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Posts posted by TVGerry

  1. " Concerning complaints and criticism over taxi drivers’ turning down passengers, the premier urged registered taxi drivers not to refuse service to any passenger, but expressed his support for taxi drivers to improve their services. "


    Umm urging and expressing his support for these taxi idiots isn't going to make them better. They've had years to improve themselves. Let them rot. Competition from Uber will force them to improve or better yet, force them go out of business.

  2. The reason Uber is doing so well is because the taxi service here is crap! People are obviously going to support the better service. Nicer smelling cars, safe and polite drivers, drivers who don't reject picking you up because of the traffic or because they want to charge you a flat fee. Taxis here have had years of screwing people, I have no sympathy for them if Uber puts them out of business

  3. Have to admit, it is to the point. If people are too idiotic to want to preserve their own lives, what can the government do? Of course the police are also to blame for not enforcing the traffic laws but there are so many idiot drivers here who knowingly put their lives in danger driving like littlke<insert insulting word>.

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