lead, if you were to ask "so honey what kind of restaurant would you like to go to tonight?" they would panic, try to think what the "right answer" is, thinking it was a trick question or something, what are you asking ME for, obviously UP TO YOU. Not just because I'm paying, but like any senior/junior relationship in the traditional hierarchical Thai mindset.

    The flip side of that is that I have an obligation beyond just paying her, to anticipate her needs, to genuinely try to make her happy, maybe not giving her everything she WANTS, but doing my best to take care of her very real NEEDS.

    And since they won't explicitly communicate their inner thoughts at first, it takes a bit of experience and intuition, being sensitive to their non-verbal cues etc etc.

    Sure on fundamental issues, sticking to the financial deal not giving in to emotional manipulation there sometimes you have to be the hard guy. But it isn't in the interest of the family unit to let an immature teenage-mentality brainwashed by consumer culture and maybe greedy family to drive you to bankruptcy is it?

    None of this is any different from any M-F relationship, just the starting basis foundation IMO makes it much more LIKELY to turn out well compared to looking for "lurve" in all the wrong places.

    Why would a 27 year old hot female want to be taken care of?


  18. The OP tossed out 4 girls in a month, so I guess that makes him a tosser by profession. (Sorry, couldn`t resist it).

    Over the years attitudes towards relationships have changed dramatically in Thailand.

    I have been with my Thai wife over 30 years; both in our 50s now and the ways of thinking were completely different in the days when we first met.

    These days I just don`t feel that Thai women make good wife/girlfriend partners anymore and best not to become too deeply involved with them.

    Down my way there is a Thai family. The guy has a very attractive daughter in her late 30s. She is not and has never been a bar girl but has her own business as an exporter of antique goods. All sounds good and would appear as an ideal catch for any discerning farang. But this woman is something like the black widow spider. Over the years she has had a string of profiles on dating websites. She always aims for farang guys in they’re 50s and early 60s because she believes that guys in this age group are more likely to have money and be more desperate for a younger female companion. After the first couple of dates she invites the farangs to meet her family, than the process for extracting these men of a lot of money begins, with stories that she requires money for her ailing business, the father needs a stomach operation and so on. Within the last 2 years the parents have had a new home built, new vehicles purchased and so on with the monies obtained by scamming these farangs. It is well known by the locals how this family have acquired their newfound wealth. There was one particular German man that we know gave this woman almost 1.5 million baht before she dumped him. My wife and I have said; one day this woman is going to choose the wrong victim and end up dead.

    Many of the Thai women can now be compared with their counterparts in the West, where basically all they want is a child and to accumulate wealth for a comfortable life later on without a male partner. I am not in anyway intentionally denigrating Thai women, my point is that it`s a sign of the times and whatever you do, has to be done at your own risk and discretion, or in other words, tread carefully out there, it can be dangerous world where you stand to lose everything, even your life in some cases.

    I concur that there are females in thailand seeking all of the above, especially the single mother part.

    by 30's, they have had enough time to decide if they want to take on the baggage of an older man.

    and apparently by 30's in thailand, the thai's are less inclined to want them.

    it sounds a lot like america

  19. Alternatively, the OP comes from farangland without any understanding of the local culture or the needs of local people. All of a sudden he hitches up with a local lass, expecting the rules to be the same as back home and gets upset when he finds out this is not Kansas. What more can be said, the lady is surely not to be blamed for trying.

    I dont know,

    a girl who holds out for 6 weeks until she is sure she has a good guy,

    and because $1,000 a month is offensive, he dumps her after they have sex, in the same bed, via phone text?

    did I miss something?

    sounds like she truly liked him, and finally gave in to her cultural distrust for the farange,

    and he made her pay for it, right in her face, without the balls to speak to her about it?

    nice guy you are

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