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Everything posted by sqwakvfr

  1. I carried a firearm for over 30 years and a headshot is one of the most difficult targets to hit. Especially if the target is moving. Center mass(the torso) is a better target because it is the largest body area. Also, under stress even soldiers and police officers tend to shoot high, low or even wild.
  2. 1. USAA Federal Savings Bank sent a replacement credit card through USPS. Never got it. Do not know where it went 2. USAA Federal Savings Bank then sent another replacement card through FedEx. Total cost for me and USAA(mostly paid by them) was about $40 and I paid $8. I tracked it and it went like this. San Antonio-Indianapolis-Anchorage-Guangzhou-BKK. This took under 3 days. Then from BKK to CNX took 2 full days. It sounded like the Thai version of FedEx was an independent third party contractor that just carries the FedEx label. Good luck on you package delivery but for me no complaints about FedEx International but FedEx Thailand was disappointing. Also, Customs Clearance at BKK took about 2 hours even though FedEx Thailand claimed "your package still in Customs" even though at the time of the call the FedEx tracking website indicated it had cleared customs 8 hours ago. I have never used UPS for shipments to and from Thailand. This saga was about a month ago so it is recent. The FedEx Thailand driver dropped the package at the apartment office. The office staff signed for it and I did not have to pay any fees.
  3. Workplace violence can occur anywhere. Only difference at a police station is that the workers are armed. At my former place of employment a female police officer shot a male police officer because he was having sex with another female police officer while also having sex with her. He almost died and she went to prison for 11 years for attempted murder. Sometimes "truth is stranger than fiction".
  4. I think you are correct because from YVR to NRT is about 10 hours. LAX to SIN nonstop is about 16 hours. The distance is over 8500 Nautical miles. Probably only two aircraft can make this type of journey nonstop(A350-900 ULR or a Boeing 787-10). Also, due to the amount of fuel required to make this nonstop journey means a lower passenger load and less cargo. This will mean less revenue per flight. In 2007 I did the Thai Air nonstop from LAX to BKK and back twice. The flight was conducted on an older A340-500. The aircraft was about 50% full due to the fact that maximum fuel load was needed to fly nonstop for 15 to 16 hours. This flight had a great premium economy section.
  5. I use USD because it has value and meaning to me. If the USD has no meaning to you then ok. The Baht to me is just transactional currency while i am in LOS. When I am in SIN, Seoul or Tokyo then the local currency has transactional meaning but no value to me.
  6. Not yet. Going soon. Decent hotel costs about $150 per night. Definitely not Thai prices but SIN is on a different level. Great place but one you burn a hole in your wallet really fast.
  7. 1) This happens at every airport. 2) The name of the company is Swissport(they are global and operate at many airports) 3) Always buy sturdy and durable luggage. I travel with a rolling duffle bag and never pack anything fragile. 4) An Australian news channel implied these were employees of Qantas. This is false. Luggage is mostly handled by 3rd party contractors and as expected baggage handlers are not paid well.
  8. I had an envelope delivered from Texas to Chiang Mai. It was FedEx. It left San Antonio on a Monday night but I got it on at 1700 on Saturday. It took 3 days to get to BKK from San Antonio. The issue was the local company that delivers for FedEx. If you are in BKK then the 3 day timeline should be fine.
  9. Life in LOS is on a yearly basis. I plan on keeping my CA Drivers License for as long as I can. I will need it if and when my life in LOS ends. I might let my CA License expire if I obtain a 5 or a 10 year visa.
  10. This could be a major violation of security protocol. Passenger accountability? But as always TIT.
  11. Then ask this question: Who is accused most of being a racist?
  12. Well there are other factors. For instance does your intended destination allow easy entry? In December there are few cheap options. For instance the cheapest round trip from BKK to KUL with one a night stay is about $500. I booked months ago for a border hop from CNX to SiN and it was almost $400. Good luck.
  13. Sorry. No in a joking mood today. In the end this is a private business that can decide who they let in or not. The thing that irked me was the claim of “gym now full, no more membership”. If the Gym Manager had just told me the Hotel Manager does not want me anymore and you should leave now. I would have had no recourse but don’t give me a lame excuse about no more memberships. After 2 years and spending over 40,000 baht at this gym this was disappointing.
  14. Yes. I encountered on recently at the same gym. He turned up the music on his phone to max volume. I like music but not that loud. All one can do is just deal with.
  15. Basics of everyday life here? Filthy bathroom and shower at a gym in this price range. Got it and appreciate your wisdom.
  16. I shave, have short hair, even shower before i go to the gym. I respect the right of others to workout in peace. “Host hospitality”.? Never felt it. I secure my phone in the locker and even wipe down the equipment after use.
  17. Well it took a 30 minutes of conducting a quasi interrogation of the gym manager but I now I know the real reason that this Simple Transaction could not be completed. Here is the first reason: 1. “:Gym is now full”. AKA no more gym membership signups. Kind of strange because in the 12 hours the gym is open on average about 10 to 15 people workout there. He knew I was not buying this. 2. He then called the hotel manager and said “you no more”. I believe he meant to say I was banned. An actual reason for the banishment was not given but I think I know the reason why. This gym’s annual membership is 18,000 and the six month membership is 9000. At these prices I expected equipment that work and a clean bathroom and shower. A few months ago the bathroom and shower were filthy and I asked everyday for 5 days straight to clean them. On Day 7 I went direct to the hotel manager and complained about the filthy conditions in the bathroom and shower. By now the toilets were flitlhy and the shower had hair clogging the drains and the mildew on the shower curtain. Hey TIT, right? The hotel manager did the “ok” and gave me the “go way” hand wave. On Day 8 a janitor showed up and cleaned the bathroom and showers. The saga is now over and time find a new gym. It is clear that I was wrong to complain about a filthy bathroom and shower for an expensive gym. MY new motto is this: 1. Smile 2. Bow 3. Walk Away Of course this motto will not apply when it comes to Health and Safety.
  18. Going from 38 to 35 is now the definition of “Surging”? Back in 2013 it was 28 to $1 USD. If it went back to that level then I would say “surging and boom, boom”.
  19. “Give ‘em a break” not a their prices.
  20. I have stayed at this and I doubt the management understands what Thanksgiving really is: To eat a like a pig . Their food is allegedly “high quality and small portions”. This does not work for Thanksgiving. I spoke to the dining manager and I believe he is German. Possibly Christmas Dinner will be different. But I would never go back there for any reason.
  21. Their Thanksgiving dinner got a horrendous review on CM Expats FB page.
  22. I remember 28 to 1 USD when I visited some years ago. This was when tourism was booming(and other booms as well).
  23. I am not white or black. I have been asked the exact question many times all over the world. It was a mixed bag of prejudice and ignorance. I have been asked this question most in LOS. Many cannot believe how I can be an American Citizen. I then ask Thai people who is Tiger Woods? Most do know who he is.
  24. So the new World Order is simply only White Men and Women can be racists?
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