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Posts posted by Scarpolo

  1. Johnnyloda .... thanks very much for you post (#114) ... yes I have seen the hollow look in the girls eyes, the viscous cycle that traps them with no way out ... the 'competition' for a customer, the uncaring intimacies (used as a sperm receptacle) for the closest many men can get to in an expression of 'love' ... its a sad old <deleted> up world with losers who feel bar-girls are somehow beneath them and treat them so ... and wonder why the 'pay-back' ...

    I know 'it is what it is' ... but I don't have to like and I don't have to keep quiet about; I was disappointed when Scarpolo's true colours came out ... he doesn't realise he is just as &lt;deleted&gt; up as them, but atypically American, thinks that money solves everything ... and there are some right <deleted> Aussies as well ... (Go Queenslander)

    Not so:

    The girl has a beautiful house, and a 2 year old paid for car.

    but until I moved in,

    She didn't have love or anyone to talk too and confessed she frequently cried herself to sleep.

    When her freeloading family came to bangkok, she snuck away from them to come and see me.

    Keep in mind, a 32 year old girl's life is on Facebook and Instagram, and she was always ready to hand me her cell phone, or iPad anytime I needed it, and, NEVER locked it (not that I can read thai)

    but facebook translates Thai to english, nothing was being hidden, she was is honest and genuine

    with me, and always looked out for price and stopped me from buying when she knew I could find it elsewhere for much less, whether for she or for me.

    Since I came to thailand for 2 weeks, and stayed 6 months, I had only two pair of jeans, and 3 tee shirts, one pair of boots and a pair of sneaker, thats it; so when she took me shopping and we spent all day out, mostly for me to get re outfitted, I always bought her 2 or 3 items as well, She was treated extremely well;

    But, in her beautil air conditioned fully furnished home, there were several key things absent; which I supplied

    the first being love and friendship, but here is a list

    1) a vacumb cleaner

    2) a hot water heater

    3) a dinette to eat on her patio

    4) kitchen cabinets

    5) a desk in her room

    6) kindness

    7) true gratitude

    8) vacations to Pattaya, Chaing Mai, Ventienne, her home town (not to be released) an offer to travel to the States to see her best friend, who know lives in los angeles from whence I write.

    9) a second set of new linens

    10) 7 new pair of shoes, so she had more than one pair of old sandals and countless, useless heels

    11) dozens of new blouses, and dresses

    12) several new pair of jeans

    13) 3 new jean jackets

    14) an actual can opener, so she wouldnt carve the cans with a knife

    I treated her like she would be a wife,

    yes, to many, maybe to her, and maybe to me, it may "seem" to have been all about money,

    I also paid her to live there, I think she did very well as a proposed wife, she surely didnt get "used"

    I didn't necessarily want to leave her,

    but I did have matters in the states that need my presence, one which was closed up today.


    when she told me she had no money the last week when I was packing, that is when she got the lesson in finance and saw the end of the trail and knew, it was real. Was it the dreaded set up for the "if you don't want me to go back to work, here is what I need" but that never came, and, she never asked me to pay her to stop working, I wanted more of her time, and I wanted to sleep with her without having to pay 60,000 monthly baht to the furnished condo owner, so I gave it to her instead. Square business deal. Seriosuly people to me, that is not a lot of money. I was paying it anyway, and varely seeing her. And, she was working

    Yes, I knew she was going to pay down the land she purchased, and I encouraged her too, but the brother was suddenly losing money gambling again, and calling for money, (its her real brother, and he is married to a girl that is gaining weight and doesnt work) the first wife of the brother stole her money from the clothing store she owned, which caused her to give up being in business for herself, and she became a sex worker, thanks to her mother's (sister?)

    She has a track of land that she can sell tomorrow for 1,000,000 baht plus, which can seriously pay down her home, but her mother said no, and asked for power of attorney on her properties up there.

    That was where we had "the talk"

    I told her, if she gets control of her mother, her rental income, and refuses to give her mother power of attorney on the house she bought for her, AND sells the tract to pay down her home, then, we have a chance,

    my true colors?


    I dont think so,

    She didnt have a boyfriend in 4 years, and brought me in to live with her, after 2 months,

    Was she playing me? Do I care? Would I even know? Can smiles and orgasms really be faked for long?

    Answer, they cannot. It either flows from their body, or it is dry; like my last wife. They cannot stop it,

    Smiles? fake one's fade as fast as they come; real one's linger.

    I was made a part of her entire life (except her friends)

    but neighbors, shop keepers on her avenue, in her local mall,

    all thought we were married.

    Other Thai females who spoke english and thai, always helped to show the real feelings

    I in turn, dressed up her house and her closet, and treated her like a wife (to be)

    but I wont pull a horse, I have had a dozen of them, they cannot be pulled, but they can be slapped in the ass to move their own weight and that is how I described her mother and brother and his fat ugly wife

    I didnt mean to get off on a rant here,

    but this is what I did for her.

    I slept soundly, and according to her, she did for the first time in her life

  2. So rather than letting Thailand evolve as it would have American ideals were pushed onto the people so you could have a gas station and phone company in Asia during the war..... And here is just one quote of the SEATO deal...

    " Primarily created to block further communist gains in Southeast Asia, SEATO is generally considered a failure because internal conflict and dispute hindered general use of the SEATO military; however, SEATO-funded cultural and educational programs left long-standing effects in Southeast Asia. SEATO was dissolved on 30 June 1977 after many members lost interest and withdrew. "

    Millions of people died in the 1960's in Cambodia, Laos and Burma as a result of political turmoil. Four countries in a row. Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia and Thailand. The only country to escape mass murder and millions dead from conflict was Thailand. Do you think it was a coincidence they were on the American side during the Vietnam war?

    I think it was the Freemasons at work,

    their symbols are all over Thailand, in the form of Esso, McDonalds, to name a few.

  3. Speaking for myself, I like Thai women from many differing levels of society.

    I see a lot of western guys trying to analyse the women in an alien culture without much success. Women are women and men are men. This does not change all that much. And it is a wonderful thing that this is not a simple formula that can be sorted and solved. If it was,, things would be very boring. I find that western women are generally a confused mess from cultural norms and the brainwashing of church dogma. Thai women come from an old culture that is biased on a different norm. Western guys generally don't have a clue about any of this. They call Thai women names without understanding the base norms. Every year you read about some western guy that got his dick cut off by a Thai gal because he screwed his gals best friend. He thought it was ok because she had only been a bar girl. Get a clue. It is a complex and interesting society. Romeo was 14 and Juliet was 13. How does this fit with today's western norms. Cleopatra was 150 lbs and not tall. Cesar screwed boys. Also there are good and bad people everywhere. I live in Nevada USA where there are counties with legal prostitution. The girls have unemployment insurance and many really like the business. Go figure.

    And they make "real" money for their effort, the Thai's are getting screwed, in every way.

    Ceaser liked boys? What would he think of the ladyboys then?

    Cleopatra 150 lbs? no wonder they always focused on her "eyes"

    My only "real" problem with the girl I was with, is and will be in future, her mother.

    Way too much control over her,

    And permits her to be a sex worker while draining her

    I actually think it was her mother, who put her in the business without her knowing it,

    as it was either a friend of the mother or one of her 400 aunt's that suggested the job,

    and brought her there.

    I met her, she was as cold as can be imagined, with such a warm daughter.

    Too much influence, too much control, stories of abuse (couched as being protective)

    have clouded her judgment about men,

    her job, and pimp, or sorry, papasan, finished her off,

    how she smiles so easily, and hides her tears and fears from her friends, escapes me,

    must be that "thainess" everyone speaks of

    in one of our last conversations I told her straight,

    get control back from your mother, of your rental income and your properties and do not give anymore to her, and we have a chance,

    since I know that won't happen

    that's all she wrote

    • Like 1
  4. Lolz typical rubbish. Read the key part of my post. The foundation. IE the building block. IE the start. People here need to learn to read the whole post before flying off the handle. And no the American warrior (lolz nice phrase) Did not leave anyone better than they already were.

    I was here. We built deep water ports and roads and airports and the entire communication and oil and gas structure in Thailand. Thailand was America's gas station and phone company for the Vietnam war. We built schools and hospitals all over the country. We injected billions of dollars annually into all phases of the Thai economy. My wife was educated at a Thai university built and funded by America. Thailand asked for help under the SEATO treaty and America came and helped or Thailand might have gone the way of Laos and Cambodia.

    Sorry, but what you say has an attitude of, "We helped you, so now we can <deleted> you". I suspect you didn't mean it quite like that, but so many Americans do come across exactly like that and add to it "..and why the hell can't you speak American?" to the attitude.

    Sounds like you have an anti American attitude rather than anything I said. Thailand asked for help. America and Australia helped. America built the modern infrastructure that has allowed Thailand to be a major economic power in the region today. Thailand would not be the auto giant it is without deep water ports and the energy refining capability it posses from America. Not only did America build but it taught the Thais to build and maintain and advance. Thai troops fought with America in Korea, Vietnam and Afghanistan.

    I said nothing above about sex. Seems to me you are the one who said, "and why the hell can't you speak American?" I speak Thai. I spoke Thai in 1968. I taught Thai students in 1968. I taught them in Thai.

    You could learn a lot from the old guys who were in Thailand in the 1960's and 1970's. Or you could alienate them and learn nothing.

    and those words dear reader, and in this case also, the writer,

    are what some of us come to TV for,


  5. Lolz typical rubbish. Read the key part of my post. The foundation. IE the building block. IE the start. People here need to learn to read the whole post before flying off the handle. And no the American warrior (lolz nice phrase) Did not leave anyone better than they already were.

    I was here. We built deep water ports and roads and airports and the entire communication and oil and gas structure in Thailand. Thailand was America's gas station and phone company for the Vietnam war. We built schools and hospitals all over the country. We injected billions of dollars annually into all phases of the Thai economy. My wife was educated at a Thai university built and funded by America. Thailand asked for help under the SEATO treaty and America came and helped or Thailand might have gone the way of Laos and Cambodia.

    Sorry, but what you say has an attitude of, "We helped you, so now we can <deleted> you". I suspect you didn't mean it quite like that, but so many Americans do come across exactly like that and add to it "..and why the hell can't you speak American?" to the attitude.

    Would certainly explain Chocolateville

    And, why american music is played everywhere in thailand when you go indoors

  6. Totally agree with Senior Member. Who on TV can honestly say the girls back in our own countries are any different? Being from a foreign country give you no right to be derogatory about anyone.

    My wife is Thai as are my children. Like anywhere there are nice people and some not so nice. Dont generalize about Thailand or the people. Where I live the people are mostly Thai's and I have never had any problem with them. Yes of course many Thai girls would like a foreign husband and why not? We can provide, in general a better life style primarily because we get paid higher salaries.

    People have feelings and those feelings should be respected. Thai women in general, not all before you start the bashing, are greedy sneaky and just out for what they can get.

    If you genuinely feel like that then I suggest you go home, Thailand nor any other country is good for you with the attitude displayed here in these forums

    Two nights in a row, I had dinner at the Fairmont restaurant bar, in Santa Monica.

    Both night, single women sat next to me ( I stand. it's a bar)

    Both wanted me to be interested. Opposite me, there were 4 pretty single females, known to the bar tenders, all seeking men. The only difference to them and the Thai girl in the bar?

    The bar wouldnt get a fee if they left with a customer, and the werent being paid to push drinks.

    Any of these girls was attractive enough for most of the TV posers.

    Like I said, what's the difference?

    The prettiest girl tonight was right next to me, with her husband, they were from Vancouver married to a guy, her age, who makes a ton of money apparently. Did I see a glint in her eye? yes. I am sure it was just the alcohol though

    Same scenario, different country,

    not one of you all, would have been embarrassed to apprach any of these women,

    and if you married one, that you met in a bar?

  7. 'Catsphincter' (post 49)... "american warrior" ... get your hand off ... gezz Louise you septics go on and on

    "war's been over for 39 years (sic) but ask them if we left them better off" and to prove the specious quality of your comment, Scarpolo agreed with you ...

    I was agreeing to the post copied in my reply.

    It just happened to come after post 49.

    I didnt comment on 49, and that doesnt mean I don't agree, although, I didnt comment

    to beachnut, that would mean,

    I agreed to it,

    and probably also wrote it

    under another name,

    then agreed with myself,

    sort of like what beaverhead-front-nut does,

    in the mirror,

    in his bathroom,

    with no tub,

    or girl to rub

    in the tub,

    which, he doesn't have,

    but if he did,

    he would rub,


    and then say.

    I lied

  8. much of what I have heard, comes right from TV.

    Well ....FINALLY.....we get the truth....

    Your experiences in Thailand are limited to those of reading and writing on TV.

    Should have guessed as much as you've only been a member for a few months but have over 600 posts.....much time on your hands????cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

    As a matter of fact yes,

    I am 54, retired at 40,

    and run circles around your dreams,

    and apparently feed your fears

    but its ok to be a big fish, in your little pond,

    and you have a right to feel threatened,

    as your swamp drains

    it is through your posts

    and your petty responses,

    that the rest of us,

    see your lack of brains

    I always find interesting the names and avatars people pick .....

    For example ......Scarpolo



    Soooo...you're just an "old boot" .....as they say "if the shoe fits....wear it!" or in your case "boot" and I know a good place for it

    Its a marriage of Scarface and Serpico,

    which I felt, suited me!

    Only you dear loathe-some beachnut,

    would try to find meaning,

    in nothing,

    in the ether,

    where even you,

    can be anything

  9. Sin sot is just wrong...any way you look at it...no matter what the price.

    To tell you the truth, the idea has become a joke on unsuspecting farangs.

    If you think I am wrong..go to Date In Asia and ask these older ladies how much their Sin Sot is.

    They will all want the money up front....and never return it. They will say it is for their credit problems.

    Traditional Sin Sot is given at the wedding and returned to you after the wedding...perhaps minus costs. Tradition has been corrupted for us...and we are not expected to understand.

    So yes...you will be buying a wife. She is selling herself to a farang to get ahead of her credit problems.

    Girls who can get ahead of their credit problems?

  10. I am married a long time to Thai wife with children together. If all they want is 30,000 baht, pay it. It is a tradition of theirs and you will want her to also follow some of your traditions. The best guide I ever heard was 3 years of her lost earnings. That seems fair and is probably a lot more than 30,000 baht. 200,000 baht and 5 baht (one ounce) of gold is common, plus wedding costs. Although I have friends who have given a lot more, and some who gave a lot less. The more money it looks like at the wedding ceremony, the more jealous everyone in her village will be, and the better your wife and her mother will feel. It is like the expression of outdoing the Joneses in America. One person will hold a party or buy something, then the next person always spends more, then the person after that spends more, always outdoing the person before them. I think showing off what you can and competition is common in many cultures.

    one ounce of gold is USD$1370 that is a lot more than 5 baht

  11. You should know ... you did it ... why did you?

    it was always known, I had to return to the states to clean up certain, unclean matters.

    the issue is, whether I return.

    she encouraged me to finish the past so it didnt weigh on my future.

    frankly, I am on the fence as to what is or is not "heart"

    One prior post spoke to the issue of lust,

    it is something I am considering.

    tomorrow, I will be enjoying this in SF

    oh, guitar, you are the gift that keeps on giving:

    • Like 1
  12. much of what I have heard, comes right from TV.

    Well ....FINALLY.....we get the truth....

    Your experiences in Thailand are limited to those of reading and writing on TV.

    Should have guessed as much as you've only been a member for a few months but have over 600 posts.....much time on your hands????cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

    As a matter of fact yes,

    I am 54, retired at 40,

    and run circles around your dreams,

    and apparently feed your fears

    but its ok to be a big fish, in your little pond,

    and you have a right to feel threatened,

    as your swamp drains

    it is through your posts

    and your petty responses,

    that the rest of us,

    see your lack of brains

  13. In my personal experience. 90% of the Thai girls I have dated, or been friends with, are more sensitive, gentle and honest, than 90% of the American women I knew before I came here. There are some evil ones, but in my experience, Thai people treat you like you treat them. The men i hear complain about Thai women, threat all women like garbage and deserve what they get.

    I agree.,


    which is why I am sure, I have met many many thai people and found them all, to be nice people.

    my experience is limited in time, but not in the ground I covered and the people I met and spoke too.

    many in Chaing Mai, speak english, which made it easier for me.

  14. yes, Beachfront is having a hard time keeping up with anyone who's life is more interesting than his dull useless life.

    He also has an issue with my fondness for a girl who I met in a bath tub who's heart is larger than beachfronts bruised ego.

    Unfortunately you are fixated on denigrating those who don't agree with you or can see through your Posing (ie me)......No problem ....it usually is the one casting aspersions that the same more likely apply to them....

    You obviously are the one "on" something as you fail to directly respond to queries put to you and stay on Topic,

    In this particular thread you started .....I only pointed out the futility of generalizations about Thai women and your 6 month assumptions....

    As always you are unable to defend your OP and need to act like a child having a tantrum and call people names....

    To which I say w00t.gif


    much of what I have heard, comes right from TV.

    my experience in the real world, flies in the face of all of this, and/as, I am not the one speaking ill of the people; you are.

  15. The seeming lack of heart of Thai females is just a reflection of the cruelty and callousness of the exploitative tourist industry and the Western powers who come to Thailand to buy out the best properties and buy out the best sex dolls and buy everything for themselves, send the money back to their bank accounts and countries (or pull out when the market collapses) and you can blame it on the smiling parents who sell their children to these grasping nasty greedy people who they worship from Europe and The West. You can also blame this on the modeling industry for promoting an ideal Thai females can never aspire to in their lifetimes due to not having white skin, blue eyes and blonde hair. Therefore Thai girls have no heart when it comes to getting out of the corrugated tin shack neighborhoods and the only way is to "love" the oppressors, who in turn have NO HEART to a degree that would make Thai girls look like absolutely pure angels. There is no conspiracy theory in this, it's just that the blame is almost always turned on the victims of crime, which is basically a bit of what the tourist industry is for poorer Thai people who get paid almost nothing to serve them, including the frozen income of poor prostitutes (male and female) they have no cost-of-living adjustment. It's not just the US military or the Vietnam War that spawned this huge demand for sex tourism and fake "love" from the oppressed people of SE Asia, who just have learned that the hate and fake mentality of the West is the only way to succeed. This was the plan that the French wanted to implement in Vietnam, which failed but now is in full force. It's happening in many countries too, this beach/sex tourism and exploitation of poor Third World sex trafficking workers or "slaves".

    People always fail to see the larger picture mostly because they are part of the problem and want to condemn the easily spotted and identifiable targets and victims rather than the system they employ to get their lifestyle improvements. The lack of love from Thai girls is just the weaker reflection of the genocidal and violent policies of the loveless men and women who come here to get everything out of Thailand and give back a little bit of money and much hate (but cleverly disguised in fake smiles) in return.

    Best reply, thank you,

    they are indeed the victims, and surely men like beachfront, if you can call him a man,

    has no issue in further debasing them

  16. It's just venting, mate. If a chap posts something like "Thai people are xxx" what they really mean is something like "many of the Thai people I encounter are xxx".

    People say bad things about Americans, Europeans, etc. all the time and no one takes it personally. I'm sure the Thais are ripping us new ones on Pantip.com at this very moment.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    did you say, "Pantip?"


  17. First off lets do a little analysis......Since "Scarpolo's" limited experience in Thailand has mostly to do with dating for a few months a "high-end" soapy Prostitute and since this is his post it would seem to be geared toward sex trade women....

    Just how many Thai women are involved in the Sex trade? A little research shows that although the number varies according to various polls.....200,000 to 300,000 is probably a good estimate. Population of Thailand is about 67 million with about half being women.....Sooooo 33.5 million women! So .006 percent of Thai Women work in the Sex industry and Scarpo's interaction with that segment.....Well obviously WAY LESS

    My point is that after 6 months in Thailand with limited interaction .....the generalizations made by the OP ......well preposterous !!!

    So as said before......Post read.....moving on coffee1.gif

    Where do you get this crazy assumption from ???????????????

    This is laugable and u must be very embarrased by this statement

    One thing you forgot in your calculation,where are the children/babies, u numpty heheheheheheheheh.Some say thais are uneducated, your statement brings in a whole new ball game about education, unless u are 6 years old lol lol.


    Beachfront shitforbrains, says he is moving on, but the only thing moving on, is his diarrhea of his keyboard

  18. I agree with your post except to add, hurt, exploited.... by Thai men for the most part.

    Anyway OP, booked your flight yet?

    for crissakes,

    I just got adjusted to pacific time in the US!.

    haha yet here you are posting about thailand, women etc etc.

    Face it. Life as you know is over.

    As David Attenborough (cant spell it nor bothered to look up the correct spelling) said on a programme he did on Thailand, "Funny thing about Thailand, you haven't even left the country and you are already thinking about when you will return:"

    It's ok Scarp, the addictive salty, sweet, sour and savoury taste of Thailand has entered your system and you are hooked forever. You are in good company.


    but not before I have the visa issues resolved.

    someone told me the US Embassy will give me a letter of income, without actual proof.

    I am going to test that

  19. Here are the facts, gents.

    Forget Pattaya...that is just a sex circus town ...and athough it started as a r and r for American Soldiers, You will just need to take of census of club owners and figure out what country dominates ownership...as it stands now....of these clubs...and the training of their staff.

    The vietnam era gals are long gone...people. that was 40 years ago.

    The high dollar, hooker venue as it exists now, is more likely to be owned by Australians and Europeans, and it is their lot that made it into the seedy business it turned out to be...

    not some 18 year old freckle faced GI who just wanted some cute gal to keep him company before he went to the suck hole Vietnam jungle. Many of the gals back then probably got hitched.

    Ladies are thrown away here if they walk out of their marriage...... they walk because the husband just can't stop racking up with his Mia Noi's.

    Get current.... The british were tagging thai gals long before the USA arrived.

    A small resort in Pattaya...with clean beaches and nice friendly gals...thats what America left you with...

    And that got destroyed....and built into what it is.

    it is what it is.

    I heard a lot of Russian speaking, in the two days I toured Pattaya

    • Like 1
  20. "No one other than current happy husbands and those in current successful relationships,

    has anything good to say about Thai girls.

    Why is that?"

    You've answered yourself in your opening line; Because those not in happy relationships have had bad ones and unhappy ones, and thus tend to generalise. Especially if they (the unhappy men) have tried again and got hurt again.

    Add to the unhapiness with a relationship the other tribulations particular to Thailand (corrupt police, inept officials, crime etc), and rose-tinted spectacles get quite shit-tinted.

    My first relationship cost me a bit emotionally and financially, and there may have been elements to the failure that had traces of all the bad stories we have all heard, but I was at fault too. I tried again after several years hiatus, and now I am the happiest man I know. She's my love as I am hers. I have fallen in love with a woman, I have not fallen in love with love or with lust.

    And therein may be a clue to all the unhappiness; Coming from the West, a man finds a Thai woman who appears to love him. The man falls in love with the love, not the girl. He falls in lust with the girl. Finally, he realises she never did love him, and it all falls apart.

    For sure, there are many hearts broken, both Western male and Thai female. I would bet a penny to a pound that for all the truly scheming manipulative women, there is a Western a-hole exploiting woman after woman for sex and sometimes for money, and hurting them in the process.

    It's a good OP. It would do to bear in mind that so many gentle, good-hearted Thai women get truly hurt.

    I am going to have to take your quote about, falling in love with the woman, and not the lust, to heart.

    I may have done that repeatedly in life

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