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Posts posted by gharknes

  1. Hi

    I Dell Inspiron 6000 just ober 18 months old, has slowed to the pace of a snail, hanging, taking 10 mins to start, slow slow slow, and very annoying...about to get a sledgehammer taken to it.

    I need all the usual disk clean up,., defrag etc etc.

    Someoone told me to get it Backuped and Reformatted, and that will do the trick.

    Does anyone know any good shops in Pattaya area they can recommend to this for me, in an efficent way, so no files are lost?



    I have said this before and will say it again, unless you have a fundamental problem with your system a reformat and install is a waste of time, may i suggest you uninstall all programs that you have the disks for etc, and I mean everything right down to the basic windows just as though you have just installed the OS (which is what you are thinking of doing anyway) then use a REG cleaner - defrag your hard disk then see how your speed is, it should be back to clean install speeds or slightly slower due to service pack updates etc

    there is no need to format and reinstall your OS the above will do the same and a lot less hassle

  2. then suddenly he's able to tell me that they had an equipment failure several days ago and many phones and internet connections are down

    i am facing similar problems since a week but with an interesting twist. on the dot at 19.00hrs every day my DSL signal vanishes and does not reappear till 06.00hrs. i took in stride for two days and then started complaining. within 2 minutes signal was back after phoning the call center.

    now the interesting latest facts:

    -DSL signal vanishes

    -i call 1103

    -for englit ple nai

    -internet trouble ple...

    -maxnet ple...

    -ple enter you nai-digit phone number

    -sorry o' o' lai are beesy...


    -after 3 minutes listening to some nonsense DSL signal reappears like magic without anybody having accepted my call

    you must have subscribed to the new 12 hour day time service, it's faster and cheaper but only day time, didn't you realise, only in thailand

  3. Go to the TT&T office in person (Carrefour, Naklua or the new one on Sukhumvit) and make a big stink about your phone line not working. Don't even mention your internet, just that you are not able to make and receive calls...

    They should be out pretty quick to see to the problem!

    did that already actually 2 times yesterday and once today, I know the girl works there and she assured me it will be attended to today, not holding my breath, I don't think they can fix it anyway, my guess is the local switch feeding many phone lines in the area has gone down, I doubt very much they have the knowhow to fix it - that's if it is fixable which I doubt, considering the bad weather we have had here and the lightning the most probable cause is a lightning strike - if so the equipment will need to be sourced installed configured etc etc, I'm not holding my breath.

    The Thai manager here at my condo also told me he has the same problem he was unable to get an answer as to when it will be fixed and this guy is well tuned in.

    I'd love to see some drives towards customer service in Thailand, they just don't seem to understand the concept.

  4. I have a line with TT&T and Maxnet (Pattaya), I think the line is maintained by TOT , first of all my phone went dead (no dial tone) then a few hours later my ADSL modem started to faulter and eventually dropped out all together, sometimes it will sync up for may be 10 mins then drop out again, my line is not completely disconnected as the modemtrys to sync to the BB network (different than being totally unplugged) so the line is alive but just not functioning properly, my modem usually reports a capable speed of over 2meg down 1meg upstream but right now when I get connected the odd time this is vastly redduced to 210k upstreaam and 90k down so there is obviously a signal problem

    This is now going on for a week, a friend who lives in the same area has exactly the same problem, so I call TT&T to report the fault and after going through some ridiculous fault finding I eventually cconvinced the person thaat the fault was not with my equipment, If i unplug my equipment from the phone socket and call my landline it is engaged ??? so no fault with me, next an engineer will call me on my mobile in order to fix the problem.....no cal..two days later I call them again and of course they want to go through the whole bullshite again (i'm paying for the call) manage to convice this person that I already reported the fault and waa waiting for contact from an engineer, oh he will call you today blah blah.............another day passes this time I'm getting pissed off, call again ask why the engineer hasn't fixed my problem she saaid the fault had been reported as repaired ???????? I say it hasn't and then she tried to tell me it must be equipment, I then get angry and ask to speak to the manager, moments later this guy comes on the phone very good english, I explain to him what is going on and ask him when it will be fix I also tell him I have a friend live close to me and suggest that they have a problem with the switch that feeds this area.....then suddenly he's able to tell me that they had an equipment failure several days ago and many phones and internet connections are down, when will it be fixed ? I don't know, well will go find out and caall me back, I will also be looking for a refund for the time that I have no service

    it was just working enough for me to post this after several modem resets.

  5. i will predict the outcome of this...........................big money will win

    I hope i'm wrong but I cannot see it

    way tooooooo many pockets involved

    the longer it continues the more certain people will bag lots of dosh, those cretain people are thai from every angle of this case, lawyers, government authorities, who ever, it's a feed fest...............your "view" and value is gone in my opinion

    good luck...........

  6. That would be pretty lame, would it? Maigo, was this what you were talking about? :D

    Alex, that would be a prime example.

    Farangs make me laugh actually, they flock to Thailand cos they can't get white women in their own countries and can use their money power to attract the local females, then they complain about the fact that the local women only want them for money.

    Hello.......................... :o

    probably applies to less than you think, you need to get out more - look around

  7. I mean, there must be some Farangs who are married to Thai women in Thailand who don't visit prostitutes behind their wives back, I personally don't know any, but there must be some..............

    This thread is about trust right....and Farangs are trustworty !!

    Jesus H Christ......

    Soi 6 in Pattaya is full of trustworthy Farangs who are out playing golf with their friends at the weekend.

    I've been married for 6 years and never been unfaithful. So now you know 1.

    I know lots of married farang who never cheat on their wives.

    married how many times - perhaps you've cheated your first marrage - something about till death do us part - real saint eh :o

  8. and if i wanted a 40 yo divorced mother I'd ave stayed at home

    You mean your ex-wife ?

    well unlike 99% of members here I left no baggage at home, no wife no kids, and before anyone makes another snide comment - I have had a string of very beautiful girlfriends throughout my life - I simply did not conform to the social expectation like all of you lemmings did - I stayed single like my instinct told me, I truely do not believe humans where meant to be monogomous - we are tribal in everything that we do

    running away from an ex wife ex life or ex wives (those that failed to see it first time round) is something i did not do


  9. get real guy. odds are she a hooker........lol.

    we all know yours is different.....lol.

    from what i hear not mut hope for 40 year old in thailand. they considered so way over the hill its not funny....lol.

    You could very well be the reason there are wars! Maybe if you stopped hearing things and started to look more, you may find a ray of sunshine in your life. I never heard age was a prerequest to the quality of a person. Because she is 40 does not mean she is any less of a person. Which is probably why she is not with you. I wish you well.

    all the girls I have known here have email accounts and message board/chat room accounts, they will often just copy and paste the same reply to all the contacts they have, generally they don't tell the truth etc etc.

    true senario

    Thai girl I know meets english guy after a string of many usually on a 2 week cycle

    he likes her falls in love goes home........she then carries on as usual, he thinks she's being a good girl and is sending money (1 of many)

    he comes back asks her to marry him, 2 weeks later goes home, sets the arrangement for marrage next visit, she carries on as usual, next she is 2 months pregnant - oh my darling it can only be you my love......................................day before he comes back again for the marrage etc she's been dating this other guy for a while, he has no idea that she is pregnant or getting married in a few days all lovy dovy, guy arrives next day and I see them walking hand in hand as I did the previous day with the other bloke.............if you saw and spoke to this girl ....butter wouldn't melt in her mouth...what a sweetie pie

  10. Jingthing's recent experience and his being banned from a fish and chip place (see earlier topic) have started me thinking about what we should reasonably expect from restaurant owners here.

    For maybe a year and a half I used to patronise a restaurant in Jomtien not far from Simple Simons. The first time I went there the owner, a fellow Brit, introduced himself and welcomed me nicely to his place – a gesture which I greatly appreciated.

    However, friendly gestures more or less ended there and, at first, I wasn’t unduly concerned – the food and service were good and the staff were very welcoming and always made a big fuss of me. Usually I went there at least 3 times a week and, I would be pretty sure, usually spent more each time than the average customer.

    At first, if he was around, I always made a point of giving a bit of a wave in the owner’s direction but when that was ignored I just assumed that he hadn’t see me or was having wife problems or whatever. He did have friends around from time to time and I could understand why, at such times, he would ignore others. But very often I was his only customer and I started to feel uncomfortable when he would walk past me, a couple of feet away, in an otherwise empty room and not even acknowledge my existence.

    Don’t get me wrong, I wasn’t looking for a free drink or for him to remember my birthday or even my name - I go to plenty of establishments where I don’t know who owns the place or where nobody speaks to me other than to take my order.

    What annoyed me was the fact that over that year and a half, I was probably his best customer and that, whereas he seemed capable of acting courteously on occasions, he consistently treated me as if I didn’t exist.

    I’d like to think that, while I’m not exactly the life and soul of every party, I’m mostly easy going and not usually paranoid, but eventually I concluded that, for some unknown reason, the guy had developed a positive dislike of me, so, with not a few regrets because I really liked the food and the staff, I stopped going to his place. Being made to feel unwelcome does get to even the most laid-back individual eventually.

    I still see some of the staff regularly and I think they wonder what happened to me.

    Obviously how restaurant owners treat their customers is a matter for themselves, but I would have thought that as they are evidently there to maintain and develop their businesses, they would at least realise the importance of good customer relations and try to see things from their patrons’ perspectives. Can any of them afford to alienate customers, and especially good customers, regardless of whatever personal feelings they develop towards them?

    Speaking of Fish and Chips, out the sukhumvit road towards rayong same side as tesco near the thrapaya junction, very good

    there is also one on the same soi as crazy daves just up a little also not bad

    Most things out here should be at a price ratio of 1 to 4 including food, so if fish and chips in the UK is 3 quid it should be well under 100baht, someone here is making big money in the food chain, maybe not the retailer but certaintly somewhere through the supply chain

  11. problem in this country is open competition is not allowed, areas are controlled by mafia types and do price fixing, it is really up to the torist or expat to try and boycott them as much as possible, the hire of cheap motorbike could be a very viable alternative, surely you would soon recover the 500baht/week rental but would also be nice to know your money was not going to a rep off thai

  12. you think the rain will continue tomorrow, I'm due a visa run usually on my bike but if raining I'll be hiring a car for the day, rain all day here in pattaya, if you think it will be dry tomorrow I may risk it and head off early, don't mind getting wet the first leg of my journy as long as it is going to get dryer as I travel towards trat

  13. During sonkran I managed to get my passport wet, or slightly damp, a few pages with old stamps from previous years have become smudged, don't know what sort of ink they use in those border stams but they don't like water, all the main pages are fine, the last stamps from my last border run are fine, my visa is fine, surely past pages of stamps etc are of no interest, if I replaced my passport tomorrow they wouldn't be there anyway.

    Also is it ok to do the visa run on the exact stamp date of your 90th day, I was going to go today but the weather is crap so waiting till tomorrow which is the expirey date of my 90 days.

  14. SOURCE: Pattaya People: April 26th 2007

    The Would Be Thieving Drug Addicts

    At midnight on 26th April the Pattaya police was informed by the neighbour of a house located in Soi Wat Boonkajanaram Temple, Jomtien, that two suspicious men had climbed into his neighbour’s garden and had been hiding in the bushes for over 2 hours.

    When the police and volunteers arrived the men walked out. When searched, nothing illegal was found on them but when inspecting the bushes, the team found a few screwdrivers and other equipment, which appeared they were preparing to make a break-in entry, so escorted them to Dongtan Sub-station for more questioning.

    Santaphol, aged 26 and Kaewprasit, aged 30, denied any wrong doing. They stated that they came to visit a friend who lives around there but couldn’t remember which house it was so entered the wrong house. They also said that they went into the bushes because they had a stomach ache and wanted to defecate there.

    It seemed impossible for them to forget their friend’s house. The police queried why were they there for 2 hours and if they defecated then how come no proof was found other than this equipment the police found? The police decided to check their urine and soon discovered that both had been taking drugs. It was then when they confessed that they tried to break in to the house.

    However, the police could only charge them for taking drugs since there was no other evidence or proof of a break in.

    Beware: These men might do more than leave stools in your garden, they might want to break & enter!

    Sounds like a load <deleted> to me :o

    did they not admit to attempted burglary..................................am I missing something here

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