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Everything posted by sqwakvfr

  1. What happens when soldiers who are not properly trained are sent into battle with unfamiliar equipment and weapons? The only way to avoid disaster is to have embedded advisors. I know this sounds like Vietnam but western Tanks and equipment are technically more complex than those made in Russia. NATO should at least consider civilian technical advisors along with the tanks and other equipment. Simple question is this: How long does it take to train a soldier to become a competent tank mechanic? For the US Army at a minimum a 6 month technical school and almost a year of On The Job Training and Mentoring.
  2. Yes. The CVS Pharmacy Clerk asked to see my health insurance and I showed her my Pacific Cross card. She asked what is this? I told her this is my health insurance from Thailand. She handed the card back. I have no idea why CVS was asking for health insurance when it was supposed to be "free"? In the end I paid nothing.
  3. I got the Bivalent vaccine while I was back in the US back in September 2022. You might have to take a trip to the US if you want this vaccine. While I was in line at the CVS Pharmacy I spoke to a couple from Singapore who come to the US on vacation and decided to get the Bivalent Vaccine as well.
  4. 200K Deductible? Wow that is a lot. Next year I might take on a 100K Deductible because I know there will be a sharp increase in premium.
  5. The wave from the PRC has not begun.. I saw a few here and there at Central Festival today. You can't miss them because they are usually the loudest. It also feels like there are lot of Koreans in many parts of CNX. I have seen many at the gym, on Songtaews and at the malls. I speak Korean so I can tell. I do not speak Mandarin or Cantonese (nor will I ever).
  6. No problem. I recently renewed my OA Visa Health Insurance with Pacific Cross for the 3rd consecutive year. I got a small discount for no claims. It was only 62,000. I can't wait until I pass 60. The Non O is not an option for me because I am American and the clowns at the US Embassy/Consulate claim " no central database to verify your income"? This was stated at the most recent American Citizens Town Hall in Chiang Mai. Really, my pension has a specific division that verifies pension amount from external inquiries. But don't tell that to an American Consular Officer. Good luck on your search and depending on your age the premium might be shocking.
  7. Just saw the news conference where LA County Sheriff Robert Luna named the suspect. The weirdest parts of this news conference were when State Senator Rico started talking about 'teachers" and someone in the background was clapping. How about little respect and consideration for the families of the deceased? Also, too many politicians spoke and this was a waste of time. The only speakers should have been Sheriff Luna and Monterey Park Police Chief Weise. Monterey Park is nice small city a few miles of east of downtown Los Angeles. A long time ago I knew a couple of officers from the MPPD. This is a good department with good officers. Monterey Park along with San Gabriel, South Pasadena and Alhambra all have large Asian populations. The suspect ended up about 30 miles south of Monterey Park in the city of Torrance (my hometown) where he shot himself after the Torrance Police Department tried to contact him in a Hobby Lobby parking lot. In terms of the criminal investigation it is pretty much over. Sheriff Luna did add the weapos that was taken away from the suspect when he tried to shoot at people at another dance studio in neighboring Alhambra "was illegal to possess in California"? He did not elaborate on this. It appears suspect Tran had multiple firearms. California and even ithe county of Los Angeles have very strict gun control laws. Some cities in California have banned the sale of firearms. Also, Sheriff Luna stated the suspect did not use an Assault Rifle. A motive has not been revealed or determined at this time.
  8. No #14 on the link you posted. Item #8 states the 400k/40K requirement. I would never say you copied the wrong link. The document on the link has two pages. The order on the link is dated October 2019. The 3 Million Baht mandate came into effect after that date.
  9. The above reference to the google drive link mentions 400K. First Year Applicant The applicant is-invalid required toast have a valid-feedback health insurance policy, either form Thai or from Overseas insurance companies, which the minimum coverage of 100,000 USD accounting for 3 million baht and it includes the treatment of Covid-19. The insurance certificate is strictly required to be presented to the immigration. For more information about the local health insurance policy for the long stay visa, please visit longstay.tgia.org/companiessoa In case of non-Thai health insurance policy, the insurance certificate form can be downloaded from here, the form must be signed by the authorized person of the insurance company or public organization. Renewal (before Sep,1 2022) The applicant must have the valid local health insurance policy with the minimum of coverage of 400,000 Baht for inpatient treatment and 40,000 Baht for outpatient treatment. In the case where the accompanying spouse is not eligible to apply for the O-A visa, he or she will be considered for a temporary stay under Category "O" visa. A marriage certificate must be provided as evidence.
  10. One has to wonder was the first time? Probably not. Except on this occasion the Chinese woman bragged about it on Social Media. She just ruined it for future Chines VIP guests.
  11. He should get an interview with Piers Morgan. They have something in common.
  12. Yes. I was advised I can always “buy new”. This also happened many years ago at an Apple Store in Cerritos CA when I brought in my 1 year old Mac Air that was overheating. The employee said “the repair might take a long time but you might be better off with a new Mac Air”. Even then I thought wow this company wants everyone to buy a new device every year. I now have a Samsung Laptop and when my IPad dies I will be replacing it with a Samsung tablet.
  13. I live in Chiang Mai and found a local shop that replaced the battery for 3000 Baht. So fa so good.
  14. Even Apple products have a similar problem. I have a 2017 IPad Pro and it took several days to find a shop that had a replacement battery. I went to a ICare location and they “no have battery for old model”. I guess now a device is considered old in two or three years.
  15. Then preface it with the term “In general some people will fit this description———-“. I do not imply that you fit into a certain definition because I do know what your beliefs are.
  16. Ah, when did I ever say Climate Change was overblown? When did I ever say it was false and when did I ever deny it? Or did you mean someone else while responding to my comment?
  17. 18,000 Baht for an hour of medical treatment? That is outrageous.
  18. If it was not a response to what I had commented then why use the term “zealot” without knowing anything about who or what I am. I know absolutely nothing about you nor do I ever want to know. I have never used the term “zealot” or “denier” in regards toanything you have commented on.
  19. Yes you stated it in your response to what I had commented? If you did not direct it at me then you should have prefaced it.
  20. Millions? Possibly? Discussion? Yes. More and more people, companies and governments are discussing the negative effects of Climate Change. But what has actually been done? Every solution to combat climate change has its pluses and minuses. No one solution is perfect. The majority of the informed world realizes our lives will have to change to reduce the negative effects of climate change. Even a “zealot” like myself realizes this. But I believe she has been given too much credit “for moving the needle”. Also, a screaming teenager is never a good look. But that is now in the past because Ms. Thurngberg is now 20 years old. She is now fair game for criticism because she is now an adult. “If you can’t stand the heat then stay out of the kitchen”. This was said by Franklin Delano Rossevelt. I am not a climate change denier(as erroneously stated by someone else) but change of this magnitude cannot be done overnight. At this point in the world burning fossil fuels is the only way to fly 300 people over the Pacific and Atlantic Ocean in a matter of hours. Also, as much as Electric Vehicles are great they are not readily viable to all. I was offered a chance to rent a Tesla for my next trip to Los Angeles by Hertz at the same rate as a gasoline powered mid size car but I declined. Mainly because of the lack of charging stations in the area where I will be. Also, i have a few road trips planned in California and Arizona and the last thing I want to do is :run out of juice” on Interstate 10 between Palm Springs and Arizona because this part of the world is a “large and vast desert”. I might rent an EV possibly in 5 or 10 years from now but not today or tomorrow.
  21. How long were actually in the hospital? Also, how much actual time did the doctor spend with you? Also, did you bill actually break down the specific costs? I would be curious to find out the actual doctor fee was? Last year I had a cyst removed from my lower back and the total cost over 11,000 Baht at Chiang Mai Ram. This even includes the “surgeon”fee. Apparently at Ram only a “surgeon” can remove a cyst.
  22. Really: “You can't reason with a religious or political zealot. Climate change deniers walk among us.” So this is not your comment?
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