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Posts posted by Scarpolo

  1. I left Thailand and brought my family back to America a year ago and it was the best decision I ever made. Don't care if I never see that crap hole again

    Would you be willing to share more data with the crowd, as, I too just returned, albeit lone, but I did leave a good cohabitation situation behind, and since I just got to Ca this week, and have much to do before I can even seriously consider going back,

    why you feel this way?

  2. ^^^^^,

    great stuff, yet another luk kreung who doesnt fit into either culture.

    What qualifications do you actually have?

    Get in line selling tack at Big C for 8k per month, if you are na rak you might be picked up for some skin whitening creams, otherwise, back to ban nawk for you.

    Another farang, who throws in Thai words into English sentences to solidify his "Thainess".

    8K? Better than no K.

    Goo bpen na rak? No not like you 55 year old, overweight Kwai. 55555.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand


    you said "Women getting beat all day out in the village we stay, haven't seen one person go to jail."

    What is your personal opinion about these men?

    What if it was your mother, or your sister, what would be your reaction?

    just askin

    you had a shot with this TV crowd,

    you circled the drain faster than this one guy who let a bar girl make a copy of his house key, never complained when there was missing baht, and came here and cried and cried about how, "if only he had given her that 2,000 baht raise"

    and then, voila, one night, as he sat alone at home,

    his apt. door magically opened, and there was a thief at his door,

    and he let her in,

    and, if I recalled him right, "she even let him finish"

    frankly, I think he is dead ,but idk

    please reveal your innermost to my questions

  3. Man Clings to Life After Being Attacked in Bar Fight

    By Erin Sherbert Fri., Mar. 21 2014 at 9:39 AM

    sfpd11-thumb-204x247-thumb-300x363-thumb Bar fight in Japantown A 25-year-old man is in critical condition this morning after he was attacked by a group of guys outside a bar in the city's Japantown neighborhood.

    Police were called out to the scene on the 1700 block of Post Street at about 1:45 a.m. today where they found the victim with a massive head injury.


  4. canned music, is not music, it is like processed cheese vs. real, without the assault on the senses

    Guy with a guitar, more your thing then

    Cowboy singing "It hurts too much"

    And to bring it back to the topic, Thai girls love to hear these songs and usually despise foreign music.

    The way to a Thai girl's heart, Thai morlam and country music.

    How far must a man go to get away from Jimmy Buffet?

    I met these guys and am working on this song:

    While they were showing it to me, the entire restaraunt starting singing it.

    I won't ever put down other musicians, but that sucked

  5. ever stop to think that if she is manipulative and mentally abussive that is why you are worried about ending it(what she has made you think like) and that your anger issues are due to what she is doing to you mentally. I had a similar relationship many years ago and walked out on her, best decision I ever made as I returned to being myself again, she really had me under a spell till I realized what was happening. Mate, do a runner but leave all the physical sh*t there, its not wrth coming here if you are going to do a number on the local girls as you will probably end up in a boxw00t.gif

    the simple facts are female manipulating abusers are cookie cutter,

    I know, as I had that too, without the physical abuse part, although, he did take a few swings at me, I usually just laughed; dismissed it as her being whacked out on some pill or booze, and with her tiny hands wouldnt hurt a fly anyway, BUTT! ~~~~

    if he has already hit women, even once or twice,

    he is headed for the kitchen knife ending in Thailand, for sure,

    now we have an insight into the crime before it occurs

    Lol. You guys should write movie scripts for porn, with all the plots you all throw out there.

    I'm heading for a "kitchen knife ending" lol. Please...

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    Dude, if you are the OP,

    you have already publicly stated that you hit women,

    I have seen some pretty tough guys here in Thailand, and I doubt they hit their women

    and I have seen the police deal with female bar keeps, and seen one or more sound off on the police,

    you, won't see the daylight for a very long time, and you will pray you stayed and got help,

    while you become someone's female, in jail

    make that, many peoples female

  6. ever stop to think that if she is manipulative and mentally abussive that is why you are worried about ending it(what she has made you think like) and that your anger issues are due to what she is doing to you mentally. I had a similar relationship many years ago and walked out on her, best decision I ever made as I returned to being myself again, she really had me under a spell till I realized what was happening. Mate, do a runner but leave all the physical sh*t there, its not wrth coming here if you are going to do a number on the local girls as you will probably end up in a boxw00t.gif

    the simple facts are female manipulating abusers are cookie cutter,

    I know, as I had that too, without the physical abuse part, although, she did take a few swings at me ovee the years; including one last one, where I smiled, and stated plainly in her face;

    "congratulations, you have turned into me, now I can leave you,"

    In the past, I just laughed; dismissed it as her being whacked out on some pill or booze, and with her tiny hands wouldnt hurt a fly anyway, BUTT! ~~~ NEVER DO YOU STRIKE A FEMALE WITH ANYTHING but the sight of your ass as you walk out the door; unless your mother trained you this way?

    you didnt mention your father?

    this is a bad scenario to come to Thailand with, have you ever seen the inside of a Thai jail?

    People, people people,

    if he has already hit women, even once or twice,

    he is headed for the kitchen knife ending in Thailand, for sure,

    now we have an insight into the crime before it occurs

    • Like 1
  7. [And, why american music is played everywhere in thailand when you go indoors

    Seems that you've never been to the best place in Thailand, also called Isaan. Ever heard of Morlam music?

    Never heard any American music in my misses house, her rellys and friends house, or any of the temple do's we keep going to, all 100% Thai (varing flavours).

    We did get a bit of a shocker last week when we went to a temple do, and it was all live Burmese bands.

    My misses said 'why are they allowing them to play foreign music in a Thai temple?'

    It wasn't that bad, I didn't mind at all.

    Dance remix of a Morlam song for you, I quite like this one.


    Video recorded at BK motor show last year.

    with the sort of music I post here, you can imagine how offensive to the ears a drum machine is?

    maybe you don't.

    canned music, is not music, it is like processed cheese vs. real, without the assault on the senses

  8. [And, why american music is played everywhere in thailand when you go indoors

    Seems that you've never been to the best place in Thailand, also called Isaan. Ever heard of Morlam music?

    Never heard any American music in my misses house, her rellys and friends house, or any of the temple do's we keep going to, all 100% Thai (varing flavours).

    We did get a bit of a shocker last week when we went to a temple do, and it was all live Burmese bands.

    My misses said 'why are they allowing them to play foreign music in a Thai temple?'

    It wasn't that bad, I didn't mind at all.

    Dance remix of a Morlam song for you, I quite like this one.


    Video recorded at BK motor show last year.

    restaraunts, shopping malls, super markets, under gorund garages, elevators,

  9. ... and there are some who like to post on this forum because there is no forum rule that says that anything you post on here has to be true; just that it cannot be knowingly false.

    other than the vietnam war era disputes, I think we have a clean moving thread here?

    Anyone who says that they've lived in Miami for 30+ years and doesn't remember that Hurricane Andrew was definitely not named after a female is on shaky grounds.


    Where did I say ALL hurricanes were named after women?

    and, I was there, it was slightly windy, in fort lauderdale that night

  10. Most decent Thai ladys/Girls would not be seen dead with a foreigner, its a step down for there racist family views. this is not a flaming post before its deleted by the mods.

    That hasn't been my experience,

    the younger crowd maybe, but not the middle aged, from mid 30'sd up,

    they have gotten past the stigma and are hungrier

  11. Because the majority like those who post on this forum like to 'tar everyone with the same brush'

    Some Thai ladies do seem heartless and some of that will be because of the way they have been treated by both the Thai boyfriens/husbands and the Farang that they meet.

    We all hear how the Farang has been done over but there are also many times the Thai ladies are treated very disrepectively by the Farang. Often promising to help but after a few months decide not to do, or think it's ok for him to 'butterfly' but not the lady.

    The problem is many of the Thai ladies can't write in English and post their experiences on this forum, so we hear one side of the story. However if they did the majority would offer no symphathy and just conclude that she must have derserved it.

    The pressure the daughter gets from her family to make money enough to not only feed her parents, siblings and other relatives is enormous.

    I too had a not too pleasant experience with a Thai lady but I have to admit that it was partly down to my naivety and maybe too soft a heart.

    I admit to having a soft heart in this case too bu my experience was not unpleasant, and unlikely that it is over

    the key is to know when to apply the reigns, so your heart doesnt get stampeded

    there is a reason they name hurricanes after females and forumsm like these are available so we know what to look out for,

    then, it is as they say in thailand,

    up to you

  12. Speaking for myself, I like Thai women from many differing levels of society.

    I see a lot of western guys trying to analyse the women in an alien culture without much success. Women are women and men are men. This does not change all that much. And it is a wonderful thing that this is not a simple formula that can be sorted and solved. If it was,, things would be very boring. I find that western women are generally a confused mess from cultural norms and the brainwashing of church dogma. Thai women come from an old culture that is biased on a different norm. Western guys generally don't have a clue about any of this. They call Thai women names without understanding the base norms. Every year you read about some western guy that got his dick cut off by a Thai gal because he screwed his gals best friend. He thought it was ok because she had only been a bar girl. Get a clue. It is a complex and interesting society. Romeo was 14 and Juliet was 13. How does this fit with today's western norms. Cleopatra was 150 lbs and not tall. Cesar screwed boys. Also there are good and bad people everywhere. I live in Nevada USA where there are counties with legal prostitution. The girls have unemployment insurance and many really like the business. Go figure.

    And they make "real" money for their effort, the Thai's are getting screwed, in every way.

    Ceaser liked boys? What would he think of the ladyboys then?

    Cleopatra 150 lbs? no wonder they always focused on her "eyes"

    My only "real" problem with the girl I was with, is and will be in future, her mother.

    Way too much control over her,

    And permits her to be a sex worker while draining her

    I actually think it was her mother, who put her in the business without her knowing it,

    as it was either a friend of the mother or one of her 400 aunt's that suggested the job,

    and brought her there.

    I met her, she was as cold as can be imagined, with such a warm daughter.

    Too much influence, too much control, stories of abuse (couched as being protective)

    have clouded her judgment about men,

    her job, and pimp, or sorry, papasan, finished her off,

    how she smiles so easily, and hides her tears and fears from her friends, escapes me,

    must be that "thainess" everyone speaks of

    in one of our last conversations I told her straight,

    get control back from your mother, of your rental income and your properties and do not give anymore to her, and we have a chance,

    since I know that won't happen

    that's all she wrote

    My only "real" problem with the girl I was with, is and will be in future, her mother.

    Then just don't sleep with her next time.

    I didn't sleep with her mother

  13. Went to Just One Sports bar last week,

    ordered a Long Island Iced Tea, said the words, and pointed to it,

    I even waited for his head to move to show some sort of acknowledgement that the finger was clearly blocking all other drinks,

    What came was a gin and tonic, a drink I had maybe when i was 18 and didnt know better,

    I said to him, this is not a long island ice tea,

    to which is nodded his head and smiled,

    I pointed to it again on the menu,

    he again smiled,

    after that, I ordered Hogaarten, which comes in its own glass

  14. what came down to a few grand for me,

    about $6400 in rent total

    another $1,000 for clothes for both us,

    and maybe $1,500 for the home

    I lived the way I wanted to live for 5 months.

    No one can say I was cheated

    I won't bother to go into her physical appearance, because, it would just become lewdness, but trust me

    I wouldnt have done this for your average barfly

    I'm sure you can appreciate that you consistently before have said you paid her "nothing" but did some work around her house and bought her a few things....

    NOW you post that you paid her "rent" of approx. $1300/month.....40,000 baht a month.....A little high to pay a Prostitute in Thailand but I accept that you have said she was top of the line.

    Also appreciate that you finally come out with the truth.....YOU DID PAY her! Just like every other sexpat.....and her crying and being upset was all a play to get more money out of you......Smart as you are though ....it didn't work....good for you.

    Can't wait to hear more of all the little details that you have left out but sure you will share.....clap2.gif

    It was more than that, but I got what I paid for.

    What I said previously, was, I didn't give her a penny the first two months we were seeing each other and she didn't ask.

    The one time she said she ran out of makeups, she asked to borrow 3,000 baht, saying she would repay me next time, and she did

    She wanted to continue to work, and see me on the side, which is apparently what many of them do wanting to stay in complete control of her schedule,

    But after a few days had passed, well into our 'friendship" I asked her what she made for the few days, and the numbers didn't warrant not having her with me.

    I didnt want to sleep alone in bkk and I asked to move in with her.

    Finally as we walked back to my condo one night, she said it all in one phrase,

    "don't you want to take care of your girlfriend?"

    it was then that she agreed to let me see her home.

    Once I saw how nice it was, gated community, 24 hour security, clean neighbors, I wanted to stay with her, but it required convincing.

    She didn't like farang's before and didnt want me to be her customer, preferring thai men.

    She walks proudly, and is whiter than me.

    Most think she is a model because she is tall white and thin.

    The pictures I have taken of her with my Canon, that she posts on her facebook, have been commented on by people in the fashion and movie industry that she knows, as amazing.

    Not that I wouldnt like a non stunning woman, I just happen to prefer gorgeous.

    I will admit, she looks darker at night though, and with her hair up and no lipstick, only the most discerning will notice her as she walks by, but when dressed, she is noticed, including my men, holding their wife's hand

    She was treated very well,

    That always keeps the door open,

    Remember, I am a guitar player, so that was my main interest in thailand, was practice and play on stage with local rock musicians here, which I actively pursued. They all spoke Thai. some a little english, I played in Chaing Mai, in Bkk, and at the Cavern Club.

    I interacted primarily with Thai's while here, which you mistook earlier, as fluff when I stated I engaged with many of the thai wealthy; as they owned the condos and clubs I went too. That also goes for the restaurant owners, all Thai, and one pub on sukhomvit the Dubliner. So I had plenty of interaction with her in public.

    A girl is either having a genuine good time, or she is working and pretending.

    With the amount of outside contact we had with others, we were always seen as a couple, and, people were always asking her where I was from, and she proudly said American, more so than me.

    We had a great time together, constantly learning,

    and she always reminded me of things I needed when we were out, mostly of which I had forgotten, but you know when someone is looking out for you.

    this isn't a sad crying love story, because in the end,

    the foundation has to be there, and it is up to her to reset things in that regard,

    nothing lasts in our temporary world, but nothing is going further, with her mother in control of her.

    that she either does on her own, or she doesn't, but, since I know it is the relationship killer sooner or later,

    the only time I saw an unstoppable flow of tears, was on our last week, her brother was asking for money fo cover his gambling losses, and her mother asked her to buy a cell phone for the step father, when they can afford to buy it themselves.

    I didn't even say much, because my face spoke for me.

    She knew then and there, I would never go forward with them in her life, and on came the flood

    I am doing risk management.

    This is what will prevent me from joining the statistics of men screwed over by the Isaan girl and her family.

    Although, she is not an Isaan girl, and calls them mountain people

  15. OK Scarpolo .... all that aside ... if she is genuine ... are you?


    I am.

    Girls like this are not going to be found on the beaches of Miami, where I will be in about a week.

    If they are, then I was blind when i lived there for 35 years.

    I asked for 3 months to get back, she added 2 more.

    I was her first boyfriend, for close to 4 years,

    All of it confirmed by the stories she told me, always matching up, and her facebook with 4 years of pictures on it, which showed not a single man with an arm around her.

    Not everyone is fooled, although we can all be fools, like Beachnut, who thinks all americans are dumbassess, just not him.

    I appreciate your approach.

    I did what I did for her, for her and for me,

    I should add,

    When she knew I enjoyed juicing, she brought her juicer to my condo,

    When I got to her home, her fridge was too small to house what I needed stocked,

    so she now has her small fridge upstairs as a makeup and water holder, and I bought her a new fridge 50-50 for 18,000 baht

    the bottom line came down to the reality that she may never break free from her mother,

    and that thailand for me, wasn't nearly as healthy for me, as Miami Beach is.

    I am a bicycler, and a swimmer and a stock trader.

    The hours I needed to be awake, were taking a toll on me physically.

    There is no place to safely ride a bike do in Thailand, and I was becoming lethargic, and we both started gaining weight.

    The current conditions weren't going to be fruitful, and she wanted a baby.

    No way I will get into that sort of thing, without having all foundations properly layed.

    If she starts to make the changes required to have a real husband, I will return.

    I am not going to marry her mother, who by the way, is younger than me

  16. Johnnyloda .... thanks very much for you post (#114) ... yes I have seen the hollow look in the girls eyes, the viscous cycle that traps them with no way out ... the 'competition' for a customer, the uncaring intimacies (used as a sperm receptacle) for the closest many men can get to in an expression of 'love' ... its a sad old <deleted> up world with losers who feel bar-girls are somehow beneath them and treat them so ... and wonder why the 'pay-back' ...

    I know 'it is what it is' ... but I don't have to like and I don't have to keep quiet about; I was disappointed when Scarpolo's true colours came out ... he doesn't realise he is just as &lt;deleted&gt; up as them, but atypically American, thinks that money solves everything ... and there are some right <deleted> Aussies as well ... (Go Queenslander)

    Not so:

    The girl has a beautiful house,

    but until I moved in,

    didn't have

    1) a vacumb cleaner

    2) a hot water heater

    3) a dinette to eat on her patio

    4) kitchen cabinets

    5) a desk in her room

    6) kindness

    7) true gratitude

    8) vacations to Pattaya, Chaing Mai, Ventienne, her home town (not to be released) an offer to travel to the States to see her best friend, who know lives in los angeles from whence I write.

    9) a second set of new linens

    10) 7 new pair of shoes, so she had more than one pair of old sandals and countless, useless heels

    11) dozens of new blouses, and dresses

    yes, it may seem to have been all about money, and I also paid her to live there,

    when she told me she had no money the last week when I was packing, that is when she got the lesson in finance and saw the end of the trail. Yes, I knew she was going to pay down the land she purchased, but the brother was suddenly losing money gambling again, and calling for money, (its her real brother, and he is married to a girl that is gaining weight and doesnt work) the first wife of the brother stole her money from the clothing store she owned, which caused her to give up being in business for herself, and she became a sex worker, thanks to her mother's (sister?)

    I told her, if she gets control of her mother, we have a chance,

    my true colors?

    I dont think so,

    She didnt have a boyfriend in 4 years, and brought me in to live with her,

    I in turn, dressed up her house and her closet, and treated her like a wife,

    but I wont pull a horse, I have had a dozen of them, they cannot be pulled, but they can be slapped in the ass to move their own weight and that is how I described her mother and brother and his fat ugly wife

    Your amazing generosity overwhelms me!

    Let's see ....you stayed 6 months in Thailand of which you spent 5 months with your "Special Prostitute" at her home. That's approx 150 days....which if you stayed in a hotel would have been at least 150,000 baht.....soooo....you spend ...maybe....approximately 30,000 baht buying things for her home and a few dresses and YOU THINK you did her right!

    Come on!....Your naivety is amazing as you have accepted her story (which is as old as Thailand).... hook, line and sinker! her supposed brother is her husband and the nephew is her son......Black heart Thai women have been pulling that scam ever since the "dumb" farang arrived ....you were only the next in line and not the last for her!

    Granted most of the Thai women are not in the industry of sex and most are the loveliest and dearest people in the world.........but taking "Everything" you have written ...its obvious you got conned! Just too weak to admit it........you said you've moved on ....do so....cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

    Not so beachnut,

    there are wedding pictures of the brother, and the kid lives with the real mother.

    the older brother was murdered. I saw pictures of him too.

    everything was opened to me,

    and I was well aware of all the possible con's as educated to me by my brooklyn friend, who has lived in bkk for 15 years and gave me the entire schooling, in my ear as loud as possible, to open my eyes to all

    what came down to a few grand for me,

    about $6400 in rent total

    another $1,000 for clothes for both us,

    and maybe $1,500 for the home

    I lived the way I wanted to live for 5 months.

    No one can say I was cheated

    I won't bother to go into her physical appearance, because, it would just become lewdness, but trust me

    I wouldnt have done this for your average barfly

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